Anyway you can give me an estimate for regasketing the UP/DP. I am imaging it will cost about the same as a UP/DP install, but don't know how much you guys charge to do it. Also, any way to provide an estimate for installing SS brake lines, new rotors and pads, if I provide all the parts. including brake fluid? Thanks for any help, I will understand if you just tell me to call tomorrow...
Its about $350+ gaskets for the UP/DP. For Lines, bleed, rotors and are looking at around $400 in labor. *yes, I see that this is about a month*
Already had the Brakes done, probably going to just re-gasket the up/dp myself. Thanks for posting though!
Well, the leak sounds like its at the turbo, due to the high pitched whine. So I only bought the UP-Turbo Gasket. Think I should go get the other one as well? I have the UP-Turbo Gasket, Turbo-dp gasket and both header gaskets where they connect to the block-pipe.
I'd do both since you're ripping it apart, no sense in saving $10 or whatever if the risk is having to tear the damn thing apart AGAIN later on.
^^ Agreed. Don't want to have to pull it apart again because you didn't pick up another gasket. Not sure in what order you tightened everything up, but you may want to look at that as well.
Can you describe the sound? I may need someone to ride in/drive my car to tell me if I have a leak. I never had a turbo car and I have an aftermarket UP/DP. I used new gaskets, but it sounds alot louder than I thought it would
If you had a leak it would sound like, as Weapon WRX describes it, a screaming cat. Its normal that you hear more noise from the car, just not a very loud screaming for the other gaskets, guess I am heading to SOG... will know it if you have the "screaming cat" leak. It sounds like a cat being tortured in your engine bay..its a great way to scare the shit out of people though