WOW~!!!! It was my first time doing 360 turns and LOTS of drifting!!!! What an AWESOM Day!!!!:bigthumb: :bigthumb: As you guys know, today was one of worst day of atlanta's road condition. However, I still had to go to work, but i ended up coming out early due to early close. At the "EMPTY" Mall parking lot, some body was having a GREAT fun!!! Couldn't resist to share with you guys. I wish that i could take more pictures, but mall securities came. so i had to FLEE!!! of course, their JEEP couldn't catch me on Snow or icy road. DAMN!!!! WRX is the BOMB!!!!
Heck yeah, I have been playing all night in the huge parking lot here at work, im the only one in the building so ive been out there having a blast. Nice pics Jason
I wish I could have found some nice open lot here in Atlanta to have some fun in my truck. Instead I had to resort to powersliding into parking spots in my truck.
most of the recent caravans have been planned for going up to northpoint... but the last couple times, its been just alex and myself