just got a blow off valve, I can't seem to find where mine is on my sti, anybody got a clue, I need to know how to install it. Thanks, :wiggle:
Also, before you install it please consider that it has zero performance benefits and might actually hurt performance.
Thanks yay I feel smart, I told them thats where it was but they didnt' listen. I bought it might as well use it. From what I understand you lose around 5-7hp but gain throttle response. Donno if it's true but thats what I've heard. :wavey:
the power u lose will be right after a shift since (1) you will run rich and (2) u are not recirculating air through your turbo to help keep it spinning... factor (1) is the bigger culprit... it shouldn't improve throttle response at all
If you need help installing let me know. If it is recirculating you will prolly want to pull the IC to be able to get to the hose easier... It is real easy and can be done in about 5 minutes once you get it down. I would suggest getting the Samco IC hose kit and do it all at the same time. That DOES benifit throttle and boost a bit and they last longer to boot!
If you want to sell the Greddy one at the shop, I have the HKS SSQ with the bracket and hose for sale. I'll even install it for you