Motor Break in opinions...

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by Texsun, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Texsun

    Texsun Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    So I have herd/read multiple things about multiple diffrent ways to break in the motors! So lets hear what yall think!

    Current plan...

    Allpro is going to do the first oil change crank up get to temp idle for 10 min change oil. Input on oil weights/brands aswell :)

    I am planning on driving it back up to Dahlonega and to work the next day which will rack up about 100ish miles alone. I was alson planning on putting around that same day to check everything out which will help get to the 200-250ish mark. Will change oil then. I will be heading to my buddies house in NC which I plan on hitting 1000 miles while I am on Christmas leave at that time I am plannin gon switching to Synthetic and as always will change oil at 2500 miles. What yall think?
  2. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Do not let the car idle at all after the first initial check that Allpro does. You should those rings need to be seated. I don't know how hard it is for you to find a spot but here's what I recommend....

    1) 3 pulls with no more than 3-4 psi boost up to 4k rpms. Let engine brake itself (NO applying foot brake) to 2k rpms and repeat.

    2) 3 pulls with no more than 5-6 psi boost up to 4.5k rpms. Let engine brake itself (NO applying foot brake) to 2k rpms and repeat.

    3) repeat the pattern but boost 7-8 psi 5k. Same stuff as 2.

    4) repeat but 10 psi 5.5k

    5) repeat but then go wot.

    But if you can't do that easily.....go right down the road and have Topspeed break the engine in on the dyno perhaps?

    The main thing is whatever you do for the first 1000 miles, DO NOT cruise for any extended amount of time. You need to do just as much engine braking as you can to get those rings to seat well. The more you do it, the better your compression will be.

    Change the oil after the boost runs I labeled. Then change at 250-300. Then again at 750. Switch at 1000. Use plain jane 10w-30 Castrol oil....nothing special but buy a PureOne Purolator oil filter (or Fram junk) everytime.

    The general thing is this....don't baby it or it will be a loosey goosey down the road.
    #2 CelticPride, Dec 7, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2011
  3. Texsun

    Texsun Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    HAHA I have always been told when breaking in motors to Drive it how you plan on driving it in the future! I will deffinently do allot of Engine breaking and hopefully I can be able to get some of those pulls in!
  4. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    Yeah just don't beat the crap out of it if you know what I mean. Gotta have some reasoning in there.
  5. Texsun

    Texsun Member

    Jul 22, 2011
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    anybody else got some input?
  6. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    How about do what All Pro says since they did the motor?
  7. slowwrx

    Supporting Member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    Low boost for the first thousand miles, don't beat on it do pull it past 4500-5000. No highway miles. Downshift when coming to a stop. Try not to cruise at one speed for an extended period of time.

    1000 miles of non synthetic rotella then switch to Syn.

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