Great info

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by undrgrndrdr15, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    found this somewhere on google...

    "There are two things you need to accomplish to get a good launch in the wrx.
    You need to launch under some boost,
    and you need to control the load on the engine so it stays near max torque rpm for the first few feet without banging the clutch and shock loading the drive train.

    There are several variations on the theme and each person will discribe it slightly differently but you want to engage the clutch quickly and smoothly so it slips just a bit with out just side stepping the clutch, or frying the clutch by holding it at partial engagement. The newer 2003 cars have a flow limit valve in the clutch line so you cannot just let up on the clutch and break things. It slows down the engagement just a bit. On the 2002's you'll have to do that yourself.

    One of the top WRX drag racers in the country describes the technique where you stage, and then let the clutch out a bit until you can tell it is just ready to engage (the friction point) is just a fraction of an inch away.

    Hold at a moderate fast rpm (everyone picks a slightly different number) I use about 3000 3500 rpm.

    Now comes the key to launching under boost.

    You can only build boost under no load conditions when the engine is accelerating at WOT .

    Just as the second yellow comes on, stomp the throttle to the floor from your stage rpm, the engine will take about a second to rev to red line. There is only .500 seconds between each of the yellow lights.

    Watch the tach and as the rpm swings by 5000-5500 rpm let up on the clutch quickly.
    (you can't wait for the green light you have to start leaving on the last yellow)

    Since you prepositioned the clutch right at the friction point there will be very little clutch motion, or shock, your engine will be very close to 5500 rpm when the clutch engages and under some boost because you floored the throttle a fraction of a second earlier. If you get all that coordinated you should have enough torque and energy stored in the flywheel so the engine does not bog.

    Hang on !!! you will be accelerating at over 1 G and hit red line in low in about 1.5 seconds.
    Be ready to shift !!!!!
    The biggest time loss that keeps folks at 2.x seconds is a slow shift, you have to shift quickly to get back under power in second gear before you complete the first 60'.

    Shift quickly and firmly but NOT VIOLENTLY !!! your not trying to break anything just be quick.

    I tell folks to hold the shifter in their fingers not to grab it like a club, this gives you more feel and makes you less inclined to try to rip the shift knob off the console.

    If you get it right its quite a ride."

    didnt come up with this but i wish i had, i think this is good info for everyone so i thought i would share!
  2. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    Sep 24, 2005
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    I ruined my second gear completely doing this a while ago. (2 years ago-ish)
  3. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    this is suppose to save your tranny if anything... you would more or less ruin your clutch doing this method, i thought... either way i think its still alot better than just rev to the sky and dump
  4. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    I'm surprised it ruined your 2nd gear. If anything I'd imagine it would be 1st.

    Can anyone confirm the thing about 03 WRXs having a "flow limit valve?"
  5. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    Jun 4, 2007
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    not sure, but I doubt it would be an actual valve. most likely an orifice plate
  6. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    2003 does have the flow valve but 2002 does and older does not

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