Hello ladies and gentlemen! Here's your 2014 dinner meet thread! 2013 was another fantastic year with new members flooding to these to meet other members and get to know them and their cars better! Time as usual is 7:00PM. And away we go! (Yes, I copy/pasted from the 2013 thread. Deal with it...) February 4th, February 18th: Raging Burrito - Decatur yelp | urbanspoon | map Park HERE March 4th, March 18th: Taco Mac - Prado yelp | urbanspoon | map April 1st, April 15th: Grand Champion BBQ yelp | urbanspoon | map April 29th, May 13th: Fellini's Howell Mill yelp | urbanspoon | map May 27th, June 10th: Villains Wicked Heroes - Midtown yelp | urbanspoon | map June 24th, July 8th: 5 Seasons - Prado yelp | urbanspoon | map July 22nd, August 5th: Taco Mac - Dunwoody This is in the Ashford Crossing shopping center. Park at the top of the parking deck. August 19th, September 2nd: Grub Burger - Cumberland 2955 Cobb Parkway SE, Suite 820, Atlanta, GA 30339 September 16th, September 30th: Bone Garden Cantina yelp | urbanspoon | map October 14th, October 28th: La Parilla - Norcross yelp | urbanspoon | map November 11th, November 25th: The Pub - Perimeter Mall yelp | urbanspoon | map December 9th, December 16th: Meehan's Public House yelp | urbanspoon | map Since the last one would technically be 2 days before Christmas, we'll have 2 right in a row.
I tried to get stuff in Gwinnett... Norcross was as close as I could really find anything that was still good for marietta/west side folks. If there's any other suggestions, for somewhere like...midtown, let me know! RiRa was good, but there's a ton of places in midtown... The Local?
Had a good meal at Villains the other night. Wouldn't be big enough unless we did the meet in the summer on their patio. http://www.villains-atl.com
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a Safari/9537.53) Going to try and make a point of coming out to more dinner meets.
I'll try to make it out to one of these for 2014. For the Raging Burrito meetups, Decatur parking meters arent enforced after 7pm so grab one and pay til then. Or pay to park at the Raging Lot.
I was thinking we could all meet in the courthouse parking deck. They open that up after 6 I think...
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a Safari/9537.53) Villians is really cool, their patio bar is awesome when the weather is nice.
They have parking behind the restaurant, it was Valet the night I went but I don't know if they do valet every night. Otherwise there is that pay lot a quarter block over.
Remember that they offer 90 minute validated parking in the parking lot behind their patio. Just bring your parking receipt to the restaurant for validation, and the lot attendant will refund your $5 parking fee when you leave. I should be at the next one, unfortunately i'll miss this one due to a conflict tonight.
I'll miss as well unfortunately. I am suffering from a disease called, toyota prius. I dare not show myself at such an event in such a chariot. In other news, ETS kit going on this weekend, w00p! Next meet i'll be there in full glory.
i thought i was going to be able to make this one, but I just had a job thrown at me, and I have to catch up on a couple other projects this week. Until next time.
i was looking forward to it too, been a while since I caught up with you all, and I haven't been to raging in about 6months.
I'm horrible with names the two new guys One of you asked me when is the first major service. If you wanted me to work on it I should of given you better contact info. To get me to work on it you have to go through a certain route.. Like I told Matt tonight. I can work on it just I work in a different service part now. PM me and I'll give you my number or how to get an appointment setup for me to do the work.
That was probably Ben actually. I've got some time before I need to start thinking about major service haha.
Yeah that was me (Ben). Thanks for the heads up. On a different note, does anyone know where to take my car to get a rock chip fixed up? I was looking at the front of my car and have a massive rock chip by the hood scoop and I am a little concerned about it. Thanks.
i hated to miss this a. for the venue, b. its the first one, c. a long time since the last one, however, the next date looks good
I shall put forth so grand an effort, that you might actually see me. I should really put my bumper on.
Will someone either meet me here at the house or nearby when it's time to go so that I can follow you? I have no clue about parking lots / decks / entrances / foo help.
https://maps.google.com/maps?t=m&q=125+W+Trinity+Pl,+Decatur,+GA+30030&output=classic here is the free parking-short walk to restaurant,looking forward to seeing your car