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ok today out of nowhere i did a 4th gear pull and i hit 19 psi. any one knows how to do a boost leak test
im going to try this and check back on here
is located close to the oem BCS on top closer to the turbo
ok so i try this ^^^ and i went down to 11 psi. so i guess is not the WG
i had someone ride with me and check with the AP and it would only go up to 17 psi
yes is tock on 15-16 psi. im runing a hks ssq bov full recirculated and the map is for the vf22
no i havent try the stock bcs and yes i reset the ecu 1 week ago i have a front 02 sensor bad could that be it what driving me crazy is that it...
i try 3 boost controllers and the same
got a custom map for the vf22 it was runing fine. this start happening right after my cluth started to give out 3 months ago
mods: full turbo back vf22 turbo xs FMIC AP V1 custom map for the vf22 K&N short ram intake Forge manual boost controller just replace...
so my car is acting crazy. is not letting me go over or lower from 15-16psi. i already check for leaks and nothing dont know what to do. need help
how much do they go 4
dam i just replace my clutch this car is killing me :( anyone has a cheap one?
what can i do?
looking 4 a shop where i can get me clutch install 4 cheap thanx
just want to know how much power the stock sti clutch can handle?
thanx question do i need to unplug the stock boost solenoid