IC Sprayer Not Spraying

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by STiLLsLow, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    May 6, 2005
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    So I've been concerned about this issue for a while. once i held down the button for like 10 secs just to see how much water is sprayed on IC for reference. I have ALWAYS heard the pump turn on and spray for a good 3 seconds for every time i hit the button. out of curiosity one day i popped open the hood after holding the button down and did not see or feel a single wet spot on the IC...hmmm..anyways i dont use it that frequently as i only drive the STi 2-3 days a week but today i was near SOG so i had Gary take a look at it and all it was doing was barely dripping very slowly (water was a little low when i got there, Gary poured in a couple bottles of water but still nothing but drops) I am still under my warranty right now but I hate leaving my car at any shop and def need the car while im on spring break so are there ways i could diagnose the problem myself? Thus far i have checked the lines in the trunk for clogging and followed the line under the hood as much as possible to see if it was pinched anywhere but everything looked fine. Any suggestions to where the line runs in the car that I could check or any other methods to search for a possible leak or pinch in the line or even clean the lines some how? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!
  2. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    May 21, 2007
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    So just to clarify, your pump is still running and you are not getting much spray? If the car is hot and you sprayed the IC, all the cooling properties have to do with evaporating the water on the IC so there should not be many 'wet spots' on the IC if it is hot.

    Where is the pump for the IC Sprayer? If it is by the reservoir, is there some way to disconnect the line after the pump? If you do that and get some water then you know there is a problem in the lines and not something like a bad pump.

    Also, I think you can take the STi on spring break even if the IC sprayer doesn't work. Unless your are planning on drag racing in Arizona for spring break...
  3. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    May 6, 2005
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    haha about spring break i meant i leave the car at my parents place (garaged) while i go to school in ATL and choose to not leave it in a parking deck all week as i dont need the car Mon thru Thurs. so since im on spring break and back at my parents place for the week i would like to get it taken care of since im off school. I ve got plenty of time while everyone else is at some beach! :(

    Great idea with narrowing down the problem, Im goin to try that ASAP. the IC pump is in the resevoir so i ll just disconnect the line coming out and make sure the pump is pushin out water.

    As for when i checked if it was spraying, I checked with the hood open just to see how much comes out while holding down the button (had the window down while looking under the hood) and it was barely dripping so the pump is sending water but either its getting clogged or the pump just isnt pumping enough, i think its the former.

    Thanks for the help, i ll get back with an answer about the pump in a few
  4. crashtke

    crashtke Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Possible the nozzle is clogged? It's not much water that comes out of those things...if it is clogged it could be the same amount of water, but it is just dripping instead of providing a fine mist. I would say disconnect right at the nozzle and see what it is doing.
  5. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    May 6, 2005
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    Good point! I ll check that too, Thanks!

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