FP red

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by apssti, May 4, 2006.

  1. apssti

    apssti Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    who here is runing a red? if so is there any lag and when does it really kick in?
  2. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    BigBoosing just put down around 500 with an FP if I remember right, but yeah. I'm pretty sure it's a tad bit laggy.
    #2 bluetwo, May 4, 2006
    Last edited: May 4, 2006
  3. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Lag's definitely there, but not too bad in my opinion

    300 ft lbs torque at 3800

    My dyno:

    Keep in mind the dyno only goes to 6400rpm because my UTEC is messed up and causing the car not to rev over 6400. Hopefully will be fixing that next week and I can get a proper dyno. So the dyno curve looks bad at first glance, but then it is missing the last 800 rpms
  4. javid

    javid Member

    Oct 13, 2004
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    Also you will be limited to about 470 whp w/ an internal gate. The key is a nice external.
  5. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Pretty sure lusti on iwsti has an internal and put down 485
  6. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Why are you running a UTEC over AP or Ecutek? I'm not hating, I'm just curious.
  7. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Because I think it's better because I can run multiple maps

    I have a map for just 93 in case I go on a trip and don't have meth with me
    I have a map for 93+meth for daily asskikin
    I will have a map (after I figure out this current problem I'm having) for C16+meth for special asskikin days
    I have security and vallet maps

    Can't do that with AP (efficiently) or Ecutek. All I have to do is press a button in the car and boom, instantaneous asskikin power.

    If I do ever use Ecutek, it will be under the Utec so I can mess with AVCS cams and for emissions

    Plus, with Utec I can go in there and change something if I need to, turn on and off my launch control/flat foot shifting. Can monitor and log with the Utec. Can confuse and scare rednecks when they see a laptop hooked up to the car.

    So you see, overall, Utec is the win.
    #7 BigBoosting, May 4, 2006
    Last edited: May 4, 2006
  8. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Jul 30, 2004
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    It sounds like its working for what you need it for, I'd love to have more maps or at least be able to tell instantly which map I'm in (I'm running ecutek). Have you gotten the 6400rpm issue fixed yet?
  9. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Nah, Doug thinks it's the UTEC. Maybe I just got a bad one. Sounds and feels like the Utec's rev limiter. Moving to Atlanta on Sunday, so next week I'll go back up to TopSpeed and we'll switch out with another one and see if that fixes the problem. If not, it may be my stock computer. If it's not that, well, looks like they STi gets to bunk at TopSpeed for a few days til it gets figured out.
  10. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    Man, I wish EcuTek had vallet control and multiple maps. But then again I'd be happy if they would just get current on WRX's.
  11. apssti

    apssti Member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    BiGBoostin you can run up to 7 maps on the AP just like the utec
  12. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    You can do that, but AP doesn't have any neat kind of switch, all you have is the bulky unit itself. And thus you must be plugged up to your diagnostics port while you're driving all the time. Unless there is something really cool that I know about. Honestly though, I think Utec kind of lost it's special draw once everyone started doing protuning.

    But whatever works for you, I'm certainly not going to argue with someone pushing over 500hp about which ecu is better :)
  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    i had UTEC before i switched to ECUTEK and i was extremely unhappy with it... car would ping like mad whenever the weather changed, and it always felt like the UTEC and the ECU were battling for control... but i know a lot of people make a ton of power with it... glad ur one of those people :bigthumb:
  14. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    I know you can switch maps with AP. But you can't have hi hp on the fly with AccessPort. I don't want to get my doors blown off because someone don't want to wait 5 minutes while I reflash my ECU. That's gay. I don't like dumb control devices in my car like AVCRs or Power FCs or Delta Dash or anything like that. I like the inside of my car stock and I like the outside of my car stock. I don't want an AP dangling around my legs while I drive. All I have in my car is the SMC control box, and I hate that too.

    I think AP is amateur, it doesn't let you see when you're knocking and that's just plain dangerous. Especially on 500 hp. And milo, it's possible you're still knocking, but you don't know because you don't have Utec to tell you.

    And as for the utec and ecu battling for control, you can set at which throttle position the utec takes over control so there is no "battling." So you can lower it for utec to switch over at little throttle, or you can just floor it everywhere like I do
    #14 BigBoosting, May 4, 2006
    Last edited: May 4, 2006
  15. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    here's my understanding... correct me if im wrong:
    i have the ECUTEK data monitor and im always watching knock correction... as long as its +ve, its not knocking... being adaptive, ecutek and AP will pull back timing if they start to detect knock... i dunno if UTEC can do that except flash the CEL if it knocks

    from what i remember (again, correct me if im wrong) UTEC only has 3 static lookup tables (boost, fuel, timing) whereas AP and ECUTEK have over 100 times more... hence the ability to produce a smoother running car
    i had it set at different levels but i never liked it... i assume that if u set it too low, then the UTEC acts somewhat as a standalone and u lose the adaptive capabilities of the ECU :dunno... that may be desirable for some but not for me at this point

    to summarize, i was very unhappy with UTEC and a lot of people who i consider are some of the most knowledgeable people about subarus recommended that i switch over... after the switch, i loved the car so much more... i like my car to drive smooth and feel like its making big power OEM... but some people dont care about that... if ur happy with your UTEC, then thats great... ur obviously making a ton of power
  16. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    I already paid for Ecutek so, I'm stickin to it. Besides I'm sure they'll come out with the new stuff before too long.

    Then I'm gettin a bigger turbo! :naughty:
  17. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    My car drives as smooth as possible, just like stock.

    Also, yes, that is true with Ecutek that you can monitor the knock correction through some kind of data monitor, but how much extra did that cost you? That's my point. I'm not saying you have a bad EM, im saying a UTEC does all the stuff automatically.

    And, the UTEC CAN, YES, CAN change parameters in each map based on the weather outside, or your coolant temp, or any number of parameters you want to set it at. You just have to tell it to.

    The UTEC also, retards timing, it can retard it as much as you want, based on whatever knock count you want it to start pulling timing at.

    I'm not trying to start an EM argument, but people's problems are not with UTEC, the problems are with the people tuning the UTEC.

    Basically it depends on what you and your tuner like.

    Me, I like changing maps with the push of a button, I like instant knock notification, and I like to be able to change ANYTHING in my ECU that I want to, I like having launch control, and I like having a built-in datalogger. I can't get that with the others besides that AP that I can get the street tuner with, but it still lacks the other features.

    The only thing I wish I had was the ability to control the AVCS cams, which that's why im gonna put ECUTEK under my UTEC.
    #17 BigBoosting, May 4, 2006
    Last edited: May 4, 2006
  18. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    ur very lucky then... i have known a LOT of people personally who were very unhappy with their UTEC
    costed me $750... yes its not cheap but otherwise i would buy gauges... i dont like looking at a laptoip while driving... i was going to go with omori, so 3 gauges + install would cost about the same... but the monitor sees everything the ECU sees, can log peaks on certain variables, can see the advance multiplier, etc.
    i did not know that

    this is not an argument... its a discussion... if this does become an argument, i'll treat it like any other argument on the boards and lock this thread immediately... but as long as we have a civil discussion, that will not need to be done :)...

    a lot of the problem can lie in the hands of the tuner because a bad tuner can make good EM look bad... but 2 good tuners convinced me to switch away from UTEC

    couldnt agree more :D... thats y i said that im glad ur happy with it cuz in the end thats what matters
    doesn't UTEC still have only 3 tables for each map or has that changed in the past couple years?
    those r definitely advantages... another disadvantage with ECUTEK (and maybe AP, not sure) is that the stock ECU can't read over ~23psi, somewhere in that ballpark... though on the dyno, it seems to control higher boost...
    thats a good option that i have seen a few people use... u get the fine tuning of ECUTEK and use UTEC to kick it up a notch :)

    once again, this is my opinion based solely on my experience and maybe the experiences of some good friends... im not saying my opinion wont change in the future but in the near future, i think im going the AP route :D
  19. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    I gotta get rid of my fancy Omori because it only reads up to 25 psi :(

    Yeah, I guess it comes down to what your tuner likes to tune. What's easier for them or what they have more experience with. I love my Utec and use the car for drag purposes, for which the launch control is good for and the multiple maps are good for, so I don't think Doug would ever try to convince me to switch.

    They have boost, timing, and fuel tables, yes. The Ecutek basically unlocks the factory ECU, and you make changes to the tables in the factory ECU. That's also why Ecutek can never be taken off an ecu. Most of the other tables are for smoothing out the ride and other random stuff, but I'd rather have the advantages of the utec, my ride is smooth as it is. I'll have to take you for a ride when I'm in ATL. The only thing I think the Ecutek is better than the Utec about is the AVCS cams.

    It's the MAP sensor that can't read over 24.7psi. The ECU isn't the problem there. You can get a higher bar MAP sensor to fix that.

    Yeah I'll probably go that route. That 590 stock block STi went that route.
  20. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    and that works fine with the factory ECU? i was under the impression that the factory sensors can't be upgraded (eg. wideband AFR) if u plan to run them with the factory ECU... i really hope im wrong here
  21. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    I'm not that familiar with the ECUTEK software, but I am absolutely positive that with a UTEC you can plug in a higher reading MAP sensor and then calibrate it through the UTEC. It will still read the same, but will be able to read higher.
  22. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    i'll need to look that up... ooooh the possibilities :D
  23. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    I think you're both crazy for needing a sensor that reads above 24.7:rolleyes:

    Haha, but seriously, when I first started my WRX escapades Utec is the main thing I heard about as far as tuning, And I've got to say, it seems like you can basically do anything with it. I mean launch control...pretty sweet. I feel the possibilities with a Utec are pretty much anything you would ever need. However, as previously stated, they can be a comnplete pain in the ass. Thus, I have the upmost respect for anyone that is able to harness the power of one of these things. I went for the AP because my tuning knowledge is very limited and I don't have a few hundred dollars laying around to get tuned everytime I slap a new mod on (damn I cant wait to get out college). Basically this has no point other than to give respect to both BigBoosting and Milo for having gross cars. But especially BigBoosting for being able to tame the mythical creature known as UTEC.
  24. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    25 psi is where the fun begins :D

    i dont think i'll have a big turbo until the fall but when i do, i should be running in the ballpark of 28psi :)

    Erica: im gonna be gone over the summer, but when i get back, i'd love a ride in ur car... im tryin to decide on turbos so im tryin to score rides in different setups
  25. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    28 psi is far crazy then i thought.. i will stick with 20 or 22 at most..
  26. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Yeah just hit me up

    Just finished moving into my new apartment in Lenox

    Black STi keeps driving by, haven't been able to get a convo with him yet
  27. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    cool... maybe i could trouble u for a ride some evening before i leave on wednesday
  28. BigBoosting

    BigBoosting Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    Can't promise anything, but if it looks like one of my evenings look free I'll send you a PM
  29. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    cool... thanks
  30. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    I can make 31 lbs of boost and hold 28.5 to redline on my internally gated RED.:naughty:

    Back on subject here. My FP Red come to life around 3700 RPM. With that said, I make about 17 lbs of boost by 3200 RPM and at full boost by 4200. That's 26.5 lbs. (right now) High boost tune is coming Monday.:naughty:
    But you have to keep in mind too that I'm running meth also.

    LuSTI made 485 at the wheels at 28 lbs tapering to 25. I'm sure 500 is possible with a good IWG actuator and a good BC.
    #30 JDM-STI, May 9, 2006
    Last edited: May 9, 2006

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