Lesson learned with exhaust install

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Demo24, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    Always have a gasket on hand, and always make sure the bolts are the same/right length.

    So I bought myself a Prodrive Axle back. Finally got around to putting it on last Tuesday. All went well except for two things. The first was that the original gasket was unsalvagable. My thinking at first was that I would beable to use it instead of having to get another one. The secound was that the guy before me had lost one of the bolts. Instead he replaced it with another one that wasn't really long enough and also not the right thread. Somehow he forced the nut onto it, but also ruined it. However I was running late, so I left the exhaust on there with 1 bolt and no real gasket. Good GOD was that loud! I sounded like Milo going down the road. :rofl: Made me really nervous, cause it was too loud for me and I thought I was going to have to sell it.

    However today I made a quick run to Home Depot. Grabbed myself a bolt and nut, and conviently the gasket had arrived. WOW! What a difference that made! Much quieter, and my ears can take a break. Louder than stock especially at idle, and driving around in 1st gear. However get going and the rumble receids into road noise. You can hear it, but its not overly loud. I suspect my radio will beable to mostly drown it out. But it's fine for me.

    Does feel like it flows better as well. Course I really, really need to do an ECU reset so it will stop hesitating.
  2. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Can't believe the gasket was shot allready on an 05'.... musta been a pisser.... Glad you got it worked out though.
  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Those things always are borked. That's why you invest in some copper gasket sealant :)

    Congrats on the new muffler :D
  4. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    Yeah I have a tube of that stuff Alex.

    The donut gaskets between the sections are classified as 1 time use. It means if you pull it apart you are supposed to replace it.

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