Ok, does anyone know where one can get a pro tune without going to Top Speed or Batlground? I would be willing to drive out of state.
Well, if you dont want to visit one of those site sponsors, check out Mike@Sargent Power who is another awesome local dude who sponsors the site!
He had an appointment with me for this Saturday coming up. I have however had the opportunity just come up to race at the 24hrs of lemons this weekend for free which is not something I can pass up. This opportunity however is in conflict with his appointment, which we have offered to reschedule to tune the car on Monday if he'd like.
We've offered to let him drop off Saturday and pick up after hours Monday. Normally I would consider coming in on Saturday to keep the customer happy (which would make my wife REALLY UNhappy) but we have our "birthing class" 9-4:30 and can't reschedule. Siegel
Sometimes shit happens...personally I think that the local tuning talent here is the best and I wouldn't take it anywhere else, but do whatever you feel like you need to do.
He has an appointment with me now. He is in good hands. He was concerned about getting it all done in time before a trip. It was nothing against TS or Batleground.