Rota Wheels Group Buy

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by JPM Coachworks, Dec 18, 2006.

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  1. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    Ive been talking with a few suppliers and trying to work out the kinks in a few different group buys. Rota was first on my list so...would anyone be interested in ordering a set for christmas? :) I'd like to shoot for 5 - 10 orders, if you're interested please reply to this thread with the wheel style, size, bolt pattern, color and I will check the availibility for ya.

    As for pricing, please reply with your request and I will PM you with a quote. Generally, for this GB, the prices will be 10% beneath SubyDude's. Regarding when...(assuming this is post holiday shipping rush hour), it should take about a week (5 business days) to get from the warehouse to you guys. In addition, I wanted to add that I can do tires as well (most brands). If you'd like to include tires into your order, we're underneath tirerack by a few dollars as well :wavey: If you'd like them to be mounted and balanced to your brand spankin' new set of rotas, its an additional cost.


    This group-buy will close Friday, the 6th of December.

    Interest for Rota Wheels Group Buy!

    1. Alex | Bronze 18x8 Rota P1s 5x114.3 et48
    2. JJang12 | Steel Grey 17x8 Boost 5x100
    3. goixiz | Hyper Black 17x7.5 Torques 5x100
    4. mmtasy | 17x8 Boost 5x100
    5. AirMAx95 | Gold 18 x 8 Tarmac 3 5x100 et48
    6. intergroid | FSB 18 x 8 Tarmac 3 5x100 et48
    7. Fafnir | Hyper Black 17x8 Torques 5x100 et48
    8. SOsejIbOi | FSB 18 x 8 Torques 5x100 et48
    9. SubiNoobi | RGM 17 x 7.5 SDX 5x100 et53
    10. seeingred | SVN

    Green = Confirmed
    Red = No longer in this gb
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2007
  2. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    I'm definately down for this. but HOW MUCH and WHEN??

    17x8 Boost in Steel Grey 5x100 bolt pattern
  3. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    LOL that was real quick reply
  4. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    I'll call and get pricing and such. Expect a PM from me soon :)
  5. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    depends on $
    Rota Torques Hyper Black 17x7.5 5x100
  6. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    alex, dude, you should totaly go for those 17x9.5 p45r's freakin 285's on that bitch.

    are we gonna see any type of discount or anything?
  7. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    urgh, i would love to get in on this, but i am about to buy a house, so i don't really have any money left over.
  8. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    I'd love to, but unfortunately tires of that caliber demand too much green and wheels of that size are going to put me right back into rubbing issues. I want to roll the fenders, and I will, at some point, invest in a 2nd set of wider, track ready rims. For now, I just want something that's stylish, cheap and reliable.

    The prices should be right underneath subydude's. Is there a wheel you're interested in?

    Regarding price inquieries, I will reply tomorrow.
  9. Well if i wouldn't of spent 1400$ on all my camera stuff i could so do this but I'm on a spending pause per the wife.
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Its just wheels, you know you want them :)
  11. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    If the wheels were right at $100 a piece for 17's I might be able to get on this...
  12. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Any chance they can source 1 steel grey rota attack?
  13. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    PMs sent out regarding pricing...
  14. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Pricing for 18x8, 5x100 Tarmac 3 in Gold finish, Please!
  15. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    PM sent!
  16. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    In order for the GB to go through, we're looking for 5-6 orders. If youre interested, now is the time to take advantage of this great discount!
  17. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Can you PM the price on steel gray subzeros? 17"....
  18. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    Sure, pm sent!
  19. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    Bump, lets get this gb going!
  20. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    PM Me price on Pricing for 18x8, 5x100 Tarmac 3 in Full Royal Sport Bronze. Thanks
  21. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    When I get back from the holidays (tues or so), I'll send out the PMs
  22. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    Pm sent!
  23. Fafnir

    Fafnir Member

    I'm interested in the Rota Torques - 17x8, 5x100 (e48, 56.1hb) in Hyper Black, please. Whatcha got for the price?
  24. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

  25. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    so where will this GB be closed??
  26. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    We were shooting for 5 or so confirmed in's. Thus far, I do believe you are the only one to 100% confirm their interest. I am still waiting on replies from most of those on that list above.
  27. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Why can't you post the price and that might raise more interest?
  28. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    If you are interested in a wheel, then, let me know and I will get you a quote. The prices are beneath subydude and tirerack.
  29. SOsejIbOi

    SOsejIbOi Member

    hmm .. pretty interested in rota torque (FR Sport bronze) .. wheels only ..
    i have a 05 wrx ..

    whats the price range??
  30. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    What size? PM sent...
  31. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'd like to close the GB this week, and would like 5 people confirmed for the buy. If you are 100%, please PM me to let me know and I will mark you down.
  32. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Rota SDX

    Subydude has Rota SDX's 17x7.5 et53 5x100 56.1hb in flat black and full royal sports bronze. SD also mentions that other color options are possible.

    Would you be able to get a hold of this wheel with those specs and with a polished lip? If so, I would be seriously intersted. This wheel is the closest to exactly what I want, but for some reason I really want a polished lip.

    I might want some tires too.

  33. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    According to them, what you're looking for is the royal gun metallic finish (gun metal w/ polished lip). They have quite a few sets of that color, however, they are all for 5x114.3. They is Rota USA btw. I can see about ordering you a set if you are seriously interested.

    We can do tires no problemo.

  34. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Bummer. Since I can't use 5x114 and I really wanted the 53 offset, I think I'll have to pass on the royal gunmetallic.

    Thanks for checking on that though!

    BTW, did they have any in the 53 offset? (Rota SDX 17x7.5 et53 5x100 56.1hb in flat black or bronze)

    If you happen to remember, but don't go out of your way to check. I really don't need to be spending money on wheels right now anyway.
  35. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    Man... I know that many people are interested, but not that many people confirmed the order. Alex, I'm gonna order my Stoptech BBK. I'll ask Mike how long it will take to get delivered. If this GB doesn't end, i guess I have to go with other choice. Let me know how everything goes.
  36. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I'll look it up in a few minutes and send you a PM. Andy, I'll send you a PM as well, we can work something out :)

  37. JPM Coachworks

    JPM Coachworks Registered Vendor<br/>Its delux son, delux. Supporting Member

    PM's sent!
  38. seeingred

    seeingred Member

    I am interested in the rota's svn. Not sure you guys have it yet. How much are they for a set of 17x7. Please let me know. Thank you.
  39. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Ive never heard of it, it isnt even on SubyDude's site. I'll call today and ask.
  40. seeingred

    seeingred Member

  41. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Yeah we can get them :) Ill have a price for you in a few hours, just got off the phone with Rota.
  42. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    At this point, I should be able to fill all the orders. Fafnir, SOsejIbOI, SubiNoobi, seeingred, if you are 100% interested, I will have quotes sent out to you tonight. I want to close the GB on Friday w/ at least 5 orders.
  43. seeingred

    seeingred Member

    how silly of me.. newbie here

    I know I wanted some wheels. But I am not sure how to find the right size. So newbie question here. What do you guys think is the right size/best size of wheels for my stock car without having to do any type of additional work to the car besides fitting the wheels on the tires and putting them on and making them look awesome. I have a 2006 impreza wrx. Please advise.
  44. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Well I'd recommend 48+ offset (stock is 50something). 18 x 8 should fit no problem in that size with a 225 - 235 tire...The question is do you want a 17 or 18" wheel? I can also have tires wrapped to your new wheels if you're interested as well.
  45. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    can you get 1 rota SDR 17X7.5 5X100 48 offset 56.1 STLGREY? even subydude will not respond to my email requests.

    thanks :)
  46. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Yeah, it shouldnt be a problem Will.
  47. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    I may be interested but I'm not sure which wheel I wish u could post some of the prices, may also increase interest
  48. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Just sent out nine pms or so, check your inboxes :)
  49. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Its like I said originally, the GB prices are 10% beneath SubyDude's. Have at it, I am discounting everything. Tire prices are a few dollars beneath tirerack as well.
  50. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    I can't get more wheels this time around but next time perhaps. maybe i should sell my stockers since i never use them....
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