Deals Gap Anyone?

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by JeremyW, Feb 7, 2004.

  1. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Anyone up for a day run up to Deals Gap in western NC?

    Now that I've got the STi, I'm kind of getting the bug to make a VERY early spring run up to Deal's Gap.

    If you've never heard of Deal's Gap, the check out
    This is a section of US129 between NC and Tenn that features 318 turns in an 11 mile stretch of road. It's tight, twisty and a ton of fun. They call it the Tail of the Dragon for good reason. The sport bike guys usually own the place during the summer months.

    I'm a member of the Georgia Triumph Association (Sports Cars) and we make an annual pilgramage up there in the old TR's. It's usally the highlight of the year.

    I'm pretty familiar with the area so if anyone wants to make a day of it...let me know.


  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder
    Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    That could be a fun thing to do sometime, I may be game.
  3. fez

    fez The Arabian Sensation

    Oct 7, 2003
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    hrm maybe we can plan a few more meets down here..and come summer or spring time we could plan a date to go.
  4. JeremyW

    JeremyW New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Some of you know that I'm also into the old British sportscar scene and have two Triumph TR8's. We were doing a run up to Deals Gap and the Cherohala parkway yesterday but I couldn't wait to get the new STi up there, so I drove it instead and ran with the British guys. While I was up there, I saw two WRX's (both silver) and exchanged waves as we passed each other on the dragon. This morning, I checked one of the Deals Gap sportbike sites and found this on the front page:

    That just makes me ashamed to be driving a WRX. This guy is going to get someone killed! There was no way he could have any idea what was coming around that next turn. I don't know this guy and I don't really think I want to. If anyone I ever run with does something this stupid, you can be I'm going to peel off and go my seperate way as I want nothing to do with this crap. Now don't get me wrong...I run Deals Gap fast and hard, but I use common sense and I stay in my lane except when I am effecting a pass and I can see far enough ahead to make it safe. I ride motorcycles too and everyone knows motorcycles are all over the gap. I play fair and when I'm in my cars up there; I watch out for them and share the road with everyone. Bikes are particularly vunerable to idiots like this so it just makes me that much more mad about it.

    If anyone knows this guy, smack him upside the head for me and knock some sense into him.

  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder
    Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Yeah, what an idiot. :/

    I'm gonna see about finding us a nice sized parking lot for sometime so we could create a small little autocross type enviorment for few hours for ourselves. We do need to meet up first and I'm still up for anywhere, except my availability is decreasing once again.

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