Caravan Information: TunerFest

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Nemesis Digital, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. Okay Im almost positive everyone is going to jump on 85N at some point to get to Commerce, so here is where we will all meet up. The Indian Trail Rd Exit gas station.

    85n to Indian Trail left off exit, at the first light there is a gas station.

    Im actually going there tonight so Ill post what gas station it is exactly so there is no confusion.

    Meet Time: 1:00pm
    Depart Time: 1:30-2:00PM

    My cell is 770-656-7145. Call me if you guys get lost or cant find it, but it should be pretty easy.

    I will update this first post in the coming days with more detailed info.
  2. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

  3. D_K

    D_K Member

    alright that sounds like a plan...

    now did we decide if we are having our own general parking area?..or what is the deal with that?

    what are the cost of tunerfest?
  4. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    10 bux
  5. It is 10 to get inside, and 30 to park inside , show, drag race, and dyno (which is all included in the 30). All participants will be parking outside the compounds. So you have to pay the 30 to get right into where all the action will be, but that includes dyno, showing, and drag if you want to.

    So far the weather looks like it might hold back, but nobody knows for sure yet. Im keeping in touch with Paul (the admin ) over on IA. He lives approx 15 minutes from the track so before I head out Ill give him a call and post on here weather or not its a good idea to go. We'll have to play it by ear, and go from there. But yes check back here often for updates.
  6. flip

    flip Member

    eww 1 is early LOL i won't get to sleep till about 7am :( I'll just have to rough it :). Can't miss this!!!
  7. So only two people . Come on now! :wiggle:
  8. D_K

    D_K Member

    did you find out what gas station we will be meeting at?
  9. flip

    flip Member

    Yah that might help :p Lemie know soon cause I'm going home at 6 and sleeping till noon and leaving...

    If i don't hear any more i'll just find the gas station with the subarus in it at 1 ;).
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2006
  10. Almost positive its a Texaco, but dont take my word for it completely LOL

    Its the only gas station off to the right at the light. Just look for my car :) or call me!

    Bump, only a couple hours!
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2006
  11. D_K

    D_K Member

    wait, are we all parking in a general area at the the show?..or?
  12. Yeah, that's the plan. Im bringing a cooler with drinks for everyone also.
  13. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    yall have fun and post up some pix later!!
  14. flip

    flip Member

    I'll be there :p gotta run out and wash the car since it was raining when i got home this mornign :(. 4 hours of sleep, yay...
  15. D_K

    D_K Member

    yeah!..i wanted to wash my car..

    but i dont think im going to get to that..oh well =[

    oh yeah..i know it cost $30 per car..which includes dyno, track, and show...

    do i still have to pay the $10 entrance fee?
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2006
  16. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    the $30 is for everything! or so I thought.

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