I had been watching a JBP STi just sit in a driveway in my neighborhood for almost a year. I don't think that I ever saw it move. We were hanging out on a warm evening chatting with neighbors when the STi owners walked up. I got around to asking them what the deal was with the STi and asked if they needed someone to drive it a bit. He told me that they had inherited it from his brother the previous fall and that since he did not get time to drive it he was thinking about selling it. He also added that every time he did drive it he got a ticket :naughty: The car had just over 7,000 miles on it! I had to do some domestic negotiations with my wife to get her to agree to the purchase. I had to thin the herd of dirt bikes and cars. Craigslist is a good thing! I was sad to have to sell off my 76 280Z and vintage bikes but that pain was short lived once I got the STi. When I got the car I found the original title in the glove box. The original owner was LeRoi Moore. Otherwise know as the Gru Grux King, the original saxaphonist for the Dave Matthews Band! Every once in a while I will crank up DMB as a tribute and smile hoping that Roi is up there someplace still grooving as I am here accelerating through the gears.:bowdown: I do not have any specific plans for MODS at this time. The car is my DD so reliability and longevity are my goals. I do hope to attend a driving school to explore the limits of the car and improve my skills. I enjoy the Suches, Wolf Pen gap and Richard B Russell mountain routes and am definitely up for early morning drives. I just discovered the short but enjoyable roads at Red Top Mountain. Hit me up with a PM and let's go for a drive! Michael
Thats awesome.... Yup, DMB will at least have to be in the car at all times... Great find too on the unmolested 04' with basically zero miles...
Best Subaru acquisition story I have ever heard. Welcome! Keeping it stock +1 nothing wrong with that!
um...you do know that he died in a ATV accident. I would send the band an email, they might want a ride next time they are in town. :naughty:
Funny the way it is... The only way that I am driving an STi today is because Roi had that ATV accident.
Boo. I think it should be unspoken how lucky you are to have the car. Congrats, but still. Bordering on bad taste there.
Hello Blaster, I was clumsy in my attempt to convey my feelings about being very lucky and grateful to get this car all the while keeping in mind the tragedy that made it possible. The "Funny the way it is" is a reference to a DMB song, that for me, expresses the mixed feelings I have about this car. http://www.metrolyrics.com/funny-the-way-it-is-lyrics-dave-matthews-band.html No disrespect meant, intended or implied. M-
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House) I thought the song covered this situation perfectly...and not in bad taste.
I was never really into DMB, so I didn't get the reference, and took the comment at face value. My bad. I know you were meaning to convey respect to Gru, just had to step in and say something about the wording.
Cobb on the Way! I was able to find a used Cobb AP2 while searching regional Subaru forums. Found it in CT for 450.00. Hope to have it by the end of this week so that I can try it out this weekend. Was also able to pick up a pair of Hellatones. Should be a fast and loud weekend! I am in search of Intake, DP and Catback next.
Skip the intake... no need for it. The stock airbox is more than sufficient for your power level. Also, make sure the AP is unmarried and get proof. You'll like the additional power you're going to have.
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House) get some sway bars and a K&N drop in filter, instead of the intake.
Now that's fun! Got the AP2 and within 10 minutes - had to answer the phone and download latest maps - I had the stage 1 map loaded into my Subaru. Thanks to Kyle in CT for the prompt shipping and excellent deal! Did not crank at first but I was ready for that. Started on the second try. Some slight backfiring when I lightly hit the throttle and let off. Let it idle for a bit and took it for a slow run around the block. Everything seemed good so I stomped it. WOOT! Who says it can't feel like the first time again! Big fun. Stage 2 here I come. (Aaron - pics coming soon)
Pics! I had heard that someone had picked up LeRoi Moore's STi through the grapevine. Incredible find. Awful turn of events that made it possible, but I'm sure he's up there kicking it with the greats, watching an STi get faster...and faster...and...ejoi!
Added a Prodrive shorty downpipe. Mike at Sargent tuned it for a few more ponies. No more pulled timing from the Cobb Maps. Still some finessing to do but we only had an hour. This weekend hope to add a whiteline front sway bar and some RCE yellow springs I picked up from Batlgrounds garage sale. Any tips are welcome! Hope to add a high flow CATed or other midpipe to unleash a few more HP. It has been a blast to drive after Mike's tune. I think there is more to unleash! Seems to be a correlation between my grin and the fuel gauge though! Hey Mighty Mouse - Thnx for the comment. I too hope that Roi is grooving with the greats. Pray that he is not even looking back! He is off to better things! Michael
Oh yeah, it is still at stage 1 boost levels till we remove that factory cat! LOTS more to free up. I just did not see the need to tune it twice. Get it going and safe and one we free up that exhaust, time for the real fun! That whole right foot and gas relationship sucks though, lol. More fun=more gas money:squint: Life is so unfair.
Good to hear that your car is coming along nicely. Keep up the good work Michael, I hope to meet up with you again sometime.
amazing, take care of this car! was honestly just listening to DMB on the way in to work this morning. bought my first DMB cd in 95, and have bought every cd (minus the hundred live trax, have a few though). let me know if you ever plan on selling it
The best part of installing the springs and sway bar was having my 7 year old help with the project. She got on the creeper and was using the ratchet to remove the bolts as I broke them loose. Hope she continues to like to help me work on the car!
First Pictures! OK here goes. Trying clickable thumbnails. These are from a jobsite in Mississippi earlier in the month. The next batch of pics will be of teh car with the new springs.
Got it tuned up a bit by Mike from Killshot. S.O.T.P. dyno says wow! Thanks Mike! The car is a lot more fun to drive! Now I just need to find some place to play with all of that new torque.
Awesome car! I have the exact same color but with a billion more miles!! Mike is one of the best tuners around! He and Andy are hardly ever recognized for the multiple motor builds and great tunes that the provide.
I am very happy with the current tune. Now I will focus on the suspension and learning how to drive with the current power. I will hit 30,000 on the ODO next week. I'll wait quite a bit longer before any other power mods. (sure I will)
Glad you are happy with it man. It kind of amazes me how much different the Cobb OTS tunes can be from car to car. This really is a nice clean car and SUPER low miles for that year.
Woot! Hit 30K on the way back from Arkansas. There sure are a lot of cops there! HWY 78 (Future I-22 corridor) through Mississippi before Memphis was wide open and clear. Kept triggering my shift light in 6th! I either need a better suspension or AL, MS and AR need to work on their roads!
If Someone has a used set they don't want send me a PM. I am keeping all of the original parts in case I ever want or need to go back to stock.
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House: Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) T-Mobile_Rhodium) Check with Brandon at Allpro. I'm pretty sure that he has a set.
I like the minimal wheel gap after you installed the RCE yellows. I have Prodrive but want my car lower. How's the ride with your springs?
Hey nik_05STI You are welcome to check out the ride quality for yourself. I think it is fine on good roads. On long trips though I'd like the option of dialing in a soft setting. I also like the flat cornering of the car with the whiteline FSB.