Anybody have or have access to scales, that are will to share? Looks like my source is having them tuned up/reworked.
2-event weekend with ARSCCA first weekend in August... Sat: ATL Region SCCA 2016 Points 4 - Sun: ATL Region SCCA 2016 Points 5 -
September Fastrack was posted There is a 2017 proposal to move the 2009-2014 WRX to STX.
Yeah I just saw that. Hopefully that will help get some more WRX guys out that are slightly mod'ed. On other news, we just had a team solo SCCA site test or a new location. This will also hopefully add a 7th points event to the SCCA calendar. So keep an eye out on your mailboxes.
AXA #6 registration is open! AutoXAtlanta Points 6 -
I've got new springs on my car and a new rear sway. Unfortunately my clutch is slipping and I've got some family obligations so it looks like I have to miss points 6
Getting a bent RPF1 repaired as I type this... It's slight, but noticeable at speed. Also trashed my shitty spline lugs for some shiny new chrome ones from Z1 Motorsports! Thought I had a stripped wheel stud, but upon closer inspection, it was a stripped lug nut.
When it doubt replace with ARP studs and steel lugs. I stripped 3 studs in the same weekend last year. Luckily I saw it coming the day that 2 happened so I had 5 spares with me.
Yeah... The rear is a fair PITA because the longer ARP studs require you to partially assemble the damn drum ebrake assembly to gain room to insert them through the hub. If (or rather, when) I do wheel bearings, I'll go ARP studs in each one. I'm keeping the wheel stud I just bought for those lovely Justin Case moments.
Ya the extended studs are a PITA on the subarus as well. You have to take off the knuckle on a 4 wheels to get the damn things in. The stockers are a cake walk though. Wack them with a hammer then stack some washers to pull them through. Takes less than 5 mins.
Whelp, turns out I didn't need to replace a rear stud! Also, while troubleshooting my vibration at Z1 Motorsports, we discovered it was a combination of worn out LCA inner bushings and my passenger front wheel bearing. I had Z1 replace the LCA inner and shock mount bushings, and I drove it home and replaced the bearing. Also installed new ARP studs in the hub for good measure! And, of course, I have a 2nd *slightly* bent RPF1. Just enough to notice at 70, and much more noticeable at speeds above the posted limit. Funny enough, the Z takes the same studs as Subarus, so my ARP kit is actually labeled for the STI. Oh, and Auto X Atlanta Points #7 registration is open! AutoXAtlanta Points 7 -
Unfortunately can't make #7 due to work travel. #6 was a bit frustrating even though the car seemed to work well. After the protest in STX at nationals there has been a lot of talk about opening up boost in ST classes. Any opinions on that? I would expect to see some proposals soon in an upcoming Fastrack. The protest at nationals was denied on the premise there was no way to prove/disprove the legality of the car. The PC gave the directive it's something the SEB should look at immediately. It was a really hot topic in like 2002-2003 when the WRX came out, but kind of died off as everyone seemed to follow the no-boost change rule pretty well. I still don't think it's a big issue, but something will likely happen.
I think mucking with what's already in place will further muddy the waters... Every car responds slightly differently to similar mods.
My opinion on opening up boost is as follows for STU. Its really not going to make that big of a difference. The only 2 cars in class that it would aid is the STi and the Evo. Evo will gain quite a bit of horsepower, but STi would gain that much torque with some horsepower gains. You have think you are at peak boost maybe 10-15% of the time you are on course? I'm already touching close to 19psi on a tune that only allows 14.5 with the computer, the only difference that would be made by opening it up is that I could run a tune that would allow the turbo to actually maintain that 19psi longer. You aren't really going to see much gain here unless we're able to swap out the turbo, add a different intercooler, and give it more fuel. Do I want this, damn straight I do, but it isn't going to make the boost buggies overpowered for the class. If anything it is going to make it alil more of an even race between the Z cars and the Vettes. Now for STX... That may break the class... If you allow open boost for 2015-17 WRX's that's going to be ROUGH on the twins. You'll be racing a WRX with close to 300whp and as much torque... Then if they open up boost and dump the 2.5L WRX's in there... oh boy are you in trouble... At that point is basically an STi with open difs...
Damn, son, you fast! Big thanks to Zack for making me even more jealous of proper AWD launches... Sweet. Googly. Moogly. My Z can't do that...
I think if I ever was to choose not to drive a Subaru anymore, I might have to try one of those Z cars... So much fun. I swear it attracts cones to hit though, like seriously it pulls the cones closer to the car... lol That thing is going to be a weapon of autox destruction once you get a diff and some heavier springs on it.
The 3 wheeler going into the corner is usually not a terrible problem, unless you are carrying the wheel still when you try to exit the corner. Miles and I experienced that with his car at the last event. He had fixed the issue by adding stiffness to the front of the car and loosing up the back. As far an oversteer issue... What kind of tire pressures were you running? My car had a very BIG oversteer issue early in the day with cold tires, I end up dropping my tire pressures to a cold 28 till my 3rd run when they were a bit warmer, then I was only running a warm 29. The RE71R has a great sidewall so you don't have to run mid 30s in the rear. If I run more than 32 in my rear tires the car is borderline uncontrollable with oversteer.
I am going to have to counter this statement as it depends on the wheel the tire is attached too. I started at 37, but ended the day with 36 in the rear. similar for the front, it started at 34, and ended at 33.
My tires are pretty square on the wheel, where your's are alil stretched. Also you like your car very twitchy... I ran mine at 32f\29r on my fast runs. The REALLY fast run I did that had 2 cones on it was at 32f\30r.
Yes, the Z is a proper replacement for the STI! Just needs a few things to really make it fun... :-D Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Yea, I going to try loosing up the rear first. I'm running 41/34 on Dunlop Star Spec's. I was just surprised how high the tire is off the ground. I could really feel the over steer in the slalom, a lot of my problem was me driving like a meat head
Holy COW! 41psi... that is REALLY high for an actual autox tire. Since most of the weight is over the front tires you can usually afford to go pretty low on your back tire pressures to provide more grip. I've always run 28-32psi in the rear regardless of my tire choice, that goes the stones, Nitto NT05, PSS, and the stock dunlops. I've found that anything over 32 makes the car VERY tail happy. Oversteer is a one of those things that you kinda want to happen with a subaru, but its kinda hard to get them to do it. Oversteer can also be solved by just not lifting most of the time. If you keep that pedal down atleast some the back end isnt going anywhere most of the time. Most subaru handling woes can be solved with... I get alot of lift off and brake oversteer, but not alot of throttle oversteer unless my tire pressures are to high in the rear or my tires are cold. If my tires are good it get to be very entertaining for spectators... lol Tire pressures are easy to tweak and mess with since AXA gives us 6 runs, that way you can get your tires warm then do 2 runs with 1 pressure setting and 2 with another and still have 1 run to actually use the setting you decided worked best.
That's what the chalk test gave me. I can probably afford to go lower. LOL! Unfortunately I don't have the locking diffs you have, so I get a lot of wheel spin. I am debating putting a locking diff in the front.
That is only a single point of reference for determining tire pressures. Another is just plain feal. The one I like to use the most is tire temps. As this also tells you about the alignment.
I was talking to Zach about this, and figured I would let everyone know my findings. Street Prepared classes does allow fender modes. I have copied the SP rule below to show. So Jeffery this does mean you are one more step closer to ASP....
Points 8! AutoXAtlanta Points 8 -
SCCA Points #6! This Saturday! ATL Region SCCA 2016 Points 6 - I am needing to leave early Saturday, so I am going to be trying my hand in the Pro class Saturday... that should be interesting...
yeah, but at some point you have to take into account the accuracy of the timing equip. This is why swimming event are only times to the hundredth of a second and not thousandth.
I feel like there would need to be some sort of testing in regards to the accuracy of the equipment... Then a discussion about an edit to the timing systems to only go to a hundredth instead of a thousandth... That sounds like a lot of paperwork...
haha. I have seen post about the farmtec stuff. Something to do with the wifi hysteresis or something. I never read into, but I may need to now because 0.00008% is dang close.....
Damn, that's close. You guys have any video from yesterday? I'm courious where you are gaining 3 sec on me.
Hey I've got Points 8 photos ready, sorry took a bit longer, i'm sorta in the middle of a n. carolina forest in a cabin. AutoXAtlanta Points 8 -
Miles usually does run a camera. I have one, but always forget to put it on the car and remember to actually edit the video and post them. I know one place I know I gained a lot of time during the EAR session was enter the gated sections wider. The box offsets at the end of the course for sure, then the other rather fast section coming back toward the trailer. If you end up coming to the SCCA event Saturday and Sunday I'll try to remember to put my camera on. I'll be running Pro in the morning Saturday, so if you get there early I'll throw you in the passenger seat for some comparison.
BUHAHAHAHA This picture is pure gold... you need to send this one to Tim... lol
...and don't forget the Champion of Champion event on Sunday: Final Autocross Weekend Registration | Atlanta Region SCCA -