I finally decided to dig out the Scrambler. It took quite a few hours to dig it out from under 8 years of ‘garage stuff’. I had forgotten how cool it was. As a bonus it even gave me a reason to use my truck for something other than holding down the concrete in the driveway. Do I have a 4x4 problem? Hopefully the pic's are small enough now.. second try.
Woo hoo, someone else with a jeep. Nice looking Jeep! I will have to admit I havent even had my top off of the jeep yet. I should be ashamed. Ever venture on to http://www.southernjeeps.org/
My brother is a marine and used to own a jeep so when he was out of town doin his thing he would ask me to "take care" of his jeep :keke: so i would take the doors and top off and ride... lots of fun
Paulo, one of the Partial owners of Topspeed has a sweet Jeep. It has a hugh lift kit on it, enormous tires.
Thanks. On the road again. I want everything to be able to move when I want it to on it's on. I'm trying to clean the place up and hopefully put me on the road. I'm tired of living here. Not enough garage space for toys. I want a 1 bedroom house with a 6 car garage.
Grr... Mud makes me cringe. Last time I took my jeep mudding I ended up having to replace the Tranny... yowsers, somehow my warrenty covered it hehehe... Mud bad!