so i had to go to court to end a speeding case (details of which i will not get into right now)... the judge was insanely strict but my lawyer was awesome and he managed to get me an awesome deal... in fact one other guy who showed up with a similar offense decided to defend himself and was publicly rediculed.... anyways, here's the punchline... turns out that my lawyer is a subaru lover too... i told him about the site and he will be checking it out... if all goes well, we might be able to work out a deal for WRXatlanta members with his firm would a lot of people be interested in seeing this go through? not that anyone should be speeding or breaking the law in any way but its always good to have legal help handy... if theres enough interest, we'll try to get something worked out
Sounds like a good idea if we can do it. Hopefully noone will have to use the guys service, but if they do, it would be good to have a decent contact when the issue arises.
Whoa, that would be offense to him, i hope i will never need to hire him! Sounds pretty cool Milo!
exactly... nobody should need his services but if anyone does, it would be handy... he specializes in traffic law but his associates handle all sorts of stuff
I might be getting in contact with you fairly soon if he's affordable. Get him on the site, sounds like a valuable asset.
i would be interested. I was wrongly charged but lost my fight about 8 years ago and I could've used assistance...
Reminds me, if you are pulled over for speeding, you are supposed to ask to see the radar/laser gun. Why...? To see if they are lying?
i believe the law allows you to ask for proof of your violation... i strongly recommend you do this if the situation ever comes up... i got a ticket in TN 3 years ago and the officer wrote me a ticket that was 8mph over what he had locked in his unit anyways, lets end the threadjack
i know i paid $300 (one time fee) and he showed up at court 3 times... if there's enough interest, we might be able to work out a special for WRXatlanta embers... he was real good and organized and was on top of things at all times done
Side note, you can ask the officer to check the calibration of the radar/lidar but he does not have to show you the actual number (gun) unless he just wants least in GA.
I could use advise on what im about to go through, Im actually going to go see an lawyer weds to disscuess what im doing and see what im missing before i go to court.
I would be interested in having a trusted legal source to turn to, should I ever need it for traffic issues...
i'd absolutely be interested in having a lawyer on the site...hope if he joins he doesn't get too bombarded with questions...but it would be nice
I was in contact with him today over a speeding ticket, and he gave me some great advice! Here is his e-mail to me: He sounds like a good guy, and from what he did for Milo, he can work magic too! I'm happy!