CV Joint

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by wileycoyote0022, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. wileycoyote0022

    May 12, 2008
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    Ok so I was driving down to my buddys house yesterday and I noticed a slight smell of rubber buring, didnt think anything of it thinking someone was doing burn outs right before i came threw. Then today I smelled it again when I got out of my car at home depot. Looked around my tires to see if anything was hanging down touching the tires but nothing was. After I got done at Home depot I was in the car for about 5 mins (mind you I havent been beating on the car at all) and i noticed a little bit of smoke or steam coming out of the scoop. I pulled over in to another parking lot and looked around the engine cab and found nothing, checked the belts and they looked fine. Rev'ed the engine fast, and also held a steady high RPM and nothing happened no smoke no nothing. I got to thinking maybe I had something touching the down pipe and it was smoking. Looked down around the down pipe and noticed a large amount of grease. I havent put the car up on blocks yet but I am pretty sure it is the CV boot or joint. I dont have any weird vibrations or clicking noises. I dont know how much grease is in the boot. But I have about 30 miles to go to get home today. Do you think it will be ok to drive on, and what should I look for when I take that boot off? How much does a boot run? Last case senario if it is a CV joint, how much do passenger side axel go for?
  2. integroid

    Supporting Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    Honestly, you are probably better off getting a good reman than trying to swap the boot out yourself. I could probably swap axle's in 45 minutes on my car now. It will take you about an hour just to swap out the boot. I have seen good remans for like $75.
  3. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sep 5, 2005
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    Napa has good remans for $69.95 with your core.
  4. midnight_rider

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Yeah you can get an axle for under 100 all day. You should be safe driving it. Ive seen people drive on ripped boots for a long time. The swap is easy too. Take off the wheel take off the axle nut. you can either take your strut loose or the lower ball joint but if you take the strut loose make sure you mark the bolts or you will need an alignment. there's a pin that holds the axle in just use a punch to knock it out and the axle should come out.

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