Tragedy at Drift Fury

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by D_K, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. D_K

    D_K Member

    A guy was hit by a car that was drifting today.

    I didn't see the accident but I saw right when the guy landed on the ground.

    ..but apparently the guy works for some company (?) and he was supposed to stand by the light post and take pictures..then I guess he got to close to a car that was in the middle of a run and got hit dead on... Everybody was saying that he smashed his head in the windshield and flew at least 15ft in the air before hitting the ground... it was rough..and terrible. :sad: can you imagine whats going on in the drivers head? ...the person that got him was very very lucky that he didn't get caught under the car..things could have been worse

    Later that night I heard he started talking again.. which was a BIG relief. :)

    They stopped the whole show and everybody had to go home.

    The thing is that they didn't have EMTs fire trucks..NOTHING..and in an event like this you would imagine this would be on the took a good minute for the EMTs to arrive..although the driver isn't at fault..the sponsors of the event (exedy clutch,importatlanta..etc)..the people who had the event are in for some deep sh*t, i would imagine.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2006
  2. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    wow, i cant believe they didnt have any EMT there, it's a big event isnt it?
  3. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

  4. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    I'm not sure why there wasn't an EMT there on the spot but one did arrive within two minutes of the incident. It was most likely the EMT from the auto-x event in the other lot. And there was a police officer there for the entire duration of the event. There was definitely no lack of urgency or professionalism when all this happened this afternoon. I was standing 10ft away from the photographer when the EMT arrived and by the look of it there was nothing they could have done better if they had gotten there sooner.

    His name is Matt Campbell and I have shot photos and video next to him at several of the drift fury events. This is heresay due to the fact that I was shooting video on the other side of the lot at the moment it happened, but it is collaborated by most of the witnesses from the event: The "photographer" was checking his photos on the lcd and or shooting with his camera and facing away from the on-coming driver. The driver lost control and the "photographer" wasn't aware of the path the car was taking and was struck by the car. It was definitely an accident, and no one - not the driver, the photographer, or the event staff should be blamed for it.

    From the last I heard the "photographer" was conscious and well aware of himself and surroundings. He was injured, no need for details here, but he was stable at the hospital.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2006
  5. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Not to be an ass, but I should hope so. I can't imagine the driver trying to tag someone.

    Seriously though, my condolences go out to him and his family, and I hope he gets through without any major injuries or problems.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2006
  6. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Don't worry about it...the driver was very shaken up aswell.

    Just saying that accidents do happen and covering events like these with video or photo is risky and we are aware of that.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    it is extremely important for anyone on the course (photographers, corner workers, etc.) to focus 100% attention on nearby cars... i have seen too many corner workers miss fallen cones because they are busy in conversation or watching another car... tragedies like the one at DF are rare but are a possibility...

    i hope matt is doing ok
  8. Mrs. Slowwrx

    Mrs. Slowwrx New Member

    shit. id hate to be in dan and tracys shoes right now.
  9. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Let's just hope that everyone comes out ok from this accident.
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'm not entirely sure why not having the proper safety requirements at that event does not surprise me; however, I am glad to hear that he is making a recovery.
  11. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    There is no EMT on site for SCCA events, the police officer is hired by turner/SCCA/drift fury to provide security and stop people from walking off with wheels or tools. I am glad to hear that the young man wasen't killed, I hope he makes a full recovery.
  12. Mrs. Slowwrx

    Mrs. Slowwrx New Member

    I hope Matt is Ok.

    I have never been to an autox or a drift event that had an ambulance.

  13. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I hope that Matt will be alright also...I was really surprised to hear that there are no EMS personnel at the events either...He will be in my prayers...I hope that SCCA does start doing that though...What a tragedy...

  14. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    If SCCA has to pay for a EMS at every event, it would be expensive. I don't believe AR region has ever had a injury at an autox ever...
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2006

  15. Ive shot almost every Drift Fury with the exception of the past two. Basically if you have a media vest, you are allowed to go "almost" anywhere. There were photographers right near clipping points in the past, even videographers that set up camera right near cones, and were allowed to stand there. Shooting SCCA, im required to have a spotter, which is pretty great in a way. Im not always able to see what is around me but with an extra eye, it is very easing to the mind.
  16. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Yes there has never been a problem at drift fury. A flawless safety record. Usually we have time to take a breath between drivers and keep an eye out for the next. Also you get used to the drift line of the cars and can judge quite well where the car will go even when spinning out or when they gain full grip again. But nothing can help if you aren't even facing that direction.

    I think spotters are a great idea...also i'm used to having more than one photographer and or cone getter near me to give me a heads up (and I thank them for the close calls I've had in my career thus far).

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