pad clips

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by sleeper31204, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. sleeper31204

    sleeper31204 Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    i noticed a while back that there was a kinda denting noise coming from the front end, i called S.O.G. and talked to Will up there. he told me to bring it in and have ether him or another tech take a look at it and see what they could find out. the only hold up was and still is distance, i live about an hour and some away in Macon. so i called a local tuner store done here, they said they have seen where there is movement in the pad where it holds in place, the caliber i think. never the less, if you take out the pads, you can see that there is a small piece of metal, a clip, the pad floats in the clip, free to move a little. this was the reason for a lot of rattling noise ive been having when i run over small pot holes in the road. and the popping sound i got from heavy breaking.

    the question, is have any of you guys had any thing like this go on with your Subaru WRX? or have have you heard of anything like this before?

    p.s. i put grease like the shop said, no more noise, so.......... is there some type i need to use, other than this off the shelf stuff??

  2. Dacula Dean

    Dacula Dean Member

    May 15, 2006
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    I don't see any play with or without the clips, since they fit into indents and the pads sit firmly into the calipers. Some people on NASIOC say they never use the clips. They also never report any noise. When I did my brakes, I discovered that the last shop had left mine off. I put them back because I can't stand not to (some sort of neurotic tendency, I suppose).

    You can buy brake grease at an auto store. The stuff is very goopy and, I think, uses lubricants that stand up well to heat. It certainly is not expensive. I think that the can that I have will last until my son is 80, since you use so little. Standard grease will burn off with heat.
  3. sleeper31204

    sleeper31204 Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    well all i can really say it that it has narrowed itself down pretty well, before, without the grease, it made noise. now, after, it dosent make a peep. i cant think of anything else that it would or could be, i took the tire off, took the brake pads out, greased them up, and put it back together again. nothing more.

    i really wasnt sure what kind of answer i would get from this, but i thought i would throw it out and see, no harm i guess.



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