STi owners

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by wrc-3000, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. wrc-3000

    wrc-3000 New Member

    hey guys, I'm in the market for a STi and plan to buy one pretty soon. I've lurked around all the regular boards for the past two years so I'm pretty familiar with the car. I was curious to see if one of the members on this forum wouldn't mind letting me check out their STi up close. I've never got to ride in one before so I'd like to ride along or at least just get to talk to someone in person who knows alot about the car. I'm located in Marietta, let me know if any of you guys/gals would be willing to help out. thanks
  2. slug

    slug Member

    from what i understand alex wouldnt mind anything up close :gaysex:
  3. slug

    slug Member

  4. slug

    slug Member

    kidding aside these guys have g2g's just about every week, and i think alex is usually always there. he drives a blue sti and im sure he would have no prob letting you admire it
  5. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    where do u live give me a call, i may even let u drive it, but warning u will buy ine when u do

    4047679654 work
    4049697635 cell
  6. sti4u2nv

    sti4u2nv Member

    hey there. I live in kennesaw and work at lockheed, so Im in your area. I never pass up an opportunity to show off my car. I'm gonna stop by sams club today to get gas, you can meet me there around 2:45. PM me before 2:30 though.
  7. wrc-3000

    wrc-3000 New Member

    thanks for the quick responses guys.

    rolling_trip: where exactly is villa rica, sounds familiar but I can't remember. I live in Marietta, but I work close to downtown

    sti4u2nv: wish I could stop by but I'm stuck at work till later. I live on SPSU campus so you're definately not far from me. maybe we can meet up some other time.

    as an aside, what do you do at lockheed? I graduate in 2 weeks and I've been trying to get a job out there.
  8. sti4u2nv

    sti4u2nv Member

    I'm a sructures design engineer. I usually leave at 3:30, so let me know any day. I'll be gone next week, so any day after that.
  9. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    I work in college park, right next to the atl airport, and villa rica is west on 20 past douglasville. iw ill be around the house this weekend, just let me know
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member


    Sure, you can have a look at mine. Mine is prob. the closest to stock on the forums (just a DP, but have many other things waiting @ Top Speed). Lemme know, I live in downtown @ Ga Tech.
  11. wrc-3000

    wrc-3000 New Member

    rolling_trip: I'll give you a call if I think I might come by, I might be going fishing with some friends out in Douglasville on Saturday

    Alex: what are you studying at tech? I've got a Formula SAE meeting on the GA Tech campus monday night, do you think you might be around?
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    When Monday night?

    Send me a PM, I'll hit you up with my cell.
  13. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    there are plenty of STI owners around on here.

    You've come to the right place if you want to meet some friendly WRX/STI owners.
  14. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    and some of us actually have cars that run:D
  15. Genya

    Genya No Longer Up At Odd Hours

    Usually would show the car anytime here, but car not on road atm lol.
  16. aworkmon

    aworkmon Member

    Hey, I l'll be back in Kennesaw May 7th, and I'll let you ride in mine. It's pretty far from stock, but you will at least see what they can do.

  17. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    that was a low blow. You will all bow to the speed wagon when its done.

    Chris:bowdown: Wagon
  18. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member


    you know I have the love :bigthumb:
  19. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    jusy kidding man u will have to take me for a spin whe u get it back:bigthumb:
  20. wrc-3000

    wrc-3000 New Member

    thanks for all the offers from everybody. hopefully sometime soon i'll be able to meet up with one or more of you guys. i graduate from college in two weeks and i'm a team leader for a formula racecar team at school, so i stay pretty busy. when and where do you usually hold g2g's?
  21. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    just keep check the boards, im sure we will have so sort of a G2g, maybe we can at SOG(to visit Bobby's Wagon:fawk: )

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