You all really need to consider hiring a new person to fill that position. Steve's attitude is very poor especially on the phone, not only on this occasion, but other times in the past. For a dealership that seems to value their customers it seems the "head" of operations doesn't quite understand how to communicate with customers tactfully. I know this isn't the only time this has been brought up. I plan on filing a complaint through other methods as well. Thanks for the vent. Moderator can delete if you want, I dont care.
He does have a gruff exterior, but I've been able to get past it only because I know people personally who are like him. Some people cant though and I understand that. I do agree that for someone in a customer service type position, he doesn't really portray the necessary qualities someone in that position usually posess. This could take a toll on customers, and possibly hurt business. I hope this all works out for you George.
you are sharing your experience which everyone is encouraged to do... you have not used any harsh or offensive language but have dictated your opinion in a civilized manner... there is absolutely no reason for this thread to be deleted
I apologize for Steve. He's a bit abrasive sometimes, but there must be something good about him You are of course welcome to your opinion. If you would like, I would be happy to take care of you in the future... SS
I hear ya nemesis, I was really put off, after I heard some things Steve had said about me. So now I use Royal.
Scott you are a great guy, and so is Neal, which usually takes care of me when I get in. However when you all arent around I usually have to deal with Steve. Not once have I gotten off the phone with him and have had a pleasant look on my face. If a sales rep was the brunt of these types of complaints Im sure they wouldnt last very long, let alone sell any vehicles. But why do you have to apologize for him?
Steve wasn't very nice to my wife, and hung up on her on the phone once. I guess if he has been working there this long, he isn't that bad of a guy... He didn't seem mean when I talked to him once in person, but didn't give the impression of being a good people person. On the other hand, Scott is the nicest person that I have ever met at a car dealership, which is why I would go out of my way to go to SOG. Luckily, we haven't had any serious issues with out STi, approaching 34k miles. I am really happy with the car. -- Brian
I think everyone will agree with that statement speaking of which, I still owe Will and I think Justin a trip to chipotle for helping me swap exhausts with Craig (Suby1128) a while ago, but I havent made it down there in forever...
I haven't had any problems at all with Steve. I think that he can be sarcastic at times...other than that, he is very nice.....George, I am sorry that you have had issues with him and I hope everything can be worked out. Actually, I think that the whole crew at SoG is great. Mark
You shouldn't be apologizing for Steve, Steve should. While he probably never will read this thread or even receive feedback, he should correct his behavior as he is in the customer service business. He is as all employees are, a reflection of SOG and SOA. In the past, Steve has been very sarcastic to the point of accusation regarding warranty issues, always assuming that it was I that was the cause of the defect. With having that said, Neil and Scott are top notch.
Neal totally rocks in my experience. And yeah, from my few times dealing with Steve he has seemed rather gruff. I will say that a lot of it seems to be just dealing with the stress of that kind of management position, he left me a message on the phone this morning in which he seemed pretty pissed, but luckily it was at the SoA rep and not me.
I think Steve is just all about business and can be sarcastic at times...I am soooo used to this from being in the military for 13 years. I think that you just can't take Steve seriously at times because he just likes to be a jokester. But, as in George's case, it seems like he was a but harsh. But, on the other hand...I totally agree with Matthew...Neal rocks and so does Gary...Neal sold me my wagon!!!. Mark
do we still have a member as a service writer there? I know 7wolf left, but I thought someone else was a service writer there now...
I've complained about Steve before to Steve and I can almost assure you that he doesn't remember it. He's like a people at SOG IMO in that he sees a shtload of people day in and day out and the bottom line with SOG is, they don't have to look for customers. People are going to come in and want stuff. Sure they could be more courteous to those of us who spend big bucks (to us anyway) but they just aren't. And that's how it is.
They should treat everyone the same...large amount of cash, warranty work or an oil change. I know every time I have dealt with Scott he treats me like I just sprung for a new engine and tranny swap. Bottom line is he will eventually hurt sales and business. Sure people with warranty work have to go somewhere, but they don't have to go there! I am to the point where I will not call any time I have to go there for anything and make sure that Scott is present and accounted for before making the drive. I have said it before and will probably say it again...Scott is a HUGE asset to that place. He not only plays the role of tuner, but also salesman, customer service and tech, not to mention being a go between for us here at WRXAtanta. I have not even had my car worked on by him yet, but he is great to talk to, great to deal with and is a fountain of knowledge. Just do what I with Scott and cut Steve out of the equation. He is who I had an issue with when I went up there....wel taht and the guy that screwed up.
after much time, research, and careful observing i have figured out why steve is such a problem/general pain in the ass to deal with, and why scott is such an outstanding guy to deal with. I have formulated this equation to represent my findings....... Scott = JDM = type RRRRR tuner Steve = USDM = chevy cavalier 4 banger usdm weaksauce service manager JDM > USDM TyPe RRRR PoWNZZZ cavalier but one must keep in mind VTeK > all redawn FTW!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously not the first thread on this topic and everytime these threads get started, it troubles me reading it and like I usually do, I share my experience and another point-of-view. I have been an SOG customer for 3 years dealing primarily with Scott, Steve and Lisa (and of course Willis ), and most recently Neal and Gary. Steve has always been very accommodating to me and never been anything but professional and courteous.
I've only worked with scott and he is awsome he saved me from making a huge mistake, tirewise. after talking with him I felt really comfortable with any opinion he had.
applied a job at SOG, and left steve about 11 messages on the phone... i even told him to give me a call if there is a legitimate reason why i didnt get the job, but he never cared to. EVERYTIME i call him i knew he was there, but the lady says he is somewhere else. he obviously hates being on the phone with ppl... However, other guys at SOG is super nice and friendly. FIRE steve.
Sombody post a Poll and put something like: 1. Steve is a wonderful and caring person 2. Steve just has a lot on his mind 3. Steve should be fired and replaced by absolutely anyone regardless of qualifications. Or maybe you could change the selections a little......
man i really hope steve isn't reading this....I've never had any problems with him...he usually cracks me up when I talk to him....kinda has a dry, northern type humor...IMO
Trust me they read this forum, I know first hand, after being called out by SOG. I will not post what happened in this thread, but if you wanna know why he should be fired today, PM me. Because of that experience I will never set foot in SOG for service ever again. I had great experiences from all the techs, and service staff up there except the obvious. SOA reads these boards too, which is why I'm amazed he still has a job.
It is my opinion that if you would like to effectively make a complaint, that you do so via their "Rate Us" program. SOG is pushing heavily to have all customers fill out the rating brochure (or phone call from) and encourage everyone to please do so honestly. A score of all "0" will be the most direct feedback you can give them. There is no reason for us to delete this. After all, this is the internet, you are certainly free to speak your mind. Nevertheless, we do appreciate your diligence in tactfully relaying this problem to the community Hopefully, future encounters with SOG will prove to be enjoyable and beneficial to you. This is, of course, should you choose to return there for business. Best of luck. I should add there have been a series of complaints because of SOG's reorganization. SOG took a somewhat effective new operations strategy. There have been dealerships all over the country doing such a "remedy". What is this remedy? Basically, three separate departments (service, parts, tech) have been pooled together in the hope for a more effective and optimized resource allocation. Service is the "manager" now for all 3 departments and it was hypothesized that this transfer would actually lead to lower ticket completion times and ultimately a higher customer satisfaction. (At least, this is my understanding of what's happened. I could be entirely off, of course.) Cheers, alex
Its unfortunate that people have had problems, I always deal with "THE SIEGEL" when I stop by so I cant say I have any experince with him. I'm sure that Scott would be happy to take care of you from now on. Matt
Yeah that's what you do man. That's what I used to do anyway. When you see Steve just nod and say whassup? because unless you're 40 and drive a Tribeca he's not much use anyway and will just refer you to Scott for cool stuff.
I wouldn't have left 11 messages...If he doesn't return your calls, why even bother...Just move on Bro...Just my 2 cents...Something better is waiting for you at another dealership... Mark
Steve is actually from Indiana...LOL...He is a funny guy...He was telling me to fork out 100.00 for being in the shop to watch Justin work on Alex's car today...I knew he was just kidding...You just have to take him with a grain of salt...It is sooo easy to tell when he is kidding too..There are some people that aren't so sarcastic but enjoy instigating...that isn't Steve..Just my 2 cents... Mark:rofl:
Well Ive let the thread run its course and in all fairness I have this to say. 1. I grew up with a northern family since my father and his family are originally from Michigan. I have a great sense of humor, and usually find myself laughing at a lot of things and sarcasm most people dont percieve. 2. I grew up in a Military household for the most part. Father was in the Army for 22 years and we lived on base or near for a good portion as well in North Carolina (Fort Bragg). My dad has been accussed of being harsh and sometimes very "gruff" on occasion because of it. However, he's adjusted to civilian life well. Did Steve serve in the military? 3. I have been PM'ed with people that arent quite privvy to the idea of posting their experiences personally with Steve, but im sure a lot of you would be shocked at what you might hear from them. Of course, now that is to say if they dont already have a grudge against him and are just making it up. However, from my personal experience I wouldnt think they would lie about it and seems really believable. All in all, im not irate about the situation I had been placed in , and in looking for advice and guidance in what I should do. It all worked out in the end, but not at SOG, because of Steves comments and attitude. Does that mean I will never go back to SOG? Not at all, I will take the advice and seek to speak to Scott directly. Just personally, that type of sarcasm, personality, and overall demeanor of a Manager in a customer service environment belongs elsewhere.
I've never had to deal with him much. Usually I deal Neal. However occasionally Steve will be around. He makes me feel uncomfortable more than anything. I just have a hard time reading him as I can't tell if he's joking or being serious.
Ok, look guys, heres the real deal. Here's EXACTLY what Steve has told me, and yes he has seen this thread. So there you have it. Here's the bottom line, and this applies to everyone: Everyone can be an ass or not, it all depends on how one person takes another person and how people's personalities match or clash. A lot of ppl dont like me. A lot of ppl like me. Others dont care either way. *shrug* Whatever....everyone is different. To each, their own.
Wow. Just wow. I wonder if Subaru puts that in the job description. Shows a lot about him , if that is all he has to say. Ive made my point and so have many others.
The point is, is that he's aware of whats being said, and despite some thingfs that have been said, hes poking fun at would I.
This thread has run its course long enough. It started off with the simple sharing of an experience and went on to people posting their own opinions and judgements, some of them unjustified and probably offensive to Steve. In Steve's defense, please do realize that running a business is difficult and stressful. I know this because my involvement in running WRXatlanta keeps me on my toes at all times. It is also very difficult to keep everyone happy. In the end, most people here are satisfied with the overall service provided by SOG. They are also the most modification friendly dealership I know about, and thats primarily because of the manager. They are also a strong supporter of WRXatlanta and have hosted events for us free of charge. How many dealerships out there do that? All these require the approval and support of the manager. Both Alex and I know Steve well and neither of us have ever had a problem with him. Inspite of SOG's continued involvement and support of WRXatlanta, we have let this thread stay till now. This is because, at WRXatlanta, we encourage sharing information as long as it is done in a civilized and decent manner. This thread is losing that character and hence has been closed.