Some of the photos in the first pages of my journal don't exist that what you are talking about?
yeah, my bad. once i started clicking my way thought all 15 pages they showed up. Thanks sorry. What are the 2 things in the front of your grill? Hella supertones? or what?
Only 4 pages here....change your noob settings in User CP to show more posts per page It'll make life easier for you
haha alright. Will do. Atleast im not scared to admit being a noob right? btw, your STi is incredible. Very well done sir.
Syms. Haven't been able to find them under Syms name but that is what is stamped on the rims themselves.
It will be up and running this weekend. Once I confirm it's running 100% and not leaking I will load it up on the trailer and off to Fayetteville to get broken in on the dyno and then tuned.
Sexy turbo! Is that ford blue on the intake manifold :keke: Hope everything runs smoothly for you bro!
Well last night I was cleaning up around the carport and looking at the engine bay. Figured since I'm waiting on injector orings I'll snap some crappy cell phone pics. This isn't a kit that you slap on. I custom made the rotated assembly (modified TXS kit), custom made intake from my old ERZ downpipe (cleaning that was a pain but it worked perfect), custom made brackets for the IXIZ A/O Sep and the coolant resevoir, and tried to clean up wiring as much as possible. We have too much dang lines and crap in our'll be nice to shave/tuck everything but alas I love my cruise control and AC and ABS.
Looks great man I thought it was gonna be tooooo much blue but not so much. I am getting sick of my ABS, too many bumps to set it off.
Thanks. I may just redo the manifold in black. I dunno yet. The mismatch in blue kinda irks me. I've still got some more cleaning up to do though....right now focus is on getting done. Cosmetic can come later.
Looks good, Delette, even though I would have never choosen blue, I think it looks good in there. I definitely feel you on how ugly our bays are. I spent WWAAYY too much money one the stainless lines to make it look better, but our harness is ridiculous
yeah...i know, they suck you didn't use those fugly-ass lines that came with the AOS did you? I will say braided stainless looks 100x better (though the lines / fittings now cost more than the AOS itself)
Actually that was the plan. Wrinkle black ceramic coating to be exact. I just want to make sure everything fits and is in good working order before I paint. That way I won't have to uninstall and scratch the mess out of it. Those pipes can be tricky to fit.
Where you gonna tuck it with out extending it? As it sits it can't be tucked any more without custom work!
Well the car is back in my driveway. Drove her home and got started on breaking her in. She runs a little rough so I need to get with SS and see if the maps needs tweaking or what. I'm just glad to finally hear the car run again.
Sadness......oil smoke and everyone I talk to says theirs didn't smoke. Hoping it's just the rings needing sealing. When I get home, I'm doing a compression test to check consistancy.
Only one piston was burning oil. I pull all of them and replaced all the rings with the help of my buddy Robbie. No trimming of the oil Now I need a spare oil cooler oring...that big orange one. Anyone have a spare? Oh the smurf blue has been redone with black.
I have a slight oil leak there. Took the cooler off and the oring popped out since it has already expanded from heat cycling. :unamused:
Car is in the parking lot at work. So glad to drive it again. Hopefully it all works out today and tomorrow. Getting tuned Saturday!
I need to update this but when the car overheated it blew the head gaskets. Engine is out and torn apart. No warpage but everything is going to the machine shop to get decked soon as Robbie gets me a date.
Yup first time I fubared the oil rings. This time it overheated on me while i wasn't in the car and was talking to my dad (had been running all day flawlessly). Found a wire that was rubbing the fender and it blew the main fan relays hence no fans. Overheated while idling. So it's 3rd times the charm or you guys will be seeing a MASSIVE partout and I'm leaving the Subaru community for good (4x4 pickup truck will be the replacement if it happens).
i couldn't go to that from my car..unless it was really really nice and i'd have to step up to something else..supra..vette..etc
No she isn't old enough to handle a 270. She in the stand with my brother. That's my brother's daughter.
You better tell your brother to keep that gun visible whenever boys come over in the near future! She is adorable.