Voting is now open for FOTM March. I'm going to need all the help I can get because there are a few SICK Foresters. Go vote for me!!!
done...didya see i got mine comin?
NICE! I didn't see that. I see my evil plan is actually working... Black is NICE. I wish I had found a black one back when I was looking.
I mean swap EVERYTHING... engine, tranny, interior... all of it. I was kidding though. That would take Mike most of a weekend so it's not feasible.
Holy crap this needs an update... The brakes were still not where I wanted them, so I got some HP+ pads and flushed the fluid. Better, but the pedal feel was terrible. So this went in: '05 STi brake booster off eBay for $30 shipped. It was a MAJOR pain in the ass to put in, but make a night and day difference. Looking back I should have thought to swap this sooner... Then I found a rear strut tower brace on NABISCO at such a good price I couldn't say no... I can't really tell much difference yet because I've just been commuting. After the next autoX I'll know if I wasted $100 or not. And finally, the new suspension (again). Koni Yellows Swift Spec-R springs Turn in Concepts Koni D_Rex Extenders Same as any other Koni install, but you drill a bigger hole in the bottom of the fronts, drop the Konis down further, and use the extender as a cap. It makes it so that the spring will fully collapse the same time the Koni bottoms. Gets you FULL travel from your new struts. I don't have pictures of the new ride height because it's identical to what it was. Once the springs settle if it's any different I'll get some shots. Overall the changes have made a BIG improvement. Until the 5 speed explodes, I'm done. I'd like to find some silver wheels in a 9" width... if that happens I'll be sure to take some pictures.