It's about time...

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by AUTOwrXER, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    Thanks, and no problem. I just wish we weren't wrenching on it between every run. It's hard to believe that we beat on it for 3 weekends before this one and had no issues. I think the clamp is failing as it feels like the threads are stripped...

    Nice meeting you too. The guy from S3 magazine who Tommy took for a ride wants to do a story on the car now! Good PR for the sponsors.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2006
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    nice :bigthumb:
  3. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    guy almost drove it into a dirt hill.. earlyer he drove off the course:eek3:
  4. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

  5. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    This is on the same day as the Evolution School correct? Can you compare the two for me?
  6. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Novice School is good, cheap and effective. You will get many runs, and will learn how to do the basics of Auto X. Evolution School is a bit expensive, but well worth the price. You will have an instructor that has usually competed in Nationals, they will walk you thru all te basics, course layout, how to look ahead, etc...

    If you have the money, and are serious about Auto X, the Evolution School is the best thing you can possibly do. Novice Schools are pretty much just a day of Fun runs, with a little instruction here and there.
  7. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    Thanks for your help. I'll make sure I'm at the Evolution School.
  8. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    The Evo School is great. You will learn alot. I have always compared my times with Milo. Before I did the Evo School, he would generally beat me by about 10 seconds or more. My first event after the Evo School, he still beat me, but only by about 2 seconds or less. Hugh improvement after doing the School.
  9. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    Our region schools are good, and they are getting better this year. We have a novice chief who has really put some effort into improving the program, and Heyward (chairperson) has backed him up. The quality and quantity of instruction will vary depending on who you pair up with. I'll be the first to admit that there are some instructors at our schools that have no business instructing (though Heyward is trying to eliminate that). There are also some people that want to pair up with you in hopes that they'll be able to drive your car at some point. I usually pick one person per group to work with, and stay with them throughout the day (sometimes I will pair them up with another instructor of my choosing if I think they have learned most of what I can teach them). Basically, you will get lots of seat time, but the quality of instruction will vary depending on who is in the car with you. Try to pick out an instructor early and ask them to work with you.

    That being said, the Evolution school is much better. You have about 1/3 as many people in the school (which is why you pay about 4x as much). Every instructor is a VERY good driver, and many are national champions. You will get more seat time and you are gauranteed to get good instruction. The instructors will also drive your car with you as a passenger, which is what made the biggest difference for me. Rob Faulkner whipped it around the course twice, and I was instantly about one second faster. For me I went from being an also-ran to competing regionally for the HS title.
  10. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    Registration for the novice school is open now! Hurry up and sign up if you are planning to make it. These fill up quick!
  11. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    +1 for the novice schools, I went to both last year. I'm forking out some extra cash for the evolution school this year :).
  12. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    Mere - I think you'll get a lot out of the Evo school. For you I think it can be that "next step" that we are trying to create locally with the Driver Development Program. The advantage is that they're only working with 12-16 people in the Evo school, and we're trying to work with 40 in the DDP.
  13. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned


    Is it best to use the v710s for the evo school? This is what we were planning to do, as that is what she is running for events, but I read somewhere that you learn more on street tires. What is your take on this?

  14. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    I really think you should run the tires that you plan to drive on at events, as long as you understand that they'll get some significant wear. Part of the experience is finding the limit (as a driver and as a passenger), and that will be very different on street tires. Just so you know, the course is very short and tight, so even though you drive 20+ laps you won't get the same wear as you would with 20 laps at a regular autocross.

    That's just my opinion. The idea behind street tires being more beneficial is that they will teach you to be patient. With the course as tight as it is, you'll need to be patient regardless of the type of tires.
  15. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    I hope to see a good group of you all on Sunday. Sign up now if you haven't already.
  16. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    and make sure u guys register for the WRXatlanta challenge... link in my signature
  17. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Brian and I will be there.... I'll be running in the morning and the afternoon. I'm glad they are changing around the afternoon run groups, although I didn't mind watching brian snag cones for two hours ;)
  18. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    any autocrossers who are planning to go to the warehouse meet. Please put your numbers on the cars so we can promote the relationship between SOG and the SCCA
  19. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    good idea... also anyone with the WRXatlanta autoX numbers, wear them proudly :bigthumb:

    team solo guys: do u think u guys could set up cones from the bluffs to SOG... i was thinking along the lines of a 30 mile slalom :D
  20. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    Has anyone here that's tried to sign up for the Evo school actually received any kind of confirmation about their attendance? I thought I signed up a long time ago, but seeing as how the school is Saturday and I haven't heard anything since March(ish) I'm starting to get a little concerned.
  21. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I e-mailed a few times without response for a couple of month, but I received this today:

  22. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    Thanks, so I'll get something tonight... hopefully.

    Did you get anything last night/today? I didn't. I'm starting to get worried.

    I still haven't heard anything from anyone yet letting me know if I'm in.

    But, in case you didn't see, from, there's been a small change in venue:

    "The regional novice school and the Evolution Phase 1 school planned for this Saturday (6/10/06) will be held in the Turner Field BLUE lot rather than the Green lot. Please tell any others you know who are registered."
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  23. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    That sounds like Jean...

    If you registered for the Evo school then just come out. The instructors will sort it out on-site if need be. Jean needs someone helping her organize the Evo schools badly (and checking her grammar as well).
  24. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Here is her latest info that was e-mailed to me:
  25. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    A week and a half until the next event. I'll be there, but maybe not in my car. I blew a turbo oil seal on Sunday, and I'm out of town this weekend so I won't have much time to tear it down and put it back together. I'm hoping to drive Mike White's EP Civic ;)
  26. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Jay Parcon is going to drive my STi at next points ;)
  27. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Damn I just sold my spare VF39 too.
  28. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    I want you to write down EVERYTHING he says about driving your car. It'll make you a much better driver.

    ...and then you can send me a copy, too.
  29. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Jay beat the snot out of my car at an autocross. You could smell clutch for the next week.
  30. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Everything Jay touches goes sideways, I'm hoping my car will too ;)
  31. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    I'd bet money on it!

    I'll be there on Sunday, but Stompy is on hiatus for a while. The motor needs to come out. I either cracked a piston ringland, or floated a valve (4 weeks ago) and then the turbo oil seal let go. I got the intercooler and intake manifold off last night, and there is oil everywhere. I'm thinking the turbo oil seal is tha cause of the smoke. I'm still not certain why cylinder #1 is down 70 psi, but it may very well be a floated valve from over revving at Huntsville and DC.

    For all other STi owners, check your motor mounts. They break way too easy, and when they go it's far to easy to get 1st instead of 3rd. When I checked mine (which was too late) one side was split and the other had backed out the bolts almost entirely.
  32. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    I just updated the calendar in my first post to reflect that the 9/10 AMS event is now definite. I got confirmation from them on Thursday that we have the site. It's an awesome lot, so you should try and make it if you can.
  33. AUTOwrXER

    AUTOwrXER Member

    Just wanted to bump this up for all of those looking for autocross info.

    Next event is on 10/8 at the Fairgrounds.
  34. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i'll be there :)
  35. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    hahahaha, milo at an autocross? I thought sundays were for sleeping off your hangover.

  36. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    only last time... close friend's birthdays>autoX

    in fact another friend is having a birthday that same weekend... hopefully this time the celebration is on friday
  37. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Sounds good. I hope to see you out there this time. I miss seeing you guys at the events like last season.
  38. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    u have no idea how much i have been missing autoX... i was planning on a turbo upgrade this month but i missed autoX sooo much that i decided to put it off for a bit...

    sad thing is that since the subaru challenge was supposed to be that saturday, i asked my friend to plan her party saturday night... now im gonna have to see if she can move it to friday
  39. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I might try to make this. I haven't done one in a couple of years. I kind of miss it.
  40. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Definately will be nice to see you out there. October is a great month for AutoX, 5 events in 4 weekends :)

    Oct 1st: Middle Georgia SCCA event
    Oct 8th: SCCA Points #8
    Oct 15th: BMWCCA #6
    Oct 21st: Subaru Challenge Gainesville, FL
    Oct 22nd: SCCA Points #9

    I hope to see more of you guys out at these events.

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2006
  41. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    Anyone going to the BMW event in Greer for SCR-SCCA?
  42. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    If it wasn't the same day as the SCCA Points #9, I would go. It was fun last year when I went.

  43. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I will most likely come out this weekend. Doubt I will run, but I will come out for Moral support and to watch. Maybe I will run. Just not sure about the computer, then again, I can always just shut it down. Guess it will all come down to how much money I will spend drinking Friday Night.
  44. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    This weekend? Did I miss something?
  45. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    Nope.. nothing until Oct 1st, unless you are going to nationals...

    CHEMSOLDIER27 Member

    :bigthumb: Its awsome to have you aboard!!! Welcome to WRXatlanta!!!:bigthumb:
  47. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Next weekend, whatever.
  48. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    unless ya'll want to come to savannah (yeah, i know, quite a long drive). we have our autocross this sunday. if anyone is interested in the schedule.

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