Saturday Nights Meet: Feedback and Suggestions

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Sti2781, Jul 23, 2006.

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  1. Sti2781

    Sti2781 Member

    We had a pretty good turn out. I am hoping that we can find different things to do and a new place to meet. I say we meet at books a million parking lot There is a coffee shop inside books a million, plus a lot of variety to eat dinner. Everybody splits up and each time the crowd seems to get less and less. If we do a ride out we need to stick together and remember cops are heavy in Savannah this time of year.

    Also i am hoping that we can continue to grow and that at least twice a month we can get everyone together. I am talking just about every suby enthusiast in Savannah show up. Get some good pictures and have some fun.

    Tom is the new leader that everyone voted on. Good choice. BBQ's and grill outs at Toms:drool: lol.

    If anyone has thoughts or feedback this is the thread to do so....
  2. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    I agree with what you said. At least twice a month getting everyone to show up for pictures and a drive or something would work. We should try to do an install day get together like the atlanta guys. or just drink

    ok, no more talking for me
  3. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Hey guys this sounds great install days will be when we have the meet and BBQ at my house, if any one has anything to install. I want to plan to have the first group BBQ on saturady night when we meet up on 8-5-06 I will post this on a seperate thread next week. By the way it was a good turn out but people need to stay together and plan to eat with the group no taking off like what has been happening, usually start out with like 25 people and ends up being onl like 15 or so when we eat. People need to be serious about our group and need to make it to planned meets and events. Ben If it is ok with you I want you to be my second in charge for the group. let me know, if this is ok and Bebee can be your secretary, We will finally start getting the Savannah chapter of WRX Atlanta together and stronger again.
  4. ksource

    ksource Member

    Aww leavin a brotha out? K, ill be the guy that :fawk: everyone off in traffic like i always do. no, i'll be attorney general making sure everyone stays cool.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2006
  5. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    haha, bebee's your bitch, use him!!

    Oh, hey, being serious now, do we want a website, cuz I'll work on getting one put together, i've got the programs to do it. Every member can also have their own section to show off their cars
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2006
  6. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Kyle bitch boy! that sounds good! haha but hey Jordan website sounds cool too if you want to make one. But remeber since we are the savannah chapter of WRX atlanta this website is also ample enough and sufficient as we'll for posting pics and stuff!
  7. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    Works for me :D

    If we goin to do this lets do this right though, no more of that riding to where the f-body gathering is or anything like that b/c you supposedly heard that they said "subarus are gay". This is a car club not a reenactment of a west side story. We are all adults now we can do without stuff like that, you wanna start keeping a low profile and be more organized about it for the cops sake, have more discussions at the meets like goin to the dragstrip as a group, the next auto-x event, caravanning to a big car event of that sort, install days, etc...

    Yes i keep editing... sorry
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2006
  8. Sti2781

    Sti2781 Member

    We also need to change the name. Boosted Suby to me sounds a little juvenille. Put your heads together guys. Tom i will be your right wing man, just call me
  9. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  10. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    Actually, you'd be Number 1...ya know like CPT piccard calls his right hand in star trek
  11. ksource

    ksource Member

    I agree
  12. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    umm...has anyone talked to Dave about this? does he know that tom is taking over the scheduling and all? hell, i know that i wasn't there to cast a vote on anything. not trying to flame, i just don't want this to blow up like it has the potential to.

    also, what about events other than cookouts or hanging out in parking lots? what about autocrosses, track days, mountain runs, or the like? not that there is anything wrong with getting together and hanging out, but rather than be like all the other people out on sat. nights in savannah, lets actually get something together to do during the day...that involves driving...just my $.02

    ...damn, just noticed that kevin posted the same thing. anyway, i try to make it to meets when i can. i just have alot going on this month, so i haven't been around at all. i will be back in town next weekend, so keep me in the loop guys
  13. suby113

    suby113 Member

    It will all happen in due time guys, But for now we have to get the group situated and find out who the real suby club ones are and the ones who just think they can come and hang out when they want.
  14. STi1981

    STi1981 New Member

    We not booting Dave out the club nor did this take place because of one person it was a unamous decision. The leader has to own a subaru and ultimately be 100% dedicated to attending every meet and organizing functions. Hey if i had gotten rid of my subaru and didn't have one i would not want to be the leader of the pack that is for sure.

    Basically either you going to attend at least 2 meetings a month (unless understandable circumstances apply) or your not considered someone who is serious about having a suby club or cares one way or the other. I think we should stay away from RICE, F-Body clubs, and really any other clubs in Savannah. We need to do our own thing, ignore the imaturity of the F-body club. Obviously we need to keep to ourselves and stay out of troubles way. Stand out......
  15. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    Also need to have rules of conduct on nights of meets i.e. anything that would defimate the reputation of the club. No speeding within the facinity of the meets or anything disordorly of that nature. Don't want to bring any bad attention to ourselves, it's not fair to you or the rest of the members if you decide to get bring unwanted attention to our meets. Basically if we don't start any trouble w/ the cops there is no reason for them to assume will start any in the future, therefore them allowing us to have these meets w/o them wanting to break them up, i understand that certain cops can be dicks at sometimes, but challenging there authority at any time even on those propostorous requests will just make them even more eager to bring us down. I'm sure in due time we could possibly develope a good relationship w/ them i have a friend or two that i know that work for the SPD, all we can do is find out what rights we have pursue them and not be utter dicks to them unless it's within reason.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  16. suby113

    suby113 Member

    I couldn't agree more with you guys! Since you guys are already coming up with these great Ideas I want you guys to brainstorm what rules and regs you would like to have and hand them to me on the next meet IE (my BBQ for the group) Then that night we can talk at set some things in stone. Sound OK?
  17. JM5999

    JM5999 Member

    sounds good
  18. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    unanimous decision...but not everyone was there...right?
    i really think that everyone, not just the ones of us that are on the forum, need to talk this out.
    i agree that we need to get more organized, but, i am not sure that we are going about it the right way.
    if this is going to happen, everyone that wants to needs to voice an opinion.
    dave is on a cruise this week, so he is out of touch.

    when is the cookout scheduled for tom? i need to make sure that i am free that weekend.
  19. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    Yeah, i agree w/ hazzard, think we need to discuss some things. I couldn't make the meet b/c i had plans of goin to tunerfest for a week. We need to stipulate some things b4 we jump the gun on this, all happening alittle too fast. I think Dave needs an opportunity to give his input on this, i mean he is the one who got all this started in the first place. Yeah Dave doesn't have a suby, but that doesn't mean he is no longer an enthusiest. We all know his intentions, the guy has only had his car sold for a short period. I'm sure he'll be owning another suby in a short time to come, no reason to pull the rug from underneath him.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  20. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Just to let you guys know, Not everyone is ever there! It is always the same dedicated people at the meets everyother saturday so those same people and then some voted, just so you know It was not my idea nor did I ask for it it was the groups idea. The group understands people can't make it some days but there is only a select few from what I can see are dedicated, not to name anyone in particular but these are the same people that come to every Meet and try to make an effort. ;)
  21. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    Like i said, too quick too fast. That last meet wasn't really planned anyways, I remember many stating that couldn't make it even when that meet was requested. So alot known about it and even said that they couldn't make it. I think we should wait til dave gets back and then we'll plan on a day we know everyone can come. For example, I was at the last 4 meets and i can remember ben not showing up to anyone of them so how does his vote count, how am i supposed to know it wasn't like for the others that were there if your saying that everyone that was there are the ones that always show up. For such a serious vote why not wait on a day you know that most people are goin to be there.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  22. STi1981

    STi1981 New Member

    Lets stop before we start causing ill feelings. There were more meets that i could count on two hands that you were not there. However this was not one persons idea. Yes everyone was not there however it was the biggest turn out in a long time. If you guys want to have a big mandatory meeting where everyone voices there opinion. Lets set a night. Those who want to get into a pissing contest though, can go hang with the F-body club... My vote counts cause i was one of the orginal few that even wanted to get this thing together. Me and Dave organized the initial meetings at my rest. in case you forget;)

    not to mention there was talk about t-shirts stickers etc. etc. and no one wanted to get serious. Not to mention that the LEADER should be at everyone of the meets. This again is not my decision it was the decision of the group. You can't point a blame at anyone person. The group just said that Tom never misses a meet and he has free time on his hands and not to mention he is gracious enough to open his house for BBQ's and mod days on occation....
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  23. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Thanks sti1981 I agree with you At the next meet which will be my BBQ, which will be a serious meet! we will get a consensus. I will post next week what Time.
  24. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    Well i'll be honest, after the first two meets i'll admit i didn't agree w/ some of the earlier antics like riding out where the F-body guys are picking races or goin from parking lot to parking lot looking for ricers, I felt it was a little juvenile so i took a step back for a while to see how will turn out for it. And the last meet where I stopped being serious after someone's unfortunate demise w/ the cops, i get pulled over and harrased b/c they were trying to find out where the rest of the suby guys were headed, so upon that i decided to take a break and in my opinion w/ good reason too. Well i've gotten over that been to the last 4 for the exception of this last one b/c of being in atlanta. I decided to be more committed. But if you want to look at the past to make your rulings instead of making a change for the future of the club thats fine. I only said what i said to make a point but not to litterally say that it wasn't goin to work for the benefit of the future meets. It's obvious whats done is done i'm not complaining about tom being the leader, Tom is a cool guy think he'll make a good one, but just want to make sure that we make it fair for everybody in the future thats all. On that note, i'm done don't want to go into it anymore because like you said don't want to cause any mixed feelings, just making my suggestion as stated as the purpose of this thread.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2006
  25. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Hey deuce your cool like I said Me and Ben do agree with you in everyway, and we will make it an effort to be Fair with everyone. And yes this thread was just for what we are discussing so no harm done!:p
  26. Indica029

    Indica029 Member

    let me clarify a few things....i was at the meeting and i was the one and went forward to bring this idea up. i'm sorry you weren't there duece and espeacially sorry you weren't present hazzard. despite what other things might be said or arguements you guys might get into the reason why i bought it forward was to either kickstart the group or atleast change the direction. I went out the on a bunch of saturdays to find no one showing up. Dave has alot on his plate right now and he's always working on the daewoo :) Dave had us all on his text message list and when he paged everyone for a meet there was a pretty good turn out. but we were always doing the samething and i for one would like to mix it up a little. i'd like to get everyone on a contact list to inform all of you when there are meets and install days or BBQs . I'd like us to have a few places we could meet and get good service for food and such and not get hassled by the po po. as hazzard mention earlier i'd like us to get involved with more events and so on. Frankly i'd like to see everyone get involved and help out. Hazzard you said earlier about the autocross and such well you are deeply involved in that so i'd appreciate it if you brought that up at meetings and got others involved. As things were all we did was wait for Dave to page us and then drive around savannah ...hit up starbucks and 2 for 1 chillis. This is a group effort so please instead of bickering about decisions i'm asking that everyone think of ways that they can improve the group.
  27. Sti2781

    Sti2781 Member

    Well said..... Lets figure a date out for the next meet that everyone can attend.
  28. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member


    I'm shocked at where people are wanting to try to take this "club." I've enjoyed meeting people at the meets and seeing what everyone has done to their cars, but seriously, requiring people to go to two meetings a month just to prove that they are a suby enthusiast?!?! If this is where the "club" is going I'll be the first to state that I am EMBARRASED to have EVER been a part of it.

    The person who started this whole thing sells his car and is busy for a week and he gets voted out?!?! Just because he doesn't own a suby anymore means he can't be a suby enthusiast? Um, prejudice much? I love Porsches but I don't own one so I'm not allowed to be a Porsche enthusiast? I don't think so. Many of you were once Honda enthusiasts and I bet many of you still love 'em. Are you not a Honda enthusiast anymore just because you don't own one?

    While Tom should be commended for attempting to impose a little order to this "club," doing a power grab (no offence intended just couldn't come up with a better choice of words) is not the way to appease everyone. If people decide that they wish a change, they should state that they wish to have an adult discussion when EVERYONE who wishes to be a part of this "club" is available. Make it known a couple weeks in advance that a specific meeting to discuss the direction of the "club" is desired and if you wish your voice to be heard, you must be there. Just doing it on a random night is not a way to appease the masses. I, for one, cherish my vote and will fight to retain that freedom.

    Here's something some of you might not realize: while many of us love our cars and think of ourselves as a suby enthusiast, our cars are NOT our life. This is a hard concept to grasp, I know. Saying that if you have a meet and everyone who shows at the beggining must stay till the end is a little tyranical don't you think? If I want to show up and just hang out, damnit, I'm going to show up and just hang out. Are you going to turn your backs to me just because I don't make two meetings a month? I'm juggling my friends, my car habit and other stuff that rank much, much higher than my car ever will. I've shown up for the meetings but, in some case had plans afterwards, didn't much like the ideas of where to go next and finally didn't approve of where the group was going to go. I have not in the past or ever will in the future step a single foot into a Starbucks. Any motion to go to Starbucks will immediately send me packing. So what if some of us decide to split? Many of you have your cliks that you stay in at the meets and don't mingle with the rest of the enthusiasts (don't say this doesn't happen cause it does) and maybe if Mr. White decides to leave he can. Now your saying if Mr. Blonde decides to spend the rest of the evening with his significant other, he's out? Um, riiiight. If I wish to leave, I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to leave. Are you going to keep attendance from here on out to see who is a "real" enthusiast?

    I'm sorry if I sound a little mad but I think people have an impression of what this club is supposed to be and are forgetting where the roots of this "club" are. This was organized as a way for people to meet, discuss their cars, get help about anything, network amongst their peers and just plain have a good evening out with their fellow man. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. If the "club" move in the direction that many of the prior posts are specifying, I'll be the first to jump ship and not look back.

    I hope this brings forth more discussion and opens this up.

    I know many of you will feel the need to defend yourselves and I wholy expect the first response to be a defensive post. But all I want is for each of you who read this to THINK about where this club should go and post your ideas keeping in mind of how it will affect others who wish to be a member. I will respond to constructive feedback about this post only as it relates to the clubs longevity and direction. To those who wish to criticize me personally (and I wholly expect it) about this post, don't bother. I hope we are all adults and will focus on the club for that is what evidently needs great attention.
  29. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    Long, but is a good point.
  30. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    I know it's long but it's the only way to make the point and I apologize for the length but I find when I start writting I have a habit of continuing on and on and on...

    Thank you for agreeing. But I was expecting something defensive so you blew that theory out of the water. I think I've spent way to much time at NASIOC and expected their immediate retarded responses. I forget there are civilized people out there.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2006
  31. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    u guys used seemed like u had a good thing goin on in the savannah area... please don't let petty politics ruin it
  32. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    Al(Pomorski), i agree with you.
    You made several valid points in you post that summed up what i was thinking all along.
    At the very least, we need everyone together to discuss this, but apparently we will get the chance at the BBQ at tom's house. just please make sure that we have enough warning so we can plan for it.

    anyway, we don't need to let this ruin anything. the forum is not really the place to discuss it, because it is hard to determine meaning sometimes in text. i really like the fact that we are starting a local community down in savannah. yeah, we have different cliques, but doesn't every enthusiast group?
    i do agree that we need to be more organized down here, and we need to be able to get the word out to the people that aren't on the forums better than we have been. either that or get them on the forum (trying to help out w/ that 1000 member goal milo).
  33. clbourq

    clbourq New Member

    hey love to make it to these meets as much as possible. unfortunatly, I work...a lot. I work Monday - Thursday from 9:45am - 9:30pm and on saturdays the same time. I have fridays and sundays off (for autocross of course). I never really get a chance to make it out to any meets even though I really want to. The install days sound awesome as I have a few things that I need to install and am not exactly sure how im going to go about doing so. I will keep checking back with ya'll to see how this club is coming together and to see if I can ever actually make it out to a meet.
  34. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    thanks :)
    the savannah chapter has been a great addition to this board... actually it was started up at the recommendation of jason (bluetwo) who helped a lot to spread the word about us in savannah

    now every growing community gets sucked down in politics... thankfully this has not happened to WRXatlata... so far, u guys have shared our mentality and showed all of us here in atlanta that there are people just like us in savannah...

    maybe im wrong but this smells a little like a power struggle to me... please don't let such events ruin your growing community...
  35. suby113

    suby113 Member

    I just wanted to put this out there once again! This in no means was a power struggle I did not decide this for my self the group did. All we are trying to accomplish is a serious Suby enthusiast group and a tight group of friends. And once again I wanted to stress that we need to uphold the same laws regulations and feelings like the rest of WRX atlanta,since we are the savannah chapter you guys seem like your missing this point!the decision was never finalized! these was never meant to be political but you guys are making it that way. Also some guys aren't as involved as most of us are we are just trying to make it a more seriously tight nitted group and if you have a problem with that then go hang out with the F-body guys, they hang out when ever and aren't serious but I'm guessing they are enthusiasts to an extent! We are just trying to take it to the next level and franctly some people are holding us back. I have alot more to say, The next meet will be Saturday night August 5th at the BBQ I will post this on a seperate thread and get the word out but who ever does not show up to this meet will not have any say since they did not make it a point to come. You know I was trying to make this club more like the rest of the ATL guys but seems like some people have a problem! I'm just ready to say if you guys don't like whats transpiring then make your own group! I want to have a tight group like the ATL guys and be able to have everyone over periodically for BBQ's and Installs thats all along with going places and doing things, Its just to bad that some people can't see that! I personally for one can say i'm fed up with the non seriousness about things and the "I" mentality and not the group mentality that we should have and also I'm ready to drop this whole thing! To much is being blown out of proportion!

    hey clbourq there will be plent of meets and install days just let us know when you can make it and we will try to accomodate.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2006
  36. Pomorski

    Pomorski Member

    First off, I fixed your post so it's a little more legible.

    I can see by Tom's response where he wants the group to go. I can get into it here but I don't believe it's wise as the tone of voice is unable to be replicated as I care it to be but I do need to say something. Tom, you mistook my post as a direct attack on your ideals surrounding this group. This is do, in part, to my not thinking that what many of the previous posts were implying for direction of the club was the right way to move forward. What I see developing is a "no girls allowed" club where you need to know a certain handshake to join. If I'm wrong, correct me; but, in the post I quoted above, this is where I see you are heading.

    I again stress that my desire is not to inflame people mentalities but I see this is what has happened and I apologize. My original post's intentions seemed to have been mistaken and hopefully can be rectified at the BBQ but I fear that it will turn into a pissing contest, people will become defensive and every one will leave in a huff. I'm torn with going and being the cause of a ruckus by stating what others are unwilling to state or letting you enjoy your BBQ. My desire to allow the group to continue in whatever form is chosen far outways the chance of creating animosity towards each other and creating greater rifts than there are already.

    I'm viewing this entire situation as the devil's advocate and tried to vocalize what I see and what others may have been...afraid to state. I'm not afraid to vocalize myself and I will. Sometimes I'm wrong and sometimes I state what even I don't agree with but still needs to be said.

    This post ended up far longer than I originally intended and now I leave it in the hands of all of you. However, I still stand by what I stated yesterday: the group is moving in a dangerous direction and will fracture if it continues in the manner people have expressed. I've stated my bit and if everyone is willing to have an adult conversation without the raising of any voices I will go to the BBQ on Saturday. I do NOT want this to become a pissing contest and have someone throw their hands up in frustration and walk away when there is a chance for consensus building.

    I would much rather see this group continue on without me in a different form than be responsible for it's demise. Yes, I have not been as actively involved as I hoped to be but I feel as if I made at least a couple friends there which is what the original intent was.
  37. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Pomorski I agree with you and no the club is not going the way you think at all. At the BBQ we will all talk it out and get in agreeance with each other for this whole thing to work out right! And in return we will have a tight nit group of friends that I consider Family. And also nobody is being kicked out or pushed aside everyone is able speek their voice.
  38. Indica029

    Indica029 Member

    wow i tried to post and clear things up and don't check it for a day and look what happens....ok let me try this one more time then i really don't wanna see you guys argue about this cause it's silly....the club hasn't changed...there is no power struggle.... no one "took over" the only thing that happened was that some of us who wanted to add more to the club stepped in...but let me be perfectly clear...anyone who owns a subaru,,,owned a subaru...wants a subaru....or just likes them is always welcome to hang out when they have time to come. just to shoot the shit. the only problem i had with the way things were was that we had to depend on Dave to text message everyone for anything to get a good turn out... and dave being a busy guy i figured this was a good choice. now if dave wants to still have meets that's awesome ...i'll be there. and if any of you feel this was some sort of treason and don't want to come to any events tom has then i'm sorry u feel that way. I like Dave and i hope he comes to a BBQ or install day or some event that goes on. So i'm asking all of you "please" with sugar on top. no more drama. please send tom a private message or something letting him know ur contact info so we can plan something to do.
  39. deuce189

    deuce189 Member

    i'll apologize, i'll admit i got alittle steamed. Anyways Indica029 and Tom convinced me that nothing is goin to change, i plan on goin to the bbq, anyways i wanna bring up somethings concerning track days and auto-x events. Wanna plan on having months notice to any kind of track day event and for those of us who like to auto-x maybe organizing a prep night before the sundays of auto-x think it'll be alot of fun.
  40. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    I wish that all of us in Atlanta were as tight as you guys down there. In the earlier days it was a pretty small and tight group (pretty much the moderators now) that met up on a weekly basis, as the site grew the meets became larger but less frequent.

    Being a 'tight' group is about being anything but exclusive. Allow people to come and go at their own schedule, this site has always been about a friendly sense of community, not an oaths and commitments. If some of you want to make a more serious car club with actual requirements, thats your choice but make up your own name, have your own site, do your own thing. I'm not saying to leave this site because you're all still valuable members but you should still be friendly to the other members of the site.

    And on the topic of the leaders still needing to drive subarus, you all should have come to the meets where JT would show up in the Avalanche and me in my F-150 (see Warehouse meet 05 pics) because my WRX was down; we have the same commitment to the club because its our friends, not necessarily the cars.
  41. 03bugeye

    03bugeye Member

    Can i just say wow!!! I have not been on this site in awhile, but heard from a few people to check this out. Every single one of you have made valid points and every single one of you have the right, and should do so, to voice your own opinions. Look i deff. know that tom, ben, dustin, myself, or even dave C. wants this to be a group of friends that get together shoot the breeze and have a good time. All that was said is that leader pocesses qualities far more so than the average guy and so he should. There is alot of things believe it or not that go into making a sucessful anything. Now, not that dave hasn't, doesn't or never will posess such qualities, because he DOES, i think we are trying to say that he is just a very busy man and it might just be better for a change. I read something funny about " no woman" HAHAHA i thought this was halarious..look if i was fortunate enough to have a woman at the moment(or spell for that matter) She would be the first one invited to every meet, i think its important to get them involved so that perhaps they arn't always so mad that you go off and do "guy" things, i mean if toms having a cookout, what a better way then to have all the woman there to hang out and get to know one another as well, hell they may even cook for us guys!!! I mean come on, we are not going to have a "tight ass" attitude about who or what is brought to our group, and leaving at some point should be 100% acceptable as long as you made the meeting if you were in town. Well i dunno where im really going with this but i hope i cleard up something for a few of us on here...lets not destroy a good thing, lets just do are thang!!!
  42. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    How much for the women?
  43. dsm&asubee

    dsm&asubee Member

    we really need to see about get 2gethers at hutchinson. srs gets it every 3rd sunday of the month as i understand it. now that we have our new fearless leader, and some sort of structure to the mahem, theres prolly a better possibility...any info, ideas, comments, or complaints, please pm me.

    DONT HATE!!!:hsnono: my subeedoo is broken right now. i am now in the dsm. should i not be allowed to come either? mandatory meets are hard when you have family. i live in beaufort, SC and work in savannah. i spend most time with the 'ol lady in beaufort. however, any meet that i can convince her to let me go to, i am there in a split.

    this should be a volontary, fun, and prosporous entity in which (correct me if i am wrong) dave, and others that i am not familiar with, began. david seale brought me into the the crowd before i went to iraq when it was just a few dsms and some subees. i dont really agree necessarily with combining forces with other clubs "per-say," however our meets could have a better likelyhood of prosperity. if i had it my way, it would stay subee/dsm (seeing as though they ARE owning EVERYTHING on the road:naughty: )

    trying to take membership should not be an option to a certain extent (extenuating circumstances...i.e. lost a car to an accident, in "limbo," etc...) i am a spec on the wall, however i make a conciensious effort to make the meets as much as possible. dont take it away from the ones that love because of "lack" of participation or "lack" of ownership.

    ...and thats all i have to say about that.:420:

    PS if you were once or still are a honda enthusiast, you must be packing cuz you definantly are not overcompensating for anything. i own a v7 subee and a 1g dsm...i have higher goals and less of a bill to achieve them;)

    she doesnt like leaving the hizzie while she is pregnant....period....for anything....ever. she also likes a/c (which i do not entertain in the rusty, trusty 'ol lasermobille):wiggle:
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2006
  44. STI LW8N

    STI LW8N Member

    I will voice my opinion when we meet up in person.
  45. suby113

    suby113 Member

    Dave seems like you took this the wrong way as we'll. We figured if any body would understand it would be you. The rest of the group just figured you were to busy to deal with the club/group and wanted someone else who had more time. just so you know It was never my idea or intention to run the group it was kinda thrown in my lap. But just so you know I have been doing the best I can to get this group rolling in the right direction, and serious direction if that... Just want our guys to be the Savannah chapter of WRxAtlanta and to uphold the ideas and beliefs of wrx atlanta!:p
  46. STI LW8N

    STI LW8N Member

    I am not upset by any means Tom, I just don't understand how someone, or some people can make a decision for me without consulting me first. This club is first and foremost all about the people, and not the person who runs it. Let's let it be for now, and not cause any ill-will towards anybody. We should discuss this furthermore in person. Thanks.
  47. suby113

    suby113 Member

    ok thats cool man i'll talk to ya later dude! :p
  48. dsm&asubee

    dsm&asubee Member


    you guys are sooo cute together:keke:
  49. Sti2781

    Sti2781 Member

    I honestly think this thread should be closed...... Alot of people took things out of context, and some things might not have been said. Lets start over have a great turn out at the BBQ, and actually talk about pushing forward.

    I would ask the moderator to close this thread.............
  50. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

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