Have any of you seen this wing...or lack there of? You will have to look closely at the pics to see the detail...let me know what you think!
It is the stock STI wing, with the top half removed. I never saw the new end cap things in those pictures before, but have seen many threads on Nasioc about removing the top part of the wing.
I've never seen those endcaps before. But why in the world would you remove just the top part of your wing? It looks like crap, and it has no practical advantages (maybe better visibility out the rear window).
Kinda hard to tell. First pic of the close-up, has the caps cut off by the top of the pic. Second pic is too far away to see any detail. Need an inbetween shot to really be able to say whether I like it or not. At the moment, I am leaning towards not.
dude milo I am surprised you havent gotten a set of the STi wing risers yet... actually, surprised isnt the right word....disappointed is better...
Yeah this was the responce I was expecting...I love my big stock wing! Also I like Milo's Idea!!! LOL
Thats even more goofy than the zero sport risers for the normal WRX! Have you seen those? They look terrible...
Does milo have those? I've never met him. ha ha and if he bans me for having an opinion, so be it. hnoes:
You might disagree, but I think they looked much better on my old car. And no, I won't ban you for having an opinion
yeah i was gonna say it looks like he is trying to show the flex. "look at me, ima jeep fanboi!!!" and Face those things are ugly as sin. i will kick you in the nuts twice for each one next time i see you if you even ponder getting those things.
I'd get clear caps if i had an Sti wing, and put some strobes in them or something, to get a 'lazerz' effect. +1 anybody?
To each his own, but FYI, if you're serious about the functionality of the wing, I would remove the roof vane spoiler. W/o the big STI wing to create downforce, the roof vane is actually LIFTING the car at speed. It's designed to push air down (and thus the car up) so that more air hits the STI wing (which will add enough downforce to cancel the vane). There's a whole thread about it here: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=956697 Other than that, it IS different.......
The only car that I ever thought the the zeroshit risers looked good on was milos car, as it was all black, and then blended in nicely
Hey man - might want to wipe off your nose! J/k Yeah - I do agree - they looked good on his old car from the pics... I'm still too n00b to have seen it in person!