What kind of luck do i have? I am sitting dead stopped in traffic on I-65. I just merged into the far right lane from merging lane. I'm sitting there for about 30 seconds and i see this car whip from behind me trying to get in the middle lane. Not seeing me shes going at least 20 mph and i was dead stopped. She slammed into the back of the Suby. My car is so messed up. She hit me so hard my car went dead. she hit me that ****ing hard. My car had to coast to the shoulder of the road. She was in her fiance's 2006 mitsibishi eclipse. She just bought a house and is planning her wedding. Too ****ing bad. I instantly filed a claim sitting on the shoulder of the road. I need names and numbers to the best shops in town. My car was drivable so i drove it home.
The place that is working on my car has to take it apart to do an estimate of the damage it was that bad.
actually, it looks like the crumple zone of the body did its job marvelously. I'll be really surprised if there's any major suspension damage. Looks like all body work to me...
She lives in Birmingham, Alabama..... that sucks, I hope you are ok, and not feeling too bad a couple days after.