New RomRaider tools

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by crashtke, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. crashtke

    crashtke Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    For those of you that play around with this, the newest Romraider logger and editor beta have some cool new features...or at least they are new to me. There is an injector logger and a MAF logger that are pretty damn cool. The MAF logger especially looks like it could be VERY nice for scaling the MAF for a new intake. While it only really works in closed loop mode, it would be a big help for working out a new intake.

    The other tool, the injector logger somehow calculates the injector scaler and can tell you how far off the latencies are. It seems the more data you give both of these tools, the more accurate they are. They actually recommend driving around for 45 minutes or so to get a nice complete picture. They also say to make sure to hit all the various load points.

    But for those of you interested in tuning, you should go to the Romraider site and check it out. There are actually a couple new tools that people have made that are pretty interesting. I still greatly prefer tuning with Cobb and their live tuning, but this does take a little bit of the pain out of the romraider process.
  2. crashtke

    crashtke Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Thought I would give everyone a LINK
  3. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Dec 12, 2004
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    A LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :keke:

    I'll have to check this out...
  4. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    unfortunately at this time the logger has no way to store and restart the log

    in fact personally i think logging in different temperature and weight average them will give you better results. The Lview is also a program to check fuel trims and timing that should be used in conjunction with the romraider logger.

    p.s. just make sure the log temp range on the MAF screen is set correctly (Default is C)
  5. crashtke

    crashtke Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    Still a nice little tool and if you get some results in two different temperature ranges, you can average them.

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