I will add that this is usually the most fun we have all season is at this event. I always look forward to this event every year.
I don't think I will make it this weekend. I wanted to compare my video to yours to see exactly where you are gaining on me. I have a feeling a lot of it is on corner exit.
With 3 seconds of difference its prolly going to less of how fast we are coming out of corners and more to do with the lines we take through them as well as fighting the urge to touch the brake pedal. I was having a major problem with that. I'll bring a camera to the next couple of events so that we can compare footage for the next one to see if we can find your 3 seconds. If you post your video I'll take a look at it and giving some critiquing.
So... you seem to be not using your right pedal as much as you should be. You are VERY tidy and dont seem to be going for it all the way. Your lines look good, you are doing this very well. I wish I was that tidy. With slaloms you want to speed up as fast as you can in them until you get to that sweet spot where you dont need to slow to get through and you cant go any faster and still get through. Then just hold the throttle right there to maintain the speed. You did it fairly well, but you were still modulating throttle alil to much and it upset the car alil bit. The sections at 1:32, you should have held down the throttle and steered. I mean to bury your foot in it, tap the brake for the left hander and bury it again then modulate through the offsets. Then again after that next U-turn at 1:49 you should be 100% throttle right there till your braking point for the next U-Turn. The offsets through the finish you should be 60%-100% all the way through there. I came across the lights bouncing off the rev limiter on my fast runs. In offsets, make sure you are using the whole course, if you go alil wider you are able to carry ALOT more speed through some sections. The left hander after the section at 1:32 is a good example of, you cut yourself off just hair there. The WRX and STi like to be slapped on the ass and abused. To be fast in one you have to embrace the violence that ensues when you drive the living crap out of it. If your stomach isnt a half mile behind you and you feel in complete control of the car you arent going fast enough... Miles and I climb out of the car with the shakes after a good run.
Cool, thanks for the advice. Man I thought I was going as deep as possible on the brakes. I guess I need to trust the car more.
I think you are underestimating the grip you have and going to softly into corners, given I haven't ridden in your car in a while, but it did seem like you werent working hard enough trying to keep the car pointed in the right direction. Next event you run, push it till you either loose it or almost loose it. Then you'll know where the limit is so you can push it. Also, learn to shuffle steer. It'll help a lot with mid corner car control. Crossing up like I saw you do once or twice leaves you with limited options. I know the WRX brakes arent quite the huge 4 pot brembos we have, but if you put a good brake pad in there those will work quite well. What pads are you running? I know Miles and I are running Hawk HP+.
I was there both days... Congrats to Zac for the STU win, and for Miles on winning Sunday by a large margin! Wish I could've pulled my head out of my ass Sunday afternoon, as I wound up over a second faster on my first fun run. :unamused: Saturday: Sunday:
I know it's 2017 now, but didn't feel like creating a new thread. The new Fastrack came out. This one has a rule proposal to make engine management in ST open, which means boost. Note the rule change would take effect in 2018, not this year. http://cdn.growassets.net/user_files/scca/downloads/000/018/654/17-fastrack-January-Solo.pdf
This is exciting news indeed... If its a 2018 rule, that gives me time to get funds for header and uppipe. Did they eve make the bumper reinforcement rule official for Street and ST?
I just found the clause that disallows it for ST... 14.10a I may need to order a new fender liner... The one on the driver's side is pretty well worked over... lol
this is for the windage tray in the oil pan. unless you are looking at the 2017 draft, thin it does allow "diff" covers to be changed....