my trans blew AGAIN

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by ddwyer50, Dec 5, 2006.

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  1. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    hey all,

    This weekend my trans blew again, after only having the car back a couple of weeks (When SoG fixed my trans last time, same problem).

    I was at Eckerd's right by my apartment, in a line of cars waiting to pull out of the parking lot. There was a honda in front of me, and they put their car in reverse because they were sticking too far out into the road.

    I decided to give them some room, so I put my car in reverse and backed up about 3-4 feet. Then boom, in an instant, the damn thing is stuck in gear. I knew the shifter felt weird, exactly like it did before. The car would not move after that.

    I am hopeful that SoG will fix it again, but I am a college student, and I cannot have a car that blows tranny's every month. Can I count on my car to be reliable if fixed properly? If not I will just sell it or something. Although I dont want to.

    I've been driving my car very easy, since I just got it back, and the trans gives out on my while the car isn't even moving!!! What kind of BS is that??

  2. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    I don't know man. There's obviously something that the technicians aren't seeing that's making it go out like that. Maybe it's one of those mysterious things that makes a car a lemon.

    Hope you get it worked out though.
  3. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie
    Supporting Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    my tranny is kaput and stuck in columbus and it turns out the tech i thought would work on it got scared once he found out what he was really in for and after calling around columbus nobody i've called will work on a subaru. they say it's too foreign for them and they don't want to get mixed up in that. now i have to find someone with a truck and get a car trailer from u-haul or something and tow it up to SoG myself b/c i think that will be the cheapest way to get it back up here since i think insurance will only tow it like 25 miles or so. ahhhh life's wonderful right now. and the best part...i have brand new ppg gears sitting in the trunk waiting to be put in. it's like my car is taunting me in the worst way possible
  4. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    you do know there is a new Subaru dealer in Columbus right?

    As far as the trans breaking again. There are three different "specs" for the shifter forks inside the tranny. If your tech didn't put the correct size shifter fork in that can cause the same problem.

    they should honor it since it was so recent. It is called a "come back"
  5. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Did it get damaged at the Rallycross event? I was wondering how hard those events are on the tranny.

  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder
    Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Good question, but I dont know. I'd imagine it is more harsh on the mounts than anything.
  7. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Jun 4, 2005
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    yeah, I would agree on the mounts being stressed.

    I was curious as to how Rallycross events were part of his definition of "driving very easy".

  8. thebigph

    thebigph longing for another subie
    Supporting Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    i've been there...they don't know jack
  9. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sep 5, 2005
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    thebigph -- Man just take your transmission off and take it to WJM (Will) at SOG. He'll take care of those PPG's for ya.

    To the original poster---I dunno man you have to shifting rough or popping that clutch. I don't care what anyone says....if my tranny can hold up to 350+ hp and clutch through 50 something HARD drag launches and still hold rock steady now then the tranny is stout. These trannies are pretty tough but it doesn't take much to blow them if you don't know how to properly drive AWD.

    Also don't bother with the 04 gears are better than bugeye's stuff as my buddy Daniel here is running just fine with his at 310 hp.
  10. crashtke

    crashtke Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    I dunno...last I heard SoG did not have the equipment to do the PPG gears. I talked to them about it and Will told me that they just did not have the equipment. NOW SS that day asked Will to get a list of what he needed to do the gears and it is possible they now have the equipment, but I would call and ask.
  11. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Well I think I know how to drive the car. I was learning heel-toe downshifting when I was 15 (10 yrs ago), and am familiar with how a manual trans & clutch work. Ive never launched the car, or popped the clutch, or put any real wear on it. The problem is that it wasnt fixed right to begin with.

    Talked with Neal today and he confirmed, that when it was fixed before, the tech (Will) recommended a new bearing, but it was denied. Now it has failed again due to that bearing.

    With no car, I've been renting cars, because I have no loaner. It's cost me so much , more than I ever thought It would be... I hope I will not have to get rid of my car because I can't afford it. How muc hdo you think a nice 05 is worth? ANd plus with a freshly replaced trans from SoG? But I just love the car so much. I hope I won't have to sell my baby!!
  12. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Jun 4, 2005
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    Why won't they give you a loaner?
  13. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sep 5, 2005
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    Now you give more details. I wouldn't have said what I did if you gave the entire story. Obviously something isn't right as you said Will recommended a part that was denied. A transmission is made to work in conjunction with ALL parts and one bad part can be catastrophic. Now since the failure is due to SOA denying a new bearing.....I personally think SOA should provide you with a loaner or reimburse you as it's their fault. It is in no way SOG's fault....purely SOA as they are the ones that denied the recommended part.
  14. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    Dunno, they've had my car for five weeks and my wife has been stranded at home with a 7mos old baby. Cabin fever set in along time ago. Praying nothing bad happens since she can't go anywhere. :(
  15. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    You are right. SOA (Ed Luksic) is the one that originally denied the bearing. Fortunately a friend of mine has an old honda he is letting me borrow today, so at least I will have wheels.

    I will say that I do not believe this issue is the fault of SoG. Neal has been very helpful to me. So hopefully this time its fixed right!!
  16. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Dec 12, 2004
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    Ok, I'll chime in at the expense of giving too much information to public view.

    Originally, your transmission (ddwyer50) was broken by the original owner of the car. 3rd gear to be exact. Troncalli SUBARU in Cumming fixed it, and the warranty claim was denied.

    When you first brought the car to us, upon seeing the history, the problem that existed at that point (stuck in 1st) was going to be denied in whole. However, upon dissasembly and inspection by myself and Ed Luksic, I found the 1-2 shift rod to be badly scored, howevever slightly bent as well. The LH side of the transmission case within the 1-2 shift rod guides were also very badly scored up. Ed authorized the 1-2 and, 3-4 rods and the 1-2 and 3-4 forks to be replaced. The appropriate ones were ordered, and once installed, I confirmed that they were the correct ones. However, I told Ed that it needed the case replaced. Replacement of a the case was denied....

    Once I got it back together, I drove it thru all conditions the car should see on a normal basis, sprited and otherwise. No problems.

    Saturday, your car came back Stuck in 1st once again.

    I got the trans out and apart today.

    There were no visible signs telling anyone why it chose to be in 1st again.

    However, the new case is here, along with another 1-2 rod and just to be safe, I will be ordering a a 'shifter arm', the piece that actually connect the shifter mechanism to the shift rods. It should arrive by tuesday at the lastest. By that time I *should* have the transmission assembled such that with 3 more hours of work will be needed to finnish the car once the shifter arm arrives.

    At that point, the car should never get stuck in a gear unless something actually breaks.

    IMHO, if the case was replaced the 1st time around....we would not be revisiting the innards of your transmission. It will be 100% covered under warranty.
  17. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    May 6, 2005
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    now thats called service! good luck with it this time man!
  18. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Dec 12, 2004
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  19. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Feb 3, 2004
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    WJM: thanks for the detailed response...

    to all: at a member's request, i am locking this thread until the transmission has been fixed... if anyone has a problem with this, feel free to PM me
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