I don't like blue in there. It puts a LOT of strain on your eyes and causes fatigue. It can also be the equivalent to high beams in your face, causing poor visibility in traffic. That part is quite dangerous! That's why most manufacturers use green, red, or white LEDs.
It's not consistent in illumination....why is the left side so much brighter than the right on the cluster?
Actually it's because the stock sockets are in much closer proximity to the areas they shine through than they are on the speedometer and tachometer. It's not perfect but neither is the car. I like it. I actually look out the windshield 95% of the time and dim these a tad so really no danger involved IMHO.
I'm a hopeless parts collector. Who wants to put all this stuff on for me? :naughty: Yeah, I know...not happening. Anyway, much of this will be assembled and then it'll be time to tune again.
Got a pile of brand new Whiteline bushings from someone that sold his car before ever installing them on NASIOC for a fraction of what new would have cost. Got some stuff off Ebay and then some used stuff here and off NASIOC. Still keeping this thing as cheap as possible. Hopefully I'm done for awhile. I've gotta get to installing ASAP.
the install of most of that is fairly easy and straight forward. Should only take a few hours just make sure to take your time removing bolts that haven't been loosened in a while
Wanted a steering wheel that was more appropriate for the Evil Wagon. The wooden Nardi from my Miata was a good interim solution but I scored this off Flea Bay: Advertised as being from a JDM BC BF Legacy. I certainly have no idea if that's true but the wheel is cool as it gets. Unfortunately, the leather wrap was sun baked & cracked. I had this leather repair stuff in the garage. I cleaned it, filled the cracks with the filler: The leather was then dyed black & then I conditioned it so it'd look good. It's attached with some sexy, gold, titanium screws: Nevermind the rest of the steering column being in pieces. I have some repairs to do and someone from Flea Bay shipped the wrong part.
You should consider giving that wheel to JPM Coachworks and let them rewrap it in alcantara or in real leather. They can also restitch it in blue to match your interior.
And throw away all my hard work? :| I actually contacted JPM and Redline about restoring this wheel. I know that they do outstanding work but I'm just way too poor. Curious as to why you thought this wheel wasn't already wrapped in leather? It is, that's what I repaired. Not perfect but it was in budget.
Lol! Danged internet! I didn't mean for that to sound snappy at all. I was just asking because I was genuinely curious. I also completely AGREE with your opinion...just couldn't afford it.
Understood.....it looks good and I understand where you coming from. Things done at the caliber of JPM isn't cheap!
Pic isn't as good as in person bc leather conditioner is still wet on it. It'll tone down with normal use I think...well I hope. :rofl:
Some updates: Grimmspeed EBCS KS Tech Cold Air Intake: Also installed the Walbro 255lph fuel pump. Now I have to get all of this tuned with the MSPNP3 that is on the wagon. That is in the works. Now on to the not-so-good: You can see the wet & the green from my failing radiator. I ordered a dual core aluminum unit. Will have to swap this out soon as well. Hopefully this along with full swapping out of all fluids will get me to the dyno for the final tune.
Installed the Torque Solutions pitch stop: It was an easy install bc the TMIC had to come off anyway to install this turbo inlet:
I did the wiggle, wiggle. It had its moments but I think start to finish was about 2 and half hours. Seems a little long but this included 2 different occasions of having to fish things I dropped out of the dark crevices of the boxer motor. I didn't have my magnet to help either.
I tried the wiggle wiggle on my wrx. After 10 minutes of struggling i gave up and took the long route. Im glad that it worked out for you.
The wiggle wiggle can get dangerous on a silicone inlet....doesn't take much to cut it and cause a leak.
Saw the car at Caffeine and octane and Top Speed but didn't see you. I heard you talked to Julian the owner after me? Swapping the top mount out with an Sti one?
I was the dude in the Fire Department uniform. Julian didn't point you out so I didn't know you were there. I have an STi TMIC I bought but the one already on the car is aftermarket & it's bigger. So, I now have an STi TMIC for sale.
Ah man we stood right next to eachothe lol. Leave it to julian not to introduce us. How much for the top mount? Send me a message.
The Ethylene Glycol (C2H6O2) leakage problem on the Evil Wagon was addressed with delivery of this yesterday: I installed it yesterday along with new silicone top & bottom hoses: It's a dual core Ebay special in keeping with my super budget build here. Seems like a decent piece despite the small price tag.