I was behind this car this morning on Ebenezer rd. this morning. A friend of mine I used to work with put the turbo, injectors, and Ecutek ecu in about a year ago so I know whats in the car. Just wondering if the owner of this little monster is on the board?
I think he is the manager of the Blockbuster across from Sprayberry High. I stop in from time to time but never when he is there. Looks schweet...looks like a C-West kit as well huh?
Yeah, it looks nice. A random customer that came to my shop on Friday came in ranting about him b/c while he was renting movies they got to talking. The guy brought it up to a service advisor b/c he noticed my car next to the building in it's usual executive parking space. The customer said the subie owner was claiming 500hp and he was saying how that was b.s. until he found out the guy looking at his truck owned the one outside!