Water Bottle vs Windsheild

Discussion in 'General Community' started by wileycoyote0022, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. wileycoyote0022

    May 12, 2008
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    Ok, so last night I had a pretty interesting night, good story. ha ha

    I was heading home from school (Chattahoochee Tech in Woodstock) and I was coming up North Arnold Mill Rd, as I was passing a VW Passat filled full of teenagers. I see a water bottle come flying out of the passenger side rear window and hit my windsheild. Which by the way was either completely full, or mostly full, it breaks my windsheild with 8 or 9 lines running threw the drivers side. Im pissed at this point, I fuckin ripp the ebrake and flip a bitch and start hauling after them. Didnt take long, maybe 1/2 a mile, fly up on there ass honking and flashing my lights signaling to pull over. I see there are 4 occupants in the car cause all but the driver at this point have there heads turned. Now, I am not gonna lie, I was pretty pissed and I am sure I was making an ass out of myself by acting like a manic behind them, cause honestly I would have loved nothing more than to beat the crap out of some irreasponsible teenager who throw shit at peoples cars! I realize this is going to solve nothing and I call 911, while these guys are still running from me. 911 dispatches a car and it takes them 10 miles to catch up to us. They run threw 2 redlights and get up to around 90 trying to run from me (might I add it took them a good 20 secs to get up to 90 mph, slow!) Finally once I got into Holly Springs I had 2 Holly Spring PO waiting to jump in. Once they pulled over one officer cam and talked to me, and the other went to speak to the other car. Told him what happened, and he asked me if I thought they did it on purpose. I looked at him and siad, if you were to litter would you throw it over the top of the car into on coming traffic? He siad, "good point". Switched spots and the other came to speak with me. Told him the same thing, and then he asked me, is that all that happen? Yes...... why? He said, well cause you scared the shit out of them. I laughed, said I hope so! All in all the kid got a ticket for litering and criminal intent to destroy property. The cops pressed the charges, and said they were thinking about taging the rest with Aid and Abetting criminal activity. I almost felt bad for the kids, then I looked at my windsheild, and my mind changed.

    The funnist thing was after all was said and done, I saw there was 2 other cars there with the kids buddies there, looked like he called backup. Ha ha, 8 (4 in the main car, and 2 in each of the other cars) against me, I felt like a badass, to bad it was only temporary.

    Later that night the kid's Dad calls me and apologizes up and down, telling me how sorry he was for the mishap, and how embarassed he was of the situation. The guy was really nice, I couldnt get mad at him, nor could I tell him that his son was 1 inch shy of getting his ass beat. All in all the dad is paying to have someone to come out and replace the windsheild, which honestly all I wanted in the end.
    #1 wileycoyote0022, Sep 10, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2009
  2. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice
    Supporting Member

    May 10, 2005
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  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Nov 1, 2004
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    That is crazy... Hope dudes Dad rips him a new one and makes him pay....
  4. El_Diablo

    El_Diablo Member

    Feb 22, 2007
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  5. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Mar 31, 2008
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    doesn't mean shit unless the kid actually apologizes.

    pic's of windshield?
  6. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sep 5, 2005
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    Funny exact same thing happened to me last year. Kids in a Cherokee were in front of me. I see one hang half out the back door and throw a mountain dew bottle (it was green so I assume MD). It hits my hood and liquid flys out. Then I see the kid throw something else and I hear what sounds like a bunch of bb's. My windshield busted from the bottle and my hood has chips spread all over the front.

    It all happened so fast. They punch it and I floor the car and pass them and then slam on the brakes getting ready to get out the car for a good ol butt whooping. They stopped and turned around and take off. I floor it and follow them. They turn down this muddy dirt road flooring it and I bet they are thinking that little car can't hang on the dirt roads.....heh WRONG!. I call PD and they are on the way. I keep chasing this kids and all I can smell is burnt up clutch or something from their Cherokee and it is smoking. Then they get into traffic and start passing on the road side and getting STUPID so I back off and meet with PD. By that time I had their license plates and a pic on my phone.

    PD goes to the location of the driver. Finds out the kid in the back seats name and his dad calls me all mad at his kid. Profusly apoligizes to me and offers to fix my hood and bumper. I say ok but what about my windshield. SC law gives us a free windshield a year but I tell the dad I am not wasting my windshield on his kid so he agrees to pay me. $980 cash money in my pocket and I sign a form agreeing it was handled out of court and no charges will be pressed. Got home, put my RS hood on and pocketed the rest of the money. From what I hear from local guys the kid lost his license and has to community service because even though I didn't press charges the PD did.

    Also got a nice long apology from kid on the phone.
  7. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Jul 8, 2006
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    good it turned out in your favor.

    i could just see the cops (especially Holly Springs) arresting you for speeding/wreckless endangerment or something stupid like that.
  8. ZenMotors

    ZenMotors Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Justice was served!
  9. Matt

    Matt Think before you post
    Staff Member Supporting Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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  10. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sep 5, 2005
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    I see grammatical errors right thar!
  11. dundunskeert

    dundunskeert Member

    Jul 9, 2008
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    Awesome man! I'm glad that the little shit's got what they deserved!
  12. Megadeth2118's_wife

    Jul 15, 2009
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    I would have handled it the same way!! Punk-@$$ kids!! One time (when I was 19 mind you...) I was driving down this road after having dropped my friend off.... I pass this group of like 14 and 15 year olds and for no reason whatsoever I see them all flip me off as I look in my rear view mirror... BIG MISTAKE.... I slammed on the brakes, threw it in reverse and floored it... (I was in a Camry - not meant to handle my driving).. they took off running in all directions. HILARIOUS!! I was like... "yeah you better run!!!!!!" Where I grew up flipping someone off like that could get you shot.
  13. Oz10

    Oz10 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Looks like they learned their lesson!
    #13 Oz10, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  14. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Oct 5, 2006
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    Lets just see if the dad actually has your windshield replaced...I would get several quotes and give hive the highest one...and then do it yourself :keke:

    Glad to hear you did not get hurt or that it was worse.
  15. wileycoyote0022

    May 12, 2008
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    Yeah, that sounds way to familiar, they tried to run from me too. I honestly was like seriously, you are gonna try and run from me in your mom's passat? wtf... to funny dude. I was seriously ready to beat the living shit out of every single one of them. When I spoke to the kid on the phone, I told him it was very smart of him to wait on the cops cause it wouldnt have ended as nicely.
    He appologized, and his father did. Repeatedly
    Yeah, that was my thinking, cause come to find out, as soon as I made the call. There was a Cherokee S.O. trying to intercept at the same time, and I know he was thinking, "how fast are they fuckin going?"
    Yeah well its a forum board, not a memo to my boss.
    Oddly, I have done the exact same thing, I was driving up 575, and this douche bag in front of me was doing 50, and wouldnt let me pass. He would seriously change lanes to block me, I was like wtf did i do to you. So once he gave me a window, i floored it passed him ( this was when i had my sentra Spec-V) as I pass him he starts to ride my ass. I throw my hands up like seriously dude, wtf is your problem. then he starts to swerve back and forth behind me being a true jack ass. I brake check him a couple of times, and it doesnt faze him. So I let him have it. (i guess he doesnt know what 4 pot brembo brakes can do) at 70 mph i put my foot threw the floor, locking up the front brakes i see him in his nice little benz noise dive into the pavement trying to avoid rear-ending me. I am pillowing white smoke, and at one point I couldnt even see him behind me. After I got down to about 30 I put it into gear and start to take off again, by the time the smoke clears I see him in the medium ass backwards. I couldnt stop laughing...... serves the fucker right.... being an asshole. Ohh and, I got mine too, I didnt have ABS on the car, so I flat spotted the hell out of my tires. My wife (girlfriend at the time) wanted to kill me.
    Yeah, I just got off the phone with the dad again today. Scheduled to have it replaced next week. He contacted a local glass company and they are coming out to the house next week after work to replace it, at his cost. He siad like $340 for it. Not bad, and thats replacing all the trim as well.
  16. wileycoyote0022

    May 12, 2008
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    Sorry for the massive post, havent had a chance to get on in the last couple of days, busy as hell.

    I can get some pics up tomorrow for everyone.

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