dude don't worry can be hard but you need to stay focused and and just sit back and see if she comes back. Not sure as to the advice I can give ya since I don't know the circumstances but hang in there dude.
wow, man sorry to hear it...I would say try to reconcile with her somehow.. hopefully that's still an option....you are in college though right?...j/w
yes im in my final few semesters. .. ive ben dating her since HS. Seriouly though i dont were goign to get backtoeger and i really want to just die. i feel so terrible its indiscribale
yeah breaking up with your HS sweetheart can be tough....my relationship didn't last too long in college....there's a lot of changing during that time of life and sometimes people just drift apart...but hopefully that's not the case with you...try to stay positive...maybe she just needs a little time..IDK
there ya go !!!! :bigthumb: ...just don't get drunk and try to call her :hsnono: ..I've made that mistake too often
We've all broken up with that first girlfriend... it sucks, but go out and get shitfaced with a friend and it helps. Later on, go boink some other chicks and it'll all be fine.
Oh shit dude youre down town. Man this is easy, call a cab and go to the PINK PONY get drunk look at naked chicks and then take a cab home at 4am. I'm sick or I would come pick you up. Damn now I want to got to the pony
Yep. I think the vast majority of guys on this site have had that long first relationship go belly up. I know I did. 3 and a half years later I met my wife. Things have a way of working themselves out. One thing I can tell you though, when you're hurt emotionally its important not to do anything crazy. Remember, lifes tough, its tougher if you're stupid...
Listen very carefully, PINK PONY, they are open till 4 am, its like surfing for porn except it touches you back. Youre fairly close to the Cheetah too which is also fun.
I went through a rather devistating break-up my freshman year. It took me forever to get over her. My best advise is to not try to even stay friendly with the girl. I mistakenly went this route and I'm positive it made it so much worse. This is definitely a time for you to hang out with guy friends. Go out, stay busy, do anything to kepp your mind off her. I would avoid talking to or seeing her, and when you do, be careful what you say. I look back at myself and get embarressed at some of the stupid shit that I said. It's tough man, but it's the best way to get over her. Don't try to get her back unless you did something wrong and think you can make up for it. If she ends up realizing she can't live without you, then deal with it then. And if you need it, I'm usually down for a trip to Athens. Girls everywhere +10^9999999
I went through the same deal last spring, just keep yourself busy and get your mind off of it. There are plenty of girls that will make you much happier.
The biggest and most important piece of advice I can personally give you is: Don't let it get you down to the point of being depressed, and move on and find a woman who is twice as good as your old one and when she sees you, she will say Dammmmmm......You will find a woman, believe me... Mark
lol. aw it really sucks due to the fact that i really thought i was going to marry her. well i guess life moves on right now im actuall ysmoking(never done it before) and i mean i wish i still hdnt lost my friends casue of her
^^^ doh! didn't we say don't do anything stupid? No need for a new bad habit(smoking). If a girl makes you give up your friends she's got issues and it would've sucked anyway.
she used to make me soend EVRYDAY with her and bye bye friends and now shes liek whyare u spending everyday with me.. i mean seriouls wtf is wrong with girls
sorry bout that dude but to keep a girl that long thru college is feat in itself so take two shots :beer::beer:give her the thumbs up:fawk: and have a ball this weekend.
Substance abuse definately gets your mind off of it but dont make that the reason that you're smoking. Are you 21? We should have a little Tech meet at Rocky Mtn or something sometime soon.
I will tell you what my ole Segeant told me after I broke up with my fiance years ago...she is obviously just a fucking lesbian if she didn't want a stud like you! Seriously, it sucks. I dated a girl through most of college and was engaged to her for a year. She got pissed and told me I was a monster because I would not keep paying her parents bills in addition to putting her through college (on a cop salary at the time) as well as keeping a roof over our heads. she broke up with me, I booted her ass to the curb and was happier in the end for it. I was crushed for about all of 12 hours. My Sergeant told me that and I realized I had the rest of my life ahead of me. Since then I met my wife and got the coolest chick in the world! She is even into cars! Go out have a couple flings with anything with 2 legs and, well the rest of the "correct" equipment, and just make sure to continue your life. You will meet a better one, trust me! Grad from college, start making tons of money and you will have chicks lining up to throw their panties at you! Not to sound to wacky, but it just was not meant to be. Slam a couple rounds for me, avoid illegal shit and realize you will have more time for dicking with the car and hanging with your friends!! Trust me, best time of the life is in college, enjoy the rest of it! I didn't see it at first either until I met my current wife!
thanks milo. and everyone i think thsi has seriouly made me feel better about my self. thanks! im so comming to EVERY meet!
Ya drunk yet?!?!? Hate to say it but the internet is your friend! I met so many chicks after my ex on there....actually met my current wife! I would post a pic, but she would kick my arse! If you swiing down by D&B Friday she should be there though as well as at Nopi...there really are some hotties on the net!
Dude I know exactly how you feel. I dated my highschool sweetheart for ever. Things were great and I was about to propose to her. Then she got all crazy and started cheating and doing stupid stuff. We broke up and I am happier for it. College is a crucial time in development and a lot of time people just drift apart. Just sit back and take this as a learning experience, women suck. The good ones anyway hehe But seriously take some time to sulk and be sad get ready for some purging. Go out with friends, go bang other girls, be successful and show that bitch what she lost. Only thing that has ever helped me was time and my friends. Try okcupid.com Great site. I've met a ton of girls and girlfriends off there. I've also met some my bestfriends from there aswell. Even still it's fun cause they got all these tests and shit. Try okcupid.com Great site. I've met a ton of girls and girlfriends off there. I've also met some my bestfriends from there aswell. Even still it's fun cause they got all these tests and shit.
Believe it or not I actually met most of em on AOL. I would just look up chicks my general age in the area. Just make sure to get height, weight and a pic! Helps a lot to have one of your self as well. I can't count the number of chicks I met on there, lol. I only ever met 2 chicks out of god only knows how many in bars or whatever...rest were either on the net or at fraternity parties from my fraternity. Net was very very good to me! Hell I just met other chicks for a week tright after breaking up with my ex fiance....funniest thing ever was the look on her face when she came over 2 days after we broke up to get the rest of her shit and found me getting a full body massage from some chick I met on the net!
the best advise ive heard yet! im 30 and been through alot of longterms. not even sure the one im with is the one. just remember ther are many fish in the sea!
OH OH and don't think of the good times. EVER! You dont want to associate any more good feelings or emotions with that person. Otherwise you'll never get over her. And yes that means no more wacking off to your ex
wess if we had rep points you get a +100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
LOL, i havent wacked off in 2 weeks =/ lol other than that i mean i wan tto SO forget about her but i mean it sad that everythign reminds me of her even my car!!!!! but i love my car its the only thing thats given me more than ive given her
Internet cuts the crap out...ya get the pics, talk for a bit and get a feel for them...then when you actually meet em, you know a bit about them. Nice part is you can get 5 first "dates" going at the same time, weed out the ones you think are just not for you...by this I mean you can be talking to like 5 or 6 chicks at the same time, determine that some are just not anyone you want to meet and avoid going on a date with someone that you would not want to go out with anyway...other option is get drunk, go down to the local chick hangout...Athens was good to me too!....and ask 50 of em out in one night. 1 is BOUND to say yes!! (Never tried this last method, not responsible for any slaps, kicks or protective boyfriends. I did have fraternity brothers that did and actually have some sucess though...just had to deal with the slaps, kicks and protective boyfriends!)
I went for the ritual dumping method...had all the things that were my ex's or reminded me of her in the trash after the first week...all at once, no looking back. She had all the stuff she wanted out by then. Then, curse the loins she came from, she came back a couple weeks later and stole my 150 lb rottweiler, Sabo. I loved that dog more than her! THAT sucked!!