Probably not, but intriguing to see a Boxer Diesel....
There is also so a good wright up in this months Diesel Power mag on the subaru diesel, should be a great engine. I can't wait till it comes out I think I might just do a motor swap after all!
Well I'm up for a diesel subaru. Hopefully being a boxer doesn't hurt its power potential. Kind of wondering what transmission they would hook up to it? Would it mean that they would finally have to give the 5spd a really good revision? Unless the diesel is just really anemic in terms of torque I would imagine they would have to.
If you look at it this way, the US is years behind Europe / Asia in fuel efficiencies. Take Audi for example, they're running their LeMans cars as pure diesels...low and behold, they are still taking podium finishes. The whole point of this is to help demonstrate that diesel isnt as shitty as people once thought it was. This, of course, is considering the fact that Merc and Audi have redesigned the diesel entirely over the last few years to be a fuel efficient torque monster.
Maybe they will make the 5 speed tranny for the diesel so we can upgrade! I'm willing to bet it'll be a 6 speed STi tranny though.
The boxer has always been great for performance. Moreso in terms of torque than in similarly sized in-line engines. (at least from what I gather from reading) VW has considered the boxer a great engine for WAY longer than Subaru and so has Porsche for that matter. Maybe Subaru will hit a home run with the diesel boxer too. I'm sure the Outback buyers would get into it and after all Outbacks are kind of Suby's bread and butter.