Yeah so about a month ago i bought a 1970 Porsche 914 1.7 litre that has EMPI HPMX carbs on it and they need to be tuned very badly. I have tried a few times but cant seem to get them just right. If there is any one out there that knows what they are doing, some help would be great! The carbs are exact replicas of Weber IDF carbs, so if you know webers then you sould be able to work out the EMPI's. The Problem: Idle is fine and in the higher revs the car runs great. but once you hit around 3000 rpms the car hits a wall. It studders badly, but just for a second. Its almost as if when its switching from the idle jets to the mains, that one or the other is not correctly sized. And it runs rich, very rich... So..... in short, i am looking for help to tune my carbs on my Porsche. THANKS! Andrew p.s: Flip, remember that one time at 4 in the moring when i helped you put your clutch in your sti... now you can repay the favor... ha ha