Yeah, same here! It should be interesting to say the least. lol. Waiting on material to start engine cradle/tranny mount.
My car was used to test bed building the engine cradle, tranny mounts, exhaust lay out, ect.... But just like every other project I ever built, it doesn't last around me... The roller has made it's way to Chicago. The LS swap parts are at Killshot awaiting the first clients car. I know Andy and Mike are currently taking orders for LS conversions and conversion parts.
some final engine placement photos. last pictures is of swaybar and rack placement photos. I can't show anymore than that at this time. Please refer to Killshot
I think the car is sold already....he did say the roller made it to Chicago. (you edited it before I
Will you be able to daily drive your locost rain or shine? (Legit question they have a kit with a top?)
I've seen build logs where people do it, but they're usually northern based / canadian builds where the weather sucks balls 8 months a year. I've also seen build logs where the people are broke and actually building a 'low cost' car so they can commute to work. The latter builds are amazing, these people can build a car on a $2k budget that looks great and will blast by 99% of cars on the road. Mine will be an open top, it won't see any rain unless i get boned by mother nature. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to run a heater core so i can have defrost on the windshield. it's not too hard to do, it's just a matter of space It will be driven with the same frequency i rode my bike, about 5k miles a year plus track days and auto-x
how do you get them tagged/insured? don't cars have to meet crash/smog standards before they can be driven?
nope. There are a few certified salvage yards that do "safety inspections." From there, it's registered as a homebuilt car and VIN'd from the GSP. Insurance is nothing, you just declare a value on the car and insure it through your standard company. It's usually dirt cheap, at least from what i've read.
It is, and a sad day it was. Scott's car really was a beautiful Suby and he did a great job getting it where it was. :bowdown: Sometimes life just gets in the way, but at the same time, I am sure he will have something fun in the future. The really bad part is we were 90% of the way to having it up and runing!! I know he has some prospects right now and some dreams, so something fun will come his way shortly I am sure!