This might be the wrong section, but I couldn't post in the WRXatlanta track day section. I missed the TGP track day last year. Are there any plans to have one again this year. I've been to two Panoz track days at RA, but am anxious to try TGP also.
I am down for more track time as always, I say we see if we can co-ordinate with another club like s2k atlanta, that way we can go to a good track like CMP or Roebling. Matt
TGP is reopening on the 2nd iof Feb, I am in the works of getting us out on there soon Yeah, the WRXatl track events section is set to only where mods / admins can create new threads, as they are official club events.
What is the normal cost per trackday at TGP Ive been wanting to track my car for quite some time... i may give in this year, if i can afford it.
...and I'm beginning to think you're afraid to run at the track. Get that thing tuned so you can take it past 3K rpms!
I know the local mustang club will be holding a track day this summer TGPR; last year they had a good amount of extra spots that they opened to non-club members. For $125 I got a ton of track time, a free t-shirt and lunch served at the track. It was a great deal and nice people too, well they did want to put cinderblocks in my backseat too slow me down
I believe it was a joint venture with SVTOA-Atlanta and the Georgia Regional Mustang Club. I didn't have my suspension/brake work done yet, so I didn't go. I think SVTOA-Atlanta is trying to plan a Spring track day there again this year, but nothing definite yet.
Hell yes! I would love to go to talledega and be the slowest out of y'all! It's gonna be an absolute blast, i've always wanted to go for a track day. Hopefully my car will be nice and tuned up by then and the fury of the NA 2.5 can be unleashed ha!
And you should! You'll learn so much and have a blast regardless of how "track ready" your car is or isn't.
I just got off the phone with the track owner. He said actual opening date is still weather dependant... they're taking soft bookings, but they are not guaranteed. When they start taking firm bookings he will call me. I have 5 days to book right now 2 SRDEC's and 3 open track days. Don't worry the WRXAtlanta Track Day is going to be the first SS
anyone that has driven TGPR before should definately check out the video they have of a bike going around it with the new part, it looks very fun.
Here's a video Ryan, Milo and myself put together last time we were at TGP. Watch it! ...erhm, let me see where I put it.
definitely interested, maybe this will motivate me to install few suspension parts P.S. if anyone is up to install few parts any time soon, please help, I will not cheap out on food/drinks thank you.
Alright so I had to reup the video as Ryan's hosting is dead I guess...
All depends on how much you slide it Slide it lots - use lots of rubber Don't slide it too much - don't use much rubber. Come on tires you plan on destroying, have fun SS
That's the truth. Several on this thread saw me up at Road Atlanta in December with near-stock. At Road Atlanta, they mark the turn-in points and corner apexes. Do they do the same at Little Tally? DD
Hard Book me! I am in for all 3!!! otherwise, what's the point of having 400 hourses if you dont ride them from time to time??