i'm gonna be a daddy... just thought i'd throw that out there, not really sure how to anounce these things but i sure am excited... YAY ME!
thanks everybody i really am excited, well im not excited to waste my potential in the service industry for god knows how long (i was going to go to gt next spring) but i am excited about being a daddy, and all i keep hearing is "every thing happens for a reason" and i'm sure that's true, but scared sh!tless!! and excited and possibly selling the suby ( dog has a torn a.c.l. and fiance need two root canals) but im still excited.
I knew when I saw you post in here that it was going to be about me. :rofl: no wai, that's a classic line!! I know I don't like pulling out!
^^^ Did it ever occur to you that maybe some people were trying to get pregnant and they are not ALL oops'? And before you say it, :fawk: the Access Port!