2: JJ and Alex

Discussion in 'General Community' started by AGL_7882, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. AGL_7882

    AGL_7882 Member

    saw JJ around 2:45 goin down medlock. im pretty sure u saw me too. cars lookin good, what kind of springs are you on?

    saw Alex around 9:30 somewhere around Ray's.

    :wavey: :wavey:
  2. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    haha thanks, got Tanabe GF210s on. when did you get your tails darkened?
  3. AGL_7882

    AGL_7882 Member

    Alex did them 2 days ago
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Dude, are you always at Ray's? :D
  5. AGL_7882

    AGL_7882 Member

    haha, well we were at atlantic station so...
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    You know you want to just say yes...
  7. AGL_7882

    AGL_7882 Member

    fine you win

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