I've got a set of rear pads you can have (not cheap ones), the arm rest would take about 10 minutes. The rest is all Alex and Joe
New turbo arrived today to replace the vf34. This is a BNR Supercars Evo III 16g. Swap will happen this weekend and tune is scheduled for Tuesday at 9am at TopSpeed.
^^^ Verah nice! Gerrrrraaaate successsssss!!!! Been glancing at your thread off and on... you have a beautiful wagon. Very interested to see what numbers you put down. Are you using this in conjunction with 650cc injectors? How many miles do you have on your engine now?
Thank you...I see your old wagon almost everyday at work. Chris is taking good care of it. Same injectors. Going to a silicone inlet / after-maf. I think the car has right around 110,000. We just did a compression check and a 4 #'s were solid. I really don't think the numbers will be much different from the vf34...I just hope it spools faster!
I'm betting on similar spool with a surprisingly stronger top end... I wouldn't be surprised if you managed to hit 300whp on their dyno with that turbo in this weather. Glad to hear Chris is taking care of the wagon, but I could tell he would. Honestly, it looks better than it did the day I sold it to him. I am soooooo tempted to jump the gun and do bigger turbo and injectors on my 02 wagon. It has a 135,000 miles and I initially said said I wouldn't do it, but you know how that goes. I'm guessing Doug is going to tune it, right? Still going the Accessport route? And, uhhhhhhh, now that I think about it, what did you do with your VF34? :naughty:
vf34 is still on the car. I believe it's on it's last legs. Breel describes the sound as a bobcat getting stepped on by pachyderm. Yes, Doug is doing the Cobb tune.
HAH! Yeah, sounds like it's about done. Ugh, IHI and their non rebuildable turbos. Oh well... You know Doug will lay a Hell of a tune on it and I can't wait to see the results. On my old car I was really happy with the ported "small" 16G, but always wondered if I should have gone Evo III. I'm using you as my guide to what could have been or maybe even what could be with my current ride. Good luck and keep us posted!
HTA68 sucks donkey balls on a 2.0L. You'll cross 300 hp if that turbo is done right. I say 308hp and 280 tq.
word to the wise; when upgrading your turbo...remember to upgrade your oil line as well. Some turbo's need more oil than the stock line provides. Long story short...turbo is dead, getting it fixed this weekend. 2nd tune attempt in a couple of weeks.
Stock housings do no mean stock internals. On a postive note...I was at the same power level with my vf34 before Doug called it quits. He knew something was wrong and it just wasn't making any power. :naughty: Thanks again to Breel and Doug for all of their help through this!
um...did I miss something? And BLOOD. I'll work on the updates to the mod list as I just added a Forge Re-Circ BPV and a Grimspeed EBCS. Tune is Saturday. Updates to follow.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SCH-I500 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17) Feels good doesnt it?
That is strange...I know plenty of people that use the stock banjo bolt with bigger turbo than you have. Did you prime the oil to the turbo before you started the car for the first time? I know Deadbolt use to swear that if you didn't it would grenade your turbo.
^^ yes, they said they did and we did again this time. And you're right Eddie. I've got a Deadbolt running with the stock banjo bolt.
My spin/research on oil line for Mitsu center section turbos The Forced Performance line kit includes a banjo bolt and it's orifice is specific to the Mitsubishi center section. The Mitsu center section most definitely requires more oil supply than the IHI's do. I worried about the FP turbo line kit as it feeds off the passenger side AVCS, but the more reading and logs I looked at, the AVCS does not really "consume" oil per se, just the hydraulic pressure advances the cams. Is there some minor variability in oil pressure as the AVCS goes from 0 advance to full advance (i.e. ~20 degrees)? Probably some change in fluid pressure, but the change in fluid pressure based on rpm is more influential to the oil the turbo sees than the AVCS's affect on the oil the turbo sees. Basically, I've decided the FP line kit design is good. On my LGT the AVCS gets full oil pressure from the factory hard line on the back of the block that goes DOWN. The UP hard line has a factory restriction built into the factory hard line. Some people have apparently drilled out the factory restriction in the UP section of hardline and utilized the stock UP hardline to feed the turbo, but they also changed the banjo bolt that goes into the turbo FP kit caps the stock UP hard line and uses full flow oil from AVCS and controls pressure with banjo orifice + turbo housing orifice. Love or hate FP, this line kit does seem to address oil concerns for a Mitsu center section.
I drove an 18g (same Mitsu center that FP uses) for 160,000 miles on the stock banjo. They must have changed the Mitsu center housings or either the other turbo makes (Blouch, Deadbolt, etc) are using a diff center cartridge than FP/BNR.
I have said 18g along with the original center section from Matt's car. Will be comparing the two this evening and will post up pics