Bummer man, after all of that hard work and hours into trouble shooting. I hate that it had to end like this. At least you had some good years and were immortalized in writing. You're not interested in an R32 are you? German? Check, AWD? Check, Fancy Pants DSG trasnmission? Check. It's like the subie and the M3 all in one
Exactly. Basically don't do launches and you will be fine. The M3 specialist at the BMW place told me that car has about 5-6 hard launches before the clutches give up.
But you just finished the built...how can you be tired of it? Anyways, its sad to see this happen, especially after all the money you had put in this car. Phone+Driving=:hsnono: Let me know, I might get the tranny. That is, if everything is okey with the tranny. Crap NVM, just saw your thread i For sale: "Not parting out....entire car has been sold. Sorry guys."
Put a bunch of time and money into a project car and tell me how you feel about it when something stupid happens. WJM has done such a thing six times. Currently only owns one of those six still.
Well I haven't put nowhere near close amount as him in my car, but I'm not tired of my car, I just want more. I understand if he meant he was tired of it after the incident. But if he was tired of it before the incident, I don't see how that would be possible. Well I guess he got him self out of debt, so I guess its a win win situation for him.
Nice looking m3. It will be a nice change to ride in luxury. It won't be too much longer before I make the change too.
When you get a family, wife, and are trying for a child (we thought we already had one on the way but it was a false alarm).....priorities change big time. If I could get back all the money I've spent on this car.....my home would be PAID for There are vastly more important things in life than a fast car.....especially when that fast car is your only car. One day when I'm out of debt, I'll own another toy. But for now, I need something reliable and consistant that I can count on.
Why are you so concerned with what 'I' want to do and what 'I' want to get next? Also BMW's are very reliable. I know a ton of people with them that have had ZERO issues with them. They last a long time if you keep up with the maintenance on them....just like most any other car.
I was just kidding... jeez. I'll leave you and your car alone. Bu I too know a lot of BMW drivers and they have had problems. Just saying.
I'm just saying.....don't worry your pretty little head off. My choice is my choice. And M-series BMW's are vastly different than the bazillion other BMW's you see. They are hand built and blueprinted. The quality on them is worlds different.
The real question is: WHY THE FUCK NOT???????????????????????????? There is such a large list of things about any given BMW that makes it 11ty billion times better than any SUBARU its not even funny. About the one and only thing that SUBARU has over BMW is that SUBARU's "sports cars" come standard with a very simple AWD system that is cheap and easy. If I was not a technician and did not work at a SUBARU dealer, I would probably have a BMW of some sort, something newer of course, 2005+. If I had a tad more money, a Carrera/911 of some sort. Defiantly NOT any sort of convertible and for sure not a Boxter. 100% I would have a C5 or C6 Z06, no questions asked. SUBARUs are utilitarian AWD vehicles for a niche market. Always have been, always will be. Their mainstream targeting is going to bite them hard in the ass unless they clean up some of their engineering oversights. We see whats going on with Toyota and Honda...if SUBARU had sold as many cars as Toyota/Honda, there would be large class action lawsuits over the leaking headgaskets, random oil consumption, the 5MT in the WRX and other 5MT Turbo cars, the WRX fuel rail leak, and other things that have been hot topics on the major forums. Instead, since numbers are small and their lawyers are well paid, they've avoided large issues by dealing with them on a case by case basis to keep issues out of court rooms and settled before it goes to court. Of the cases I've seen make it to court, SOA is well prepared and typically ends up settling. Very few cases have been lost in the courtroom. The ones that have been lost, every case was lost due to the DEALERSHIP neglecting some piece of information and that was enough to rule in favor of the customer. That being said, I like my Legacy and I am not getting rid of it anytime soon. 1. Its paid for. 2. Works for me. 3. Reasonably quick and handles nice (due to my modifications). 4. Does not break. (287,9xx miles so far, no major failures. Only small basic/normal maintenance items.) 5. Must be made of magic since it does not break like others. If something ever happens that is requires large sums of money to fix or is totaled in an accident, I seriously doubt I will buy any subaru made after 2006. I may not buy anything to replace it and just drive my truck until something happens to it and at that point the truck will be replaced by Dodge-Cummins Truck or a 7.3 Power Stroke Ford Truck.
Funny you mentioned Toyota. The 2010 Subarus are having throttle issues. There is a thread on Nasioc about it and one guy had his rev up to 3K while his foot was off the gas. He went to the dealership and reported and they said that this was like the 5th or 6th (don't recall the number but it was several at the same dealership) time this has happened.
Link? And that's nothing new and probably a normal condition as long as the following criteria is met on a MANUAL transmission vehicle with drive by wire: 1. Neutral position sensor OFF and has been in an ON-OFF pattern while #3. 2. Clutch pedal sensor ON. 3. Brake pedal switch ON. AKA you are slowing down and rowing in reverse thru the gears the ECU KNOWS TO INCREASE REVS TO DECREASE WEAR ON THE TRANSMISSION SYNCROS AND CLUTCH DISC. As soon as you release the clutch pedal (switch OFF) there is a 500ms delay and the engine will return to normal idle state. As soon as brake is off, there is approximately a 2 second delay and the engine will return to a normal idle state. If OFF/ON/ON and vehicle speed reaches zero OR there is no other changes, within 5 seconds the engine will return to a normal idle state. There is a reflash for this from SUBARU. I would NOT recommend the reflash as you will lose the "sporting" rev match downshift abilities. Since the introduction of drive by wire, all MT SUBARUs will do this under the correct conditions. I know this as I owned one and drive them daily.
Well understood. Well I never knew you were in debt because of your car, I always thought you did everything as you could afford. I'm young, but i understand what debt is, and i will never buy anything that would put me in that situation. Well goodluck with w..e you do, m3 is a nice car.
I'm sure many like you have said that. Just saying. Good luck with the M3 Cool. Hopefully you won't leave this board entirely after you get it.:bigthumb:
False alarm just means more practice that's all Z06 wouldn't work with the multiplication issue that Coolrex is working on So that leaves just Auto Union or that Bavarian crap
Yeah but when you bust a 5 speed and need to get your car going.....sometimes you have to get a loan to fix it.
I really do not understand the Bimmer hate that so many Subie people have. I don't mind the cars -- just the owners :rofl:
Brian and I just sold our 328... the car was nice and had a great torque band but maintenance wise it was a money pit. BMW bushing seem to be made out of string cheese because they wear so quickly; the bill for just the replacement OEM bushings in the 328 was $400! To replace all the bushings on my Civic it was like $75 and for my S2000 it was $120. I love vantos but I won't own another BMW unless I buy with a maintenance plan. I've driven a few e46 M3s and I definitely enjoyed myself but I just can't see myself owning another used BMW with all the maintenance costs. Good luck with the new car
So, just so I am understanding you, you're getting an SMG because it shifts faster than a 6 Speed, but you are not going to mod this new car as it is going to be your daily, so why would the car shifting faster play into your decision? If you are not going to drive it hard, than why would the speed at which it shifts matter? Just trying to figure out your reasoning here...
I think CoolRex does not want/need to explain anything about his new car. Like WJM said: White Beast is gone. /thread.
Ouch. But your car is "I've never done anything worth mentioning." Coolrex will be a legacy that will live on.
Wrong. I'm asking so I know what the hell to look for. The M3 records in the ECU how many launch control passes were made. I don't want to buy a car that was beat to crap. And I'm getting a SMG so that my wife can also drive the car when we take our yearly road trips to NY.