Over the past little while, I've been looking into different ways to improve the performance of my car (I have an '05 STi). The more I look at it, the best way for me to actually be able to get the most out of it would be to attend a driving school. Has anyone out there attended one? I'd really just like to be able to 'use' the car that I've got. Any recommendations?
Most here go to Scott Siegels School Id recommend giving him a yell and seeing what he recommends. I definately getting some good instruction, I still am glad I had a chance to go to my first schools I had a chance to be taught by a guy named Fletcher Williams and he greatly improved my skills and tips I remember to this day. Go for it!
Call Scott Siegel...404-388-8751..he runs Siegel Racing Driver Instruction Clinics (http://www.siegelracing.com/srdic.html) and the rock! I've taken two of them already...you'll learn so much about your car and it's capabilities with yourself behind the wheel. Of course, I'll caution you...it's addicting! Join the club. :bigthumb:
another thumbs up for scott's school... i loved it when i attended and learned a whole lot... by the way, do u go to tech?
^^What he said, or are you an alumni? I havent done any of Scott's clinic but I went up there and watched at the last one and it was a good time.
I have done Scotts school, and I also just last week did the Evolution Autocross School. Both are excellent, but your school should be based on what you plan to do with the car. If you Autocross a good bit, I would do the Evo School first. You will learn alot. If you plan on just enjoying normal driving, or plan on track racing ever, do Scotts school. All in all, I would do both, but figure out which you want to do more. Also Scotts school is getting to be pretty regular, that is, at least one a month, if not more. The Evo School only comes around once in a while. I think the next one is next month sometime, but then not again until around September. Good luck choosing, and you are making one of the best decisions possibly. Learn to drive and then you will learn what needs to be modded on your car to suit your driving style.
Thanks for the advice gentlemen, I'll look up Scott when I get back to Atlanta. Since you asked, I am a Tech grad, ME '01. Thanks again.
I'll recommend Scott's school too. He knows the STi's so he can give specific advice for your car. After the school you'll understand your car and it's limits better. I did a Panoz track day afterwards at Road Atlanta and had fun there. You won't learn as much at the track day, but RA is faster & more fun. PS. I'm Tech alum too.
'99 CS! (I started in '90 and went to school off & on over the years. Frickin co-op program and no help from parentals dragged the pain out)
Tommy: Did you hear I graduated? Richard: Yeah and just a shade under a decade. All right. Tommy: You know a lot of people go to college for seven years. Richard: I know, they're called doctors. :keke: