Well, it's that time... wrxatl folks should be up in the second level on the far left (if you're facing the stage) here's the info flyer from before... hope to see some of you out there
wow, nobody else? well 7wolf, me, a friend and his gf will be in the spot mentioned. i'll probably be wearing a prodrive hat (lol, like always) if you're looking for us.
well, it was good seeing 7wolf at the show, and while i didn't get to stay long, it was fucking incredible seeing pvd work his new setup. 2 laptops, a pioneer board, and two midi key-triggers. he was tearing apart tracks into their raw parts and reassembling into entirely new pieces real-time. and the crowd was really into it. gives me hope for my own little digital side project.
i've been slammed lately, but i've been looking around... the last 5 sets i've listened to weren't much to jump around over. as for my own stuff, soooon, i hope i've got about 60 new tracks, with another 40 i'm looking to buy and i'm just trying to decide on what kind of mix i want to do. i having a bit of arrangement ADD lately.:wiggle: i plan on having a new set done by the 28th though.