Anyone here on a formula team in college? If so, where at? I'm a head fabricator/welder and driver on the University of Alabama's team. We went to VIR last year and placed 8th over all 120 schools competing. Its not winning, but we did beat Auburn!! :rofl: This year we plan on going to VIR, Detriot, and California to compete.
I actually started to do it this semester at GT, but just didn't have the time to put in it (senior design, job search, decent class load)
Are you talking about Formula SAE? I was part of it when I was a freshman at Tech for about 3 weeks but it was so poorly run and political at that point I didn't stick around. Those cars are pretty awesome though
Yeah they are crazy fast. 0-60 in under 3 seconds. It'll get you you going. I have some friends at GT that are in it and I thought that their cars would have been much better for an engineering school... Seems like Auburn has had some trouble in the last few years. :fawk: Just kidding. They are usually a good team at the events, but have mechanical problems.
Last time I saw the Tech FSAE team at a ARSCCA event the car died on course several times. I see the crew from Wrek Racing at local events alot though, I didn't join either clubs though when I was at tech. IIRC one of the FSAE cars had the FTD on east course at nationals in 2007. It was pretty sweet looking.
Apparently Tech has had some really good success in the past, but the last few years haven't been that great. I actually joined Wreck Racing for a few weeks freshman year. I was not feeling that at all (probably better now that they're on campus).
yeah they are really awesome cars. They get about 130 horsepower on a 450 lb. car. Thats a LOT of power for that size of a car. I also help a professor out here make his Formula B car (formerly formula 1000). Those are crazy cars! 120mph and over through some turns. Ridiculous!
I have a lot of friends in it at Southern Poly... from what i heard they have been doing pretty well compared to the larger schools. I wish i had gotten into it when i was in school... I want to drive one of thoses things...