Grossest movie ever?

Discussion in 'Movie Reviews' started by SonicBoom, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Just got done watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning... for the 6 th time.. I'd have to say this is the most disgusting movie ever... I thought Hostel and some of the Saw movies were gross but this takes the cake. I grew up liking horror movies and everything that came out in the last long time sucked big time... This movie actually scares me. I invite everyone to watch again... IDK.. maybe I'm sick, but thats scary as hell...
    If you disagree, and theres something scarier, post here...
  2. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Slither was the most disgusting movie I've ever seen...hands down. It wasn't scary though.

    I agree Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning was gross.
  3. Tray@topspeed

    Tray@topspeed Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    Its getting worse and worse now a days. They are all pushing the gross factor to the next level, Hostel, saw, turistas, texas chainsaw etc...
  4. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I'm just wondering what happened to actual "Scary" movies???? I don't know if its just that its all been done before, or theres no smart directors out there... What ever happened to movies like "The Shining" that scared the shit out of you with no gore at all?
  5. soobaroo227

    soobaroo227 Member

    Sep 21, 2004
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    There was a movie made back in the 60s or 70s by this Italian guy that has forever defined the rank of "Most Disturbing Movie Ever" for me. One of my old roommates and his friends went out to Videodrome one day and wanted to find the most disturbing movie there and the guy recommended this one movie. I can't remember the name of it, but if you google 90 Days of Sodom, or something along those lines, you'll find it and the back story of how the original story was a book written back in the 1600s in Italy or something. So, if you'd like to be disturbed, this movie makes modern flicks like Hostel and all that look like child's play. The director of this movie was actually assassinated shortly after its release because people were in an outrage over what he did.
  6. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Oct 10, 2004
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    The last movie that frightened me was the Blair Witch Project. I remember going to see it with my friends, and then we had a camping trip pre-planned later than night. I don't think I got even a minutes worth of sleep that night. Every little noise made me jump.
  7. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ Lol, I liked that film also... Most people didn't.. It scared me a lil... As far as the movie SmoothCriminal was talking about, I think its "Cannibal Hollocost", which I actually burned about 6 months ago... Its pretty fucked up because it was rumored that some of the actors really died while filming(which was not true of course), but there's animals getting killed as well that turned out to be real... gross. Wikipidea or Google it, it was pretty fucked up...
  8. Alex

    Alex Community Founder
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    Oct 7, 2003
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    I'll give you a movie that you may not even be able to make it through...


    Dont watch a trailer, dont read about it, just find a place that is renting it (BB may not even carry it) and check it out :)

    If you enjoyed that, check out "Audition"
  9. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ Haven't seen Imprint.. I have seen Audition some years ago.. Leading me into the whole Japanese horror genre... Audition was just "meh" compared to Suicide Club, Ichi The Killer and Battle Royale...
  10. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    I think that the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is much more violent and disturbing than the remakes...It has an almost home video like quality to it...much more raw and intense.

    I skip movies like Hostel and Turistas...they are a little too real for my taste, and by that I mean that there is nothing appealing to me about watching the realistic dipiction of hostages being tourtured in anyway. Sure, I can handle a torture scene in a movie centered around something else...Syriana for instance, Resevoir Dogs, or House of 1000 corpses...but an entire movie centered around the realistic torture and mutilation of people by people...that is not horror or is a waste of 2 hours. That shit happens everyday...for real people. It is not is just sick pathetic way to make a buck, and I wont support it.

    Gore doesn't bother me if it is not based in realism. Give me Zombies tearing flesh from the bones, Alien arachnids bitting humans in half, or vampires ripping the throats out of victims...that is quite a bit more creative and at least requires some form of imagination.
    #10 Slowsoul, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  11. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Don't know that one, but there are quite a few Italian gore films from that era..."Buried Alive" is one of them, and I think that "I Spit On Your Grave" is another...and they are all fucked up. You will swear that you are watching real people being slaughtered. I think that they use the inards of animals to make things look...correct.
  12. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    I agree about the original TCM being more disturbing, but I think the violence was tame compared to todays standard. That movie was scary/disturbing because it had a good director and a good idea that they pulled off well(ie.. The Shining, Poltergeist etc). That goes back to my point.. Why have we turned to "torture porn" to actually get to people? Have we become that descensitized(spell?) that this is what it takes? Or, have we just run out of ideas? I agree 100% that gore just for gores sake is not needed. Some of the scariest scenes ever were "implied"...
    #12 SonicBoom, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  13. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    True, the violence and gore is tame in comparison.

    I think that we (as a society) HAVE become that deSENsitized ;-) to gore and violence...just turn on the television...or if you are more adventurous get online.

    I used to have a morbid fascination, I think that to an extent it is a normal phase for most people. Not really a bad or good thing, but something that is a natural curiousity. It is when the fascination becomes an obsession that it is a problem. I would visit sites like Rotten, Ogrish, Stileproject, BangedUp on a regular basis for a dose of real death and gore. As I got older and started to realize what I was exposing myself to, and how it was desensitizing me, I cut myself off. I think that the final "nail in the coffin" was the video of the Chechnian (sp?) rebel getting his throat cut out by a Russian soldier that really had an impact on me. I think that when I realized that I wasn't feeling any emotions or shock about what I was seeing and I got a little scared. I think that it is important to at least moderate exposure to things like that. My somewhat extreme reaction to it now is a result of how much I exposed myself to it when I was younger...maybe a guilty conscience, and so when I see movies depicting scenario's like that so realistically it gets me all fired up, because I know that most people don't limit or moderate themselves.
    #13 Slowsoul, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  14. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    This was one of the main reasons that I thought Pan's Labriynth was a bad film.

    It could have been so much more meaningful if Del Torro had been a little more creative about how he depicted the violence on screen. There was absolutely no reason to show some of the things that he did...I think that it unfortunately took away from the story and the film.
  15. Boricua Racer

    Boricua Racer New Member

    Aug 22, 2008
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    "The Strangers" which just came out about a month or so ago was pretty freaking creepy. I agree that scary has nothing to do with gore, rather than implied or real.

    I saw "The Strangers" at the midnight showing and everyone was really creeped out. If you've seen it, give me your opinion. Nothing is creepier than home invasions and torturing - can happen in real life.
  16. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    "Mr. Hands" is the scariest/grossest movie I've ever seen. Google it.

    Haha, I'm actually about to watch the Descent a little later tonight, and I've heard that it's very good as far as horror movies are concerned.
  17. Boricua Racer

    Boricua Racer New Member

    Aug 22, 2008
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    The Descent was a real good movie... enjoy it
  18. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ haven't seen The Strangers yet, it looked good from the previews though... As far as the Decent goes.. I HATED it! I'd read nothing but good reviews online and from friends who had seen it.. I couldn't even get thru the whole thing, and I have a pretty high tolerance for crap.. Maybe I'm the minority in this one, but not scary, not good...
    #18 SonicBoom, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2008
  19. WyleyStubz

    WyleyStubz New Member

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Machine Girl... It's hokey and retarded gory. It's not scary, or even meant to be scary, it's just stupid outlandish gore.
  20. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    No, it was pretty bad. Not a single bit of the predicament that they get themselves into makes any all, and if I can't buy into the setting then I can't get into the movie. There were a couple of moments that made me jump, but besides that I wanted my 2 hrs back at the end.

    but that is an opinion of course.
    #20 Slowsoul, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
  21. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    Hmm, well I just got done watching it (The Descent) and I quite enjoyed it. I definitely thought it was one of the better done horror movies that I've seen in recent years.
  22. cleanmachine

    cleanmachine Member

    May 31, 2006
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    I agree completely w/ you. I liked House of 1000 corpses. I skip the gore movies for gore sake, but i believe the intent of this thread is to discuss the gore; but hell i'm gonna stray off topic too. I like scary movies, that i guess fit more into the thriller genre, like Seven, Misery, and the shining- great movie. One particular movie I watched that at the time I found to be very good but after the fact literally gave me nightmares for weeks was 28 days later.
  23. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^^ I loved House of a 1000 Corpses and Devils Rejects... Those were both great. There was a lot of stealing from other movies but I didn't care. The scenery was a direct rip-off of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2(with Dennis Hopper). I watched that the other night.. Don't get me wrong, its not a great movie.. but the setting was amazing, with the whole underground thing.. They used some kind of dinosaur theme park(that had to be real at one point), that I feel House of a 1000 corpses borrowed heavily from.
    28 days later was good, with its sequel sucking pretty bad... To me, The Shining was a straight up scary movie, not a thriller like Seven, Misery etc.. Back to The Decent, I might give it another try, and force myself to finish it. I just don't care for movies that rely heavily on using the dark + shit jumping out to scare. Thats the same as what we were discussing earlier about using gore to scare.. its a cheap trick, trying to make up for crappy writing/acting..
  24. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Dead Alive anyone?
  25. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^^ Never seen it, but it was in my Netflix queue allready.. I bumped it towards the top, so I'll give you my review soon...
  26. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    It is one of Jacksons earlier films, and it is New Zelanders, so expect a little...quarkyness, but it is a great flick.

    If you had asked me what the grossest film I had ever seen was, 13 years ago, it would have been Dead Alive.

    Lawnmower scene FTMFW!
    #26 Slowsoul, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
  27. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Hellraiser 1 was pretty damn gross... mostly the guy walking around for most of the movie with no skin...
  28. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite
    Supporting Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    Tetsuo the Iron man is a pretty fucked up and weird flick..

    I am in the same boat as you Slowsoul. I saw that video of the soldier and it made me stop going to those sites also.
  29. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    Nov 9, 2006
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    scary movie 1,2, and 3.


    i though saw was pretty gruesome.
  30. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Hellrasier! How could I forget! One of my all time favorites! Not that there is anything wrong with the original, but I would LOVE to see a re-invention of that what happend with Batman. Give it to an amazing writer and director...DONE!
    #30 Slowsoul, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2008
  31. Boricua Racer

    Boricua Racer New Member

    Aug 22, 2008
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    House of 1000 Corpses and Devil Rejects were entertaining, but they were the kind of movies that make you feel like you need a shower and read the Bibile...
  32. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ If you haven't dabled in the Japanese horror genre.. I suggest Suicide Club, Ichi the Killer and Audition as Alex mentioned... Those are pretty fucking gross and I believe was the reason American directors steared in this direction.. Yes, a redo of Hellraiser is in order.. Man, I loved all the Hellraisers, even the one in space... Good stuff..
  33. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Lol... I hear ya... But those movies were a great throwback to the scary movies of ole' and I love them both...
  34. Boricua Racer

    Boricua Racer New Member

    Aug 22, 2008
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    I wish Heath Ledger was still alive so he could do a horror movie starring only the joker, how great would that be?

    Not a fan of Japanese horror... The Grudge ruined that for me real quick lol
  35. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Not much gore, but I really liked the original version of The of the scariest movies I have ever seen. Fortunately, I saw it BEFORE seeing the crap American version.
  36. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Watched "I spit on your Grave" a couple days ago.. I think you might have it confused with another film... It does have the most disturbingly long gang rape scene ever, along with a good old fasion castration scene.. but is not to scary or gory...
  37. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Um... Wow.. Just got done with Dead Alive. That was hands down, the most gory film of all time. I don't think I've scene anything that comes close, or ever will. It has a certain Evil Dead 2 feel to it.. Over the top gore that comes out as a funny/scary mix. That is the most fake guts and truck loads of fake blood to ever be used. This film has it all, from zombie babies, to kung fu Priests, body parts in blenders, giant Mother zombie and the aformentioned most creative use of a lawnmower ever! Cant say I liked the film, but its one of those that deserves to be watched... Def. a classic! Listen to Slowsoul, he knows his shit! Excuse me, I'm gonna go vomit now...:(
    #37 SonicBoom, Sep 29, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008


    Feb 14, 2007
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    Dead Alive FTW! The lawnmower part is the best.
  39. yardhippie

    yardhippie Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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    LOL! That movie is freakin awsome!!! Although, not that scary to me.
    The lawnmower scene is classic horror/gore from the good ole days!

    I've not seen it in a very long time but the first time I saw Children of the Corn I was FREAKED out.
    I had family in Iowa and we went there for reunions and such, always next to corn fields. Up until that point I used to play in the corn, not after that.
  40. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Jul 30, 2004
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    Y'all need to check out some german horror films. I highly recommend Funny Games, but get the german one not the American remake with the hot chick from the Ring in it. By far one of the most disturbing movies I've ever seen, it even messes with your head as a viewer.

    That or some old school Nosferatu, scary as F*%$.
  41. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ Saw Funny Games, but the American one.. I'll put the German one in the queue..
  42. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    Got a new contender for grossest ever... called RE-ANIMATOR(1985). About a med-student that has created a formula to bring the dead back to life. Its a good ride, plenty of gore, humor, boobs to keep it going. Not to mention it has a scene were disgusting things happen with a naked girl and a decapitated head, going for most offensive scene ever. Not as bloody as Dead Alive, but it can hang with it pretty good....
  43. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    Did any of you ever see The Ruins? I didn't watch the whole movie, but the whole leg amputation scene was pretty vomit inducing.
  44. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ Yup, wasn't too impressed with that flic.. but your right, the few scenes where that chick is trying to get the vines out of her are pretty cool..
  45. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Aug 18, 2004
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    Has anyone said 8MM. Not a horror flick but I definitely needed a shower after that movie...
  46. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    Yeah that one was drenched in sleaze.
  47. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom
    Supporting Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I'm gonna touch on a lot in this post, because I watch movies like I breathe oxygen. Also my lady and I have a movie review blog,, so I like to talk about movies.

    As far as the grossest movie ever, there are a few in the running. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was pretty gross, as was The Hills Have Eyes remake, even though I think it's really more cringe-inducing than actually gross. Audition is effing sick, serious gross. I think when you decide to watch any movie by Takashi Miike (Audition, Ichii The Killer, Imprint) you're gonna get something super-gross. Slither's pretty gross, but it's so funny I have a hard time seeing it as any kind of repulsive.

    If you want to see something really amusing by the director of Slither, James Gunn, watch PG Porn. It's hilarious and mostly work safe.

    If you want more gross like Slither, check out Feast. It's a special brand of gross that blends people (Jason Mewes actually) getting their face skin ripped off with baby monster/human face intercourse.

    Smooth Criminal, I think maybe you're talking about Cannibal Holocaust by Ruggero Deodato. There was some pretty messed up stuff going on in the bits of that movie I saw, including actually killing and skinning animals on film. It was banned in I don't know how many countries.

    If you want to watch something actually scary, I suggest The Descent first and foremost. That movie scared the crap out of me, and whenever I even think about the reveal of the creature I get chills. I also highly recommend The Changeling with George C. Scott, John Carpenter's The Thing, or, of course, The Exorcist.

    Sorry for the long, rambling post, but like I said, I talk about movies a lot.
  48. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^ I'm also a huge movie buff, especially scary movies(Mom raised me on them)... I'll have to check out your site. If you look in the movie review section(created by my suggestion :)), I have several reviews there. When you mentioned the TCM remake, I don't think thats near as gross as the one that followed it "The Beginning". Takashi Miike's movies are all disgusting(but fun!), he really raised the bar. Never seen Slither or Feast, I'll put them in the Netflix queue and report back. Your comment about Cannibal Holocaust was funny because if you read back in this thread, I said the exact same thing :). The old movies you listed are all awesome, I would add Polterguest.. The only thing I've disagreed with you so far is The Decent.. I couldn't even finish that movie, I hated it! I have a pretty damn high tolerance to shitty movies, and I just couldn't do it. Allthough, your review was shared by many others, so I might have to give it another shot... Good to have another movie buff on here, our wrxatlanta family has been slacking as of late :)
  49. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom
    Supporting Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    I think that the reason The Descent got me was that it's got a bunch of different scary things going on. It's so dark and claustrophobic that it becomes really disorienting, particularly when you're watching it in the dark, too. All of that darkness starts to wear away at you, and when the creatures show up it pushes that even farther faster. Of course, the creatures alone are supposed to be scary, and to an extent they are, but I think what really drives it home is how quickly the characters devolve from loving friends into animals who are doing anything and everything they have to to survive. It kinda makes me wonder what would cause that sort of change in yourself, y'know? What would turn you into that creature? I guess it's more of a psychological suspense.

    There are some other older movies that scare me a bit, but I can't really think of them right now. It's a short list, though.

    Ooh, here's one, The Sentinel. It was some studio's answer to The Exorcist, and it really sucks up until the very end, but the climax is scary as all get out. Can't say I really suggest watching the whole thing, but if you're not doing anything else you could give it a try. Here's an Ain't It Cool News review of the film, but it's got spoilers and says pretty much what I said in more detail.
  50. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    ^^^ As far as The Decent.. I get what you are saying and its understandable.. Like I said, your review mirrors pretty much everyone else's. IDK, I guess I really wasn't in the mood when I watched it, it was during the day, and was watching with a large group of people who also weren't feeling it.. All I kept thinking was it was a pretty large rip-off of "The Cave". But, I will put it back in the queue.. Hell, I might even have it, don't remember. I'll have to check out The Sentinal.. Just watched the Exorcist recently so I'll be able to compare. As far as those types of films, I suggest "The Exorcism of Emily Rose".. It wasn't the greatest film, more of a court room drama than a thriller. I recommend because the lead actress plays the best possesed person I've ever seen. The faces she makes and contorsions she did(that were real btw), were insane... actually scaring me a little bit :)

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