Ahh! Help! CEL on stock STi

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by Brian, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    It just came on tonight and I don't think any subaru repair shops are open tomorrow. The CEL is steady and the "cruise" light is flashing. I followed the manual's instructions for resetting the cruise control, but it didn't clear either light. And I just went outside again to check and its still happening.

    There are no other symptoms and everything else seems fine. Any suggestions? I'll be taking it into service Monday in any case. Urgh, this is why I got rid of my POS VW.

  2. PapitoSTi

    PapitoSTi Member

    Disconnect your battery, that will get rid of the CEL for now. It will come back. I have a palm pilot with software that can tell you what the CEL is. Did you do any new mods? Like a downpipe.
  3. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    2.2 Khw ohm (i doubt it tho bc its an sti)
    the bung extender for the o2 sensor on the downpipe
    some other cel.

    just go to autozone and they can tell you what cel it is for free.
  4. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    Mine did the same thing yesterday, to reset it u have to remove the negative terminal, i think it had something to do with MAFS
  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

  6. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Thanks for the replies. I lost my internet connection for part of the weekend and couldn't check. I've got an appt @ Classic Subaru this morning. It's fairly close to work.

    I checked the other thread and "whew". Glad I'm still stock (and don't have to buy a new block out of pocket). This is why I like to wait a year or so before mod'ing a new car.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    woah... dont go to classic !!!!!

    we have plenty of members with bad experience with that dealership
  8. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I left for Classic from work and was back in 40 min! An itermittent bad coil pack they had to order a part for.

    What was the nature of the problems others had there? Maybe a forum link? Jerry was my SA and everything went well. Except maybe the checkout queen being a little rude.
  9. rolling_trip

    rolling_trip Active Member

    when u disconnect the battery, does it wipe the error from the ecu or just clears the cel? i would like to find out what happened to mine sat
  10. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    The CEL finally turned off for the trip from work to the dealer. I was like "crap, now there's no problem". The computer still retained the code. If you reset it by disconnecting the battery I'm not so sure it will though.

    Disconnecting the battery may temporarily clear the CEL, but it won't fix the cause.

    " It knows what you do. It knows where you live. Your car's computer is smarter than you. Fail to appease it, and you will pay"

  11. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    even if the CEL disappears, the ECU retains the code history... if u reset the ecu, the history is reset also

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