When I first got it... I wish it stayed that shiney... I discovered about 2 months later this thing liked to eat road cyclists... Autox and Mountains runs are fun...
What the hell. She's a non-garaged D/D. Had her since 04 with just 14k now at 90k. Ej205's a little tired but still kicking. 6sp goes in next weekend.
hahha no I thought they were all too good for me! I've just been working & doing the school thing a lot lately.. you know how it is, distractions!
Hey Ken you should go with the INGS grill, color match that chrome piece on the trunk then debadge it.
Looks to much like the Leggy, an after thought and well, just ugly. Sorry GR owners but it's just an opinion
I have thousands of pics of my old civic si, these are the only ones I've ever taken of the subie for some reason?
just took these couple a few days ago, messing with a new camera mine and formerly heathbar's now mr. wazmo's saabaru and the lady's fozzy....please wave to her as she loves it and feels left out when wrx and sti's don't wave! sorry its so dirty
What help is needed, fellow STI-ian. Well... Damnit. I don't have an STI. Rofl Anyway, what do you need help with?
just cause the forum name is wrx atlanta doesnt mean we dont allow other makes to post here. there are plenty of lgt owners that frequent the boards. we are a subaru enthusiast community. also please dont spam or post whore trying to get enough posts to post a FS: thread. :hsnono: your FS: thread and all posts will be removed if this is the case.